Fusu bid farewell to Fang Pian, but let Fang Pian take away a few Jianyong.Fusu is not familiar with secret prisons.Similarly, even Yu Chan was not familiar with the entire prison.Take the reckless lead of the three hundred tired soldiers of the rebel army to attack, where the possibility of damage is the greatest.That's why Fusu had to do his best to lead Fang Pian all the way to observe the wounded barracks in order to get his heart back.After all, using force to subdue someone like Yuchan can be subdued, but you can't use force to deal with an arrogant person like Fang Pian.The more capable a person is, the more arrogance they have in their hearts.In ancient times, these talents were well-learned in the ability to sell for a price, and Fang Pian did not lower himself because he had the intention of selling for a price.After all, in the final analysis, Fusu's self-esteemed talent could not be calmed down by the foundation that Fusu revealed at the beginning.

When Fusu showed his abilities, he also used his identity as a prince to suppress this middle-aged mountain unicorn who was still unsuccessful.In Fang Pian's heart, the desire to sell for a price was gone, and what was replaced was the worry of being rejected by Fusu.

Right now, Fusu wants to take Fang Pian under the tent, and he also wants to take Fang Pian, who is not very strong, into the tent.At this point, Fusu's process of solving the Mohists is only half completed.In order to further win Fang Pian's heart, Fusu did not send his own guards to monitor.Instead, let Fang Pian choose Jianyong as his follower.These retinues are the power that Fusu assigned to Fang Pian, and of course they will not be taken back in the future.In fact, it showed extraordinary magnanimity. After all, daring to trust a pawn and quickly entrust him with important tasks, this magnanimity and courage are not possessed by ordinary people.

Fusu has been thinking about how to deal with the secret prison ever since Yuezhi said those words.Now Fusu has a plan to rescue the Mohists through the confessions of Jiangzu, Yuchan, Laotou and others.However, the success rate Fusu calculated in his mind was not high.If there is no internal response, even if Fusu makes a sneak attack, the success rate is only half.

In the next two days, Fusu will launch an attack on the army guarding the mausoleum. At this time, there is not much time left for Fusu to rescue the Mohists.The most appropriate plan is to connect the two things together. After raiding the secret prison, if successful, they can continue to raid the tomb guards.If not, they can only storm the secret prison, rescue the Mohist people, and then with the help of the Mohist Wuling designer, wander around in Wuling and use their knowledge of Wuling organs to fight against the tomb guards.

As for what Fang Pian said about the alienation between the head of the prison and the jailer, Fusu didn't pay much attention to it.When any struggle of internal contradictions encounters external pressure, the internal contradictions will be suppressed immediately, and they will be unanimously external.After all, everyone inside the secret prison is on board the big boat of the Yu family. If Fusu wants to overturn the whole boat and they fight endlessly, it can only be said that Fusuyu stepped on shit luck and met a Pig-like opponents.

Therefore, Fusu didn't pay much attention to what Fang Pian said about colluding with the greedy and despicable people inside.He just said that he would support it, so he let Fang Pian play it by himself.Leading four or five followers, I don't know if Fang Pian has the ability to deal with the jailer in the secret prison and rescue him.In other words, persuade the prison guards to surrender.

Fusu continued to inspect the wounded barracks, feeling a bit overwhelmed.I couldn't help but smile wryly in my heart, after all, my body is not made of iron, so I must rest.But Fusu couldn't take a rest at this moment, and he was calculating in his heart that he still needed to inspect the surrender camp.

The surrender camp was where Fusu held two hundred guards. As soon as he entered the surrender camp, a foul smell hit his face.Fusu frowned, but said nothing.The auxiliary soldiers who were prisoners in these places would not clean them carefully.Although it wasn't too dirty, it was no worse than the Injured Barracks and the camp owned by the soldiers.

After inspecting the camp of the surrender camp, Fusu found that the guards didn't look very friendly to him.After all, Fusu's own subordinates were contaminated with the lives of several jailers, so it's normal not to be liked by the subordinates.Looking at the hostility in the eyes of these soldiers, Fusu knew that these people would not be available in a short time.After all, the situation like Fang Pian cannot be replicated.For one thing, there weren't so many talented people who could let Fusu make gestures to deal with them without wasting much effort.Secondly, most of the jailors still have the same interests as the Yu family after all, involving many people, it is extremely difficult for them to defect from the Yu family.

Seeing the howling soldiers in the soldiers camp, Fusu couldn't bear it.I calculated the location of the wounded barracks in my heart, but felt dizzy for a while.Seeing that the wound seemed to be cracking, Fusu gave a wry smile.It seems that even if I think about how to be dedicated, my body can't hold it.

He simply didn't think about so many gains and losses, stood outside the cell, and said to the soldiers inside: "I won't say much. I don't have so much time and necessity to explain my kindness to you. You guys Just remember, you are the people of my Daqin, the people of my Ying family. Therefore, even though you are loyal to the Yu family and the rebels. But according to the Qin law, if the verdict has not been handed down, and you have not continued to commit crimes, I will I will give you the treatment of the people of Daqin. Yuchan!"

Fusu's voice was not heavy, and even seemed a little soft because of his weakness.It's just that in Yuchan's heart, he didn't slam the hammer hard, and kept beating.Hearing Fusu's call, Yuchan suddenly felt refreshed.Loudly said: "Master Hui, your subordinates are here!"

Fusu pointed at these wounded soldiers and said: "You arrange people to tear down these fences. Since you have unarmed, you are not an enemy. Why do you need to take such precautions? Food and clothing are for comparison. The auxiliary soldiers are lowered, but they are indispensable. What they deserve. And..." Fusu suddenly felt drowsy in his head, and his words slowed down a bit.He secretly pricked his fingertips with Yuezhi's short dagger, lifted his spirits, and continued: "Also, these soldiers are all the people of my Great Qin. Their lives are pending, and I will give them to you." They were all snatched from heaven. You can set aside a part from the wounded soldiers battalion to treat the wounded among the surrendered soldiers. Remember, they are all my citizens of Great Qin!"

Under the complicated eyes of all the jailers, Fusu turned and left.Fusu walked lightly, and he didn't know how much impact Fusu's words had on everyone's hearts.Wars have been cruel in ancient times, and it is considered merciful not to mention killing soldiers. If Fusu treats soldiers as leniently as Fusu and even uses the meager medical resources to treat them, after a thousand years, only Fusu will be alone.

What's more, Fusu insisted on holding on to the words "Daqin Citizens", which made all the jailers feel ashamed, and their loyalty to the Yu family was shaken while their faces were burning.Fusu came from later generations, adhering to the views of later generations, and did not have in his heart the thought of despising human life and ignoring people's livelihood in this era.Therefore, it would not have occurred to him how much impact his words would have on the hearts of everyone.

There are different opinions about the death of Qin Dynasty in later generations.But there is one, which may be the most suitable from the perspective of ordinary people.That means Qin Ting has lost the support of the people, and the people don't have that sense of belonging to Qin Ting in their hearts!

When the heroes of the world revolted one after another, Zhao Gao still imagined that the land of Qin could be preserved, thinking that since the old lands of the six kingdoms were the most troubled, the Emperor of Qin would not do it, and the king of Qin would be replaced.It didn't take long for Zhao Gao's fantasies to be shattered by the cruel reality.From Emperor Qin to King Qin, Qin land still could not be preserved and was taken away by Han.In the meantime, maybe Qin's fate has come, and the heavens have fallen to Qin.But in fact, the Qin people in the entire land of Qinlong have lost trust in Qin Ting.Qin Ting has fundamentally lost the support of the Qin people for no longer supporting this government that can only extract the wealth they finally depend on for their livelihood.It is no longer the grand occasion when hundreds of thousands of Qin people assisted the capital with weapons, food and fodder when the Six Kingdoms attacked Qin.The people of Qin have no sense of belonging to the court, and without support, who will maintain such a dynasty?

When the Qin Dynasty was in the second generation, the tax was increased to two-thirds of the people's harvest, and the time of service in one year was even as long as more than half.According to the statistics, people will work for the government for free for 20 to 30 years in their lifetime.How can such a heavy burden keep the hearts of the people from leaving.

At present, although the Qin Emperor is still there, the order and finances of the empire are still functioning.Compared with the largest empire since the previous generation, it still has the posture of a dynasty in the world, conquering the south and the north, and the country is prestige.But under the glamorous appearance of the empire, abscesses have begun to appear.

Longxi is located in the frontier of Qin and Longxi. It is only a few hundred miles away from the heart of Xianyang. It should be an area where the central government directly influences and deters. Thieves attacked the heart of Qin.

But in fact it is not.An example is the fact that the Yu family has 1 soldiers in a short period of time.Even if [-] people are soldiers in the Yu family faction, how can the remaining [-] be explained?It can only be said that Qin Ting's ever-increasing taxes and extended corvee made the people of Longxi's resentment towards Qin Ting accumulate to a terrible situation.Only in this way will the Qin people who dare to die for the country and never turn back rebel against his country!

And Fusu's move, which he didn't think about at first, regained some lost popular support for Qin Ting with Qin Ting's attitude of protecting the people of Great Qin.These surrendered soldiers who had originally betrayed their motherland were shaken in their confidence in rebellion. Similarly, Fusu's move began to dig out the deepest root of the Yu family's rebellion.

Of course, at this time, Fusu still didn't know the profound impact of his actions.At this moment, Fusu's body had just been put on the bed before he fell into a drowsy sleep. For Fusu, he had not had enough rest for two days.The reason for doing this is that Fusu felt that as a prince, as the future Emperor Qin, he could not ignore the death of his pawns at his own hands.In any case, these are the people of Daqin!The simple truth is that Fusu certainly would not waste energy thinking deeply, even if necessary, Fusu would not have the energy.

Looking at Fusu who had fallen asleep, Yue Zhi's eyes overflowed with tenderness.Sighing lightly, he washed Fu Su Haosheng, covered him with the quilt, and turned to leave.

At this moment, Fang Pian has just arrived at the secret prison, and seeing the familiar door of the secret prison, the situation is beyond Fang Pian's expectation.

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