Back to the Qin Dynasty as a prince

Chapter 114: Leading and Tail

Behind the soldiers, Yuzhi was safe and sound, but roared furiously, and shouted: "Rush, rush! This group of thugs only have fifty crossbows in one round, so there is no need to be afraid. Hurry up!" After roaring, Yuzhi However, he was ashamed and angrily found that the crossbowmen had not advanced much.The concentrated shooting for a few quarters of an hour had almost exhausted their strength. If it wasn't for the temptation of victory and the temptation of the leader, they would hardly follow up and fight.At this moment, I found that the original soft persimmon has become a hard iron ball, how can I rush forward foolishly and fearlessly?What's more, even the generals are timid and afraid of the enemy, why should they charge forward?

Yuzhi guessed the thoughts of these soldiers for a while, and suddenly his eyes were darkened. With a wave of his hand, a hundred guards with sharp swords drew the back of their swords at the three hundred crossbowmen: "Come on, the general has an order, Anyone who dares to retreat, kill!"

Sure enough, under the threat of death from the sword, the crossbowmen knew that the general Yuzhi had suppressed his anger to the verge of eruption, so they dared not be dull anymore and rushed forward.

It seemed that the unspeakable prayer in Yu Zhi's heart had been fulfilled, and the threat of the crossbowmen of this group of thugs began to weaken, and stopped after a round of fifty crossbow bolts fired for a period of time.At this moment, the eyes of the crossbowmen of the Mausoleum Guard suddenly brightened.

Yu Zhi's original fear dissipated immediately, and the temptation of victory was like a fresh and charming beauty after stripping off her clothes, twisting her body and beckoning in the distance.Although Yuzhi harbored timidity in his heart, he would not remain timid forever.This kind of person will be cautious when facing strong pressure, will be arrogant when facing weak enemies, and will become "brave" in vain when he sees an irresistible temptation.

"The whole army assault!" Yu Zhi suddenly thought of something: "It is true that the whole army assaults, the guards will follow!"

Yu Zhi tried his best to distinguish something, as if he wanted to express his determination to fight this time.He rushed to the back of the crossbowmen with a guard of 100 heavy armor officers beside him, indeed, it was the back.Of course, Yuzhi doesn't want to be a hero. As long as he can defeat this group of thugs and cut off their heads, he will have enough military exploits to get out of this damned place.Yu Zhi, who was only three seven years old, was in his prime, but was sent to this ghost place by the old man to tell him what to do to practice.He has been in this ghostly place where he can't even find a woman for too long, and he urgently needs a military achievement of sufficient weight to get out of this unbearable place.That's why Yuzhi wanted so hard to come down and wipe out a group of so-called thugs.

However, the strength and tenacity of this group of thugs far exceeded his expectations. In his opinion, these thugs should be quickly defeated and killed by themselves under the impact of each god-like iron block.However, out of his expectation, this group of thugs carried it down abruptly with a force lower than that of the tomb guards!Even though the round formation was about to collapse time and time again, even though the attacks of this group of iron men even forced Fusu to allocate the most elite personal guards in his hands to support him, but no matter what, his trump card, the heavy equipment officer, just didn't put this in front of him. It seems that the thin circular array has been smashed.

This made Yu Zhi's originally arrogant heart freeze up, and the speed of thinking in his mind seemed to slow down because of this.Yu Zhi is not a fool, on the contrary, under the gene of a century-old family, Yu Zhi is quite smart.It was also because of his cleverness that Yuzhi felt a dangerous smell, which was a fishy and salty smell, like fresh blood.Of course, the more intelligent a person is, the more afraid of death he is. Yu Zhi is a person who thinks he is very smart. Similarly, his fear of death surpasses all of them.

It is precisely because of this that Yuzhi made the guards around him put on heavy armor that is hard for ordinary officers to find, this kind of full-body heavy armor that covers the whole body and even has face armor.Because the guards are the strongest means for him to save his life.

However, when Yuzhi discovered the flaws of this group of thugs, the joy during the period was indescribable.Just like when you found a high mountain, its magnificence overwhelmed you, so you felt a desire to conquer it.However, when you walk into this high mountain, you suddenly find that this high mountain is so high that you can't climb it at all, and even after suffering a lot, you find that you can't conquer it successfully.So your heart is cold, the bottom of your heart is dark, and the firmness in your heart is also shaken.But just at this time, you suddenly discovered that there is a trail in the mountain. Through this suddenly discovered trail, you can climb up quickly and successfully conquer this magnificent mountain.

At this time, Yu Zhi was like that mountain climber. He originally thought that this was an easy military achievement, so Xing hurriedly took six hundred soldiers and all one hundred guards to the arsenal underground in Wuling.Then, quickly fight.But the reality broke Yu Zhi's original reverie time and time again, and shattered Yu Zhi's dream of obtaining military merit time and time again.However, when Yu Zhi thought that it was impossible for him to defeat these three hundred surprisingly powerful thugs, these thugs actually hid their trump cards as if they were trapped in a cocoon!

Right now, the 200 heavy armor officers in Yuzhi's hands are sticking together with Fusu's light armor officers on the two wings. It is impossible for both sides to draw troops from them to support other wars in a short time.Even the mausoleum defenders on the dominant side couldn't do it, because although Fusu's troops on the two wings were not enough, they couldn't repel the three hundred heavy armored officers.But once the opponent withdraws troops, withdrawing troops in a stalemate without cover, for the Mausoleum Guards, the only outcome is that the offensive collapses and then [-] people poke the chrysanthemum hard in the back.

The mausoleum defenders could not withdraw their troops to attack Fusu's central army array, and the rebel army on Fusu's side could not withdraw their troops to increase Fusu's defense, even if they retreated sporadically.Because once the momentum of retreat gathers, the will to stick to it will be shaken.At this moment, Fusu was able to turn the [-] inmates into veterans who could resist and train for several years.If this will to persevere is shaken, it will definitely affect the morale of the army, and the morale will be correspondingly reduced in vain.Because of a negligence on the two wings, the final result was the collapse of Fusu's small circle, from point to line and then to surface.

The generals on both sides knew that the [-] heavy armor officers of the Mausoleum Guard Army could no longer be used, nor could Fusu's officers on the two wings who were also wearing heavy armor and holding heavy weapons.The place where the two sides decide what to bear is not on the two wings, but only in the middle, where there will be a duel between the generals.

A fight to the death!

Yuzhi didn't know why the crossbowmen in this group of thugs suddenly stopped attacking, but Yuzhi didn't need to know how much harm it would do to this group of thugs.Because, as long as Yu Zhi knows that this time's flaw can defeat this group of thugs in one fell swoop.

Of course, these three or four hundred thugs alone could not extinguish the anger in Yuzhi's heart, nor could it cover up Yuzhi's embarrassment in the face of Fusu's strong counterattack.Therefore, Yuzhi must use blood to wash away the shame that these thugs gave him just now.

First and foremost, of course, is the leader of this group of thugs, the leader of the white-armored thugs who dare to sneer at him with contempt and disdain!

Originally, the total distance was less than a hundred steps, but the crossbowman charged a certain distance first and shortened the distance to only a mere fifty or so steps.Fifty steps, about sixty meters.However, in less than a quarter of an hour, this short distance has become the worst nightmare for the soldiers of the Tomb Guard Army.The crossbow bolts that came in like a storm poured down at least a thousand crossbow bolts in a place that was less than thirty steps wide.In other words, in order to deal with the three hundred spearmen transformed from crossbowmen, the crossbowmen ambushed by this group of thugs prepared at least twenty crossbow arrows for each of them.If it weren't for the group of crossbowmen running fast when they saw the opportunity, the leather armor could still defend against these crossbow arrows that were not very accurate after the soles of their feet were oiled.Even excluding the crossbow arrows that missed and flew, one thousand crossbow arrows were enough to kill two hundred soldiers.But even so, in just a quarter of an hour, at least [-] lightly armed officers of the Tomb Guard Army fell down at least [-] soldiers, and the lightly injured were even more difficult to count.

However, it seems that God made a joke for them.The token originally summoned by Yan Luo was suddenly taken back, and a group of light-armored officers of the Lingling Army who were frightened suddenly found that the opponent's crossbow arrows could not be fired.Although the group of rebellious crossbowmen still maintained their shooting posture, they even aimed their empty crossbows at them.However, these rebels were almost shattered by the blow just now, but they still didn't dare to look up to see that these thugs had already put away their crossbows in this extremely mocking posture!

Then, when Yuzhi discovered this "wonderful" flaw and gathered more than 300 troops on hand to launch another attack.They suddenly found that... this joke from the sky didn't seem so good to them.

Fusu actually abandoned them and went to support the left wing!

This group of damn thugs, and what is going on in the head of that thug leader.His opponent is obviously himself, but he ran to deal with his younger brother when he was about to fight the king against the king?This group of thugs never seemed to play their cards according to the rules, just like in the first round of the fight, he thought that the thugs were going to launch a smashing attack but suddenly changed to a circular defense.Fed up with this kind of ridicule, Yuzhi finally mustered up the courage to know where he was going, howled and drove a hundred guards in heavy armor around him to the entangled melee on the left wing.But at this time, the retreating crossbowmen and the guards behind the crossbowmen seemed to be a little far away, and it seemed that it would take at least a quarter of an hour to gather those retreating crossbowmen...

Fusu had 200 men in his hands, except for the auxiliary soldiers who were not considered formal combatants.Fusu also had more than ten personal guards, and more than a hundred lightly armed officers who put down their crossbows and picked up heavy axes and heavy swords again.The left wing, which was originally entangled in the melee, was in a slightly worse direction than the right wing, and the heavy armor officers who attacked here were also much more ferocious.However, when Fusu threw the array in vain to support him, the more than 150 heavy equipment officers on the other side were stunned.

Although Fusu's circular formation is a circular formation, it is because Fusu is in the center.In fact it almost became a phalanx.Fusu is in the middle army, with the left and right wings lined up on the left and right.The only difference from the phalanx may be the curvature in front of the left and right wings, which is like an arc-shaped array.

The weird shape collapsed when Fusu supported the left wing.In the event of an enemy attack

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