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Chapter 17: Intrigue in Efang Palace [Today's 3rd update, 1st update]

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In the early morning of the second day, Fusu put on his court clothes to calm his mind and adjust his state.Then he got into the carriage and traveled all the way to the new palace.

The Qin kings of all dynasties built palaces and left them around Xianyang, and each generation of Qin kings built one, which accumulated quite a lot.However, the preferences and styles of each generation of King Qin are different. Naturally, the successor behind the palace built by the previous King Qin may not necessarily feel good about it.Thinking about changing it.

What's more, today's Qin Shihuang is the No. 1 emperor who created the world.So Qin Shihuang built the Afang Palace as a court palace to replace the valuable Beiling Palace.

The name of Efang Palace is the name of Efang in the front hall, not just one name for such a large group of palaces.

Using 70 prisoners to build the Afang Palace, Fusu admired his father's courage and appetite.Then Fusu was shocked by the work efficiency of 70 prisoners.When Fusu came out of Xianyang, the front hall of Afang Palace, also known as the court hall, had not yet been built.Basically just for the preparation phase.

However, when Fusu returned to Xianyang, within a month or so, the front hall had already been built for Emperor Shi Huang to hold a court meeting.It is very spacious for all the officials of the central government to enter the Efang.

Majestic, this is Fusu's first impression of Efang Palace.

Very spacious, this is Fusu's first impression when entering the hall, standing alone in the first row of the hundred officials.Seeing Fusu, Qin Shihuang even wanted to bring Fusu a chair to sit down on. Fusu saw that all the civil and military officials in the court were standing, so he naturally insisted on not accepting it.

Leaving aside this small disturbance, Fusu looked into the court hall.The Sangong and Jiuqing are all here, including the prime minister, Yushi and doctor.In addition to Taiwei's hypocrisy, Li Si, Feng Jie, Fu Su, and Hu Hai.Each of the four leads a row.

Under Zuo Wen and Right Wu, the general on the other side, Lieutenant Ze, led a row without saying a word, as if standing in a military posture, and the other vacant seat was the seat of Meng Yi.There are two other vacancies.One is Meng Tian who built the Great Wall in the north and led the northern army to fight against the Huns.The other is Zhao Tuo, the general who commanded an army of 40 and [-] prisoners in Panyu.

The Zhou, Qin, and Western Han dynasties all respected the right.Now the general is on the right of the civil servants, which is enough to prove that the military officials in the Qin Dynasty were more important than the civil servants.But neither Fu Su nor Hu Hai or even Li Si could extend his hand into the control of the army. Maybe they have strength among middle and low-level officers, but only one person in the high-level world can command a million troops Qin Shihuang.

Cuckoo...a cock crow spread throughout the Qin Palace.All the ministers and generals arranged their attire temporarily, solemn and majestic.

At this time, a eunuch said: "The early court begins!"

Qin Shihuang's majestic eyes swept towards the crowd, stayed on Fusu for a while, and cleared his throat: "The discussion begins."

Li Si came out: "I would like to discuss the case of Confucianism and Taoism, and discuss the rewards and punishments for the son to support Su, so as to show justice."

Qin Shihuang nodded: "Yun!"

Li Si went on to say: "The case of Confucianism and Taoism will be judged by Feng Jie and assisted by Fu Su. This merit should be attributed to Feng Jie's first contribution! In addition, to hunt down the bandit leader and wipe out the gangsters. Focus on helping Su, and it should be said that Fu Su is the first Gong. Colleagues, do you have any objections?"

The officials were quiet for a while, and said in unison: "I have no objection!"

Li Si went on to say: "There are yin and yang in the world, and there are rewards and punishments for meritorious deeds. Let's talk about merit first!"

"Feng Jie, presiding judge Fan Cenqiu Xin. If you are successful, you will be rewarded with [-] yuan! Fusu, who will assist you, will be rewarded with [-] yuan." Li Si's cold voice did not contain any trace of emotion: "Of course there are meritorious deeds and demerits. Qianqi and Qianhe obstructed the imperial envoy from hearing the case, dismissed him from public office, and never hired hard labor for nine months."

After finishing what was said later, all the ministers muttered to themselves, why did the reward and punishment of two noble figures involve a jailer?If it's just to show Li Si's justice, is it too superficial?Fusu was also puzzled, secretly vigilant, and did not say a word for the time being.

"Do you have any objections?" Li Si asked

"I have no objection!" The ministers responded.

"Fu Su personally commanded Gong Qi and led the army to suppress the bandits. The leader of the bandit, Xun Jian, was captured and four hundred heads were taken. He has made outstanding achievements. Please discuss rewarding him as the captain of the army!" After Li Si finished speaking, all the officials whispered Discussing, looking at Fusu.Even the generals who have always been uninterested in political affairs are staring at Fusu, hoping to see why.

When Fusu heard this, his heart skipped a beat.Immediately understood Li Si's thoughts: praise and kill!

Li Si wanted to take advantage of this award, take advantage of the opportunity to put himself in a high position, and arouse everyone's jealousy and hostility.He even made Fusu lose himself, couldn't see the way clearly, and floated in the sky.Then suddenly withdrew the force, he rose high and fell heavily.Falling apart, this is a trick!

Fusu secretly said viciously but knew that this matter could no longer be kept a secret, so he immediately came out and said: "Your Majesty, as a prince, I should do something for the country. The money and silk were enough last time. What's more, the guards The captain is a public weapon of the country, and should not be rewarded with merit! And the son is only twenty and three years old, and suddenly he is in a high position, I am afraid that it is not the blessing of the son, please be careful, Your Majesty!" Said and bowed down.Fusu made a lot of eloquence, and very firmly expressed his refusal.

Qin Shihuang looked left at Fusu and right at Li Si, and said with a smile, "Your Majesty, it's not too late to discuss after listening to the prime minister."

Fusu's harsh words didn't change Li Si's face, and he continued with a little but definitely not much smile on his face: "Mr. Fusu has made great achievements, and it is definitely confirmed."

Although Fu Su knew this sentence was not good, he couldn't object to it.There was only vigilance in his heart, and he decided the matter after listening to Li Si's first sentence.

"Of course, there are meritorious deeds. There are rewards and punishments. Those who have meritorious deeds must be rewarded. Those who have demerits must be punished!" When Li Si said this, his words were full of murderousness: "Shen Nong Dashan, turning outsiders into troublesome people! If you don't work hard Careful work, no weaving and production. Instead, they gathered people to plot, murdered the prince, and hid the robbers! It is really a disaster for our dynasty, please Your Majesty order a judge to judge the crime, and severely punish it!"

Fusu finally understood the opponent's purpose: the Mo family.

Leaving aside the entanglement between Fusu and Yuezhi in their personal relationship, it is impossible for Fusu to establish his own private armed system and national intelligence system in the future without the support of the Mo family.

Even in the mountains of Shennong, if it weren't for Tian Fan's decisiveness, the situation would definitely have deteriorated even more, and it is even a matter of whether he can retreat completely.

But Mohism is indeed the weakest link in Fusu politics now.The first point: the Mo family’s background is not clean enough, not only Qin Shihuang is afraid of all schools of thought, but the crime of conspiracy by the Mohist to besiege and kill the prince alone can make Xianyang prison full of Mohist.

Sure enough, as soon as Li Si finished speaking.Li Chen, the advising doctor, echoed: "The minister will reconsider!"

A dozen or so people stood up from behind Li Si's row, and echoed in unison: "The minister seconded the proposal!"

Hu Hai glanced at Fusu, smiled at the corner of his mouth, and signaled one of his subordinates to come out, and a dozen or so officials who cheered came out and seconded: "Minister seconded!"

Suddenly, half of the civil servants above the main hall worshiped, except Feng Quji and Fusu.The rest are all strongly agree!

Feng Quji lowered his head and put his hands in his sleeves.Pretending to be drowsy, it is obvious that he does not intend to participate in this muddy water.Fusu resisted his will to stand out, watching his nose and his heart.

Above the main hall, the low-ranking officials knelt down and bowed to the ground, except for Li Si, the prime minister, who expressed his opinion.None of the other high-ranking officials made a sound, Fu Su Feng Quji was silent, and he didn't even speak, and the rest of the nine ministers were all pretending to be deaf and dumb.Although a group of low-ranking officials are numerous and powerful, they obviously cannot last long.The scene suddenly stalemate.

Qin Shihuang broke the sudden silence on the scene: "The prime minister is right about rewards and punishments for meritorious deeds. But the Mohists should be rewarded or punished. Fusu, you have experienced it yourself. Tell me!"

Qin Shihuang directly ordered Fusu's general.

Fusu's heart was relieved, with Qin Shihuang's words, Fusu's rebuttal was much more powerful: "My father, the Mohists' purpose is to eliminate the great harm in the world. Frugal use, festival burial, non-joy, non-destiny, heavenly will, and ghosts. How can you follow the thief? Moreover, when the army searches the mountains, there are many Mohists to guide them. Mohists often have assistance for food, fodder and herbs. How can such good people be counted? Up to the troublemakers?"

Fusu spoke clearly and clearly in one breath, and took the lead in calming down the scene.Then he said: "As for besieging and killing me, it is not the crime of the Mohist. The Xunjian's disciples tried and fell, stole the order of the giant, and encouraged the people to resist the king's teacher. It is not the wish of the Mohist. Moreover, the Mohist family is self-help. During the public life, he contributed a lot to the country. He is really a national hero, not a bandit!"

Fusu went into battle in person and opened the front.A group of low-level officials immediately appeared behind.Those who wanted to kill Mozhe glared at him and echoed Fusu's words.Although the number is small, the momentum is strong.

Ying Zheng closed his eyes and rested his mind. At this moment, he opened his eyes and looked at everyone. There was no one who dared to look at each other in the venue: "My dear friends, do you have something to say?"

"Chen Lang Zhong Ling Zhou Xiao, I have something to say." A high-ranking official with the appearance of Jiuqing came out from under Feng Quji's surprised gaze.


"According to what I have heard, the officials of the counties and counties have never said anything about the disciples of the Mohists breaking the law. The officials of the common people, when asked about the Mohists, all praise them. As stated in the official documents of the counties and counties, the Mohists are more willing to do good deeds and abide by the law. A few days ago Mo Shoutian Fan once showed his ability to turn the crossbow chariot, and he can fire fifty crossbow arrows in ten breaths. He is really a hero of the country!" Zhou Xiao said in a leisurely manner.Evidently enough work has been done.

Fusu smiled inwardly, the biggest difference between Mohism and Confucianism and Taoism lies in this.The Mo family has been rooted in the Qin court for a hundred years, not to mention the Mo scholars in the local counties, but one of the Nine Ministers, Lang Zhongling, is actually a Mo scholar, I am afraid no one would have guessed.

Li Si's sudden attack was repelled by the Mo family themselves, and the balance of the situation slowly tilted towards Fusu.

Sure enough, Qin Shihuang nodded approvingly: "Exactly, the Mohists have meritorious service. Naturally, it will be a reward. Prime Minister, what do you think?"

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