Back to the Qin Dynasty as a prince

Chapter 2 Burning Books and Confucianism

Shihuang's silence made Fusu feel uneasy. Fusu's own mind suddenly flashed about Fusu's performance in this piece of history

According to the original historical track, after the incident, Fusu Jin, the eldest son of the first emperor, remonstrated: "The world was initially settled, and the heads of Guizhou in the distance were not gathered. Only the superior can observe it." That is to say, Fusu was originally an afterthought, a role that came to power after the matter was over. Now he is called by the first emperor to discuss and test the school. This really makes Fusu puzzled, thinking whether the history books are correct or the history itself.

Or, with the slight flapping of Fusu's little wings, history has slightly deviated from the original track. This made Fusu secretly happy, because he knew Fusu's final fate, and was forced to die in the army by Hu Hai. The reason why he was demoted to the Supervising Army of Shangjun was because he offended the first emperor in the Confucianism incident.

Although I played a little bit of careful thinking, Emperor Shihuang would definitely be able to see it. But at least it was a clear-cut statement of strict investigation attitude. Presumably, history is about to diverge here.

Sure enough, Shihuang glanced at Fusu with a hint of approval, thinking that his eldest son's heart had finally hardened.

"Okay. Come on, I will order Feng Jie, the imperial historian, to thoroughly investigate this matter. Anyone involved in the case will be severely punished. In addition, my son Fusu will assist you from the side." After finishing his sentence, the first emperor looked at Fusu playfully, and turned back. Go. Li Simeng helped Su get up, and after some courtesy, left Fusu who was confused.

Li Si stood still and looked at Fusu carefully, and Fusu smiled back when he saw Li Si interacting with each other. Li Si said to Fusu in his abusive and hoarse voice: "I hope you will strictly investigate the villain according to the law. Li Si resigns."

"Prime Minister, go slowly." Fu Su returned the greeting.

Meng Yi is still calm and unhurried: "Yi is going back. If you have any doubts, you can come to the Meng Mansion. I am willing to talk with you at night."

"I'm going to bother you. General, go slowly." Fusu replied.

After returning to the residence, Fusu's head was still dizzy. What happened just now was beyond Fusu's imagination. Although he had already guessed something in his heart, when the incident hit violently, Fusu was still a little dazed. Maybe it was the outburst of his predecessor's personality, but when Fusu was worried about the fact that hundreds of thousands of lives were involved, a wild desire to control power was burning in his blood.

After a while, Fusu's heart became calm. He quickly calmed down and began to think about the situation in front of him.

Undoubtedly, Yingzheng saw through Fusu's petty thinking. He let Fusu get involved in this matter and assist in the thorough investigation. This was to push Fusu to the opposite of all living beings.

But it is undeniable that this is an opportunity. Confucian students are not desirable, this is the lesson of the blood of all countries, and the Confucian idea of ​​governing the country is not applicable in this period. What Fusu needs is their support and the rationality of inheriting the legal system .Not really want them to participate in the implementation of the changes in the imperial policy. But it is undeniable that there are outstanding talents among the living beings.

The gathering of talents from all over the world in Xianyang gave Fusu a chance to grow his wings and expand his strength in this incident. Recommend talented people and let them participate in the imperial court to influence the situation.

This is also an opportunity for Fusu to start to show up in military affairs. Fusu must do it, and do it perfectly.

Early the next morning.Fusu immediately came to Meng Mansion and met Meng Yi.

Hearing Fusu's visit, Meng Yi led his family to greet him at the door: "My lord is visiting the Meng mansion, the humble house is full of splendor."

"You are very courteous, General." Fu Su returned the salute without arrogance or arrogance.The modest and polite attitude is completely different from the toughness of the first emperor. "Come here today, it's a lot of trouble. I hope the general can't be blamed."

"It's easy to say, Yi doesn't dare to hide his secrets. Please" said Meng Yi and let Fusu take half a step forward.

"Please." Fusu's heart moved slightly, and his steps slowed down.Then he smiled and strode forward.

In Meng Yi's study.The two sat facing each other, Meng Yi waved away the servant.Face up to Fusu.

Fusu also looked at Meng Yi and said, "Yesterday, my father named me to assist in the investigation of such a big case."Fusu was terrified and had no clue.I also hope that the general will teach me. "

Meng Yi was not hypocritical, and asked directly: "My lord, what are you asking?"

Fusu immediately replied: "Naturally how to assist in the investigation."

Meng Yi: "This incident happened because of Lu Sheng and Hou Sheng. These two treacherous men deceived the public with their demonic words, causing the common people to criticize them. All the students did not change the truth, and ranted wildly. Can you know the root cause?"

Fusu's heart shuddered.It suddenly occurred to me that in history, after the incident of burning books and burying Confucianism.Neither of the two heinous people was arrested and brought to justice. On the surface, Lu Sheng and Hou Sheng committed an unforgivable crime of deceiving the emperor.However, he has not been brought to justice since he fled.Could it be that there is something hidden in it?

Thinking of this, Fu Su shook his head slightly: "I don't know. Please teach me, General."

Meng Yi reached out and took out the wine cup.He dipped his index finger in water, wrote two words on the table, and then fell silent.

Fusu saw it twice and suddenly realized.The expression on the face is rich, but the fear in the heart.Stand up and salute Meng Yi: "Thank you, the general taught me."

"Don't dare to be a prince. There are a lot of discussions in the court. It should be resolved quickly. Feng Jie, the official censor, handles things fairly and impartially. You don't need to worry."

Leaving Meng Mansion, Fusu meditated in the car.Thank you for coming to Mengfu today.Otherwise, when the time comes, you will step on the thunder and fall into the trap, and you still don't know where you are wrong.

Instead, Fusu thought.There are no more people in this world who understand Shihuang's mind.Meng Yi is definitely in the top three, and Li Si... Thinking of this, Fusu felt resentful in his heart. In history, Fusu's relegation from Xianyang might not have been due to his "credit" and he almost fell into the abyss without saying a word.Among them, the means are really chilling.

There are only two words written on Meng Yi's desk: "Longevity."

Qin Shihuang desires to live forever, which is almost known in the world.Fusu naturally knew it, but at this moment, seeing Hou Sheng and Lu Sheng cheating the first emperor, he ignored the first emperor's desire for longevity.At that time, there was still a great master Xu Fu in the world, and he was still favored by Qin Shihuang when he was on a parade in Langya, Shandong. He even encouraged the emperor to fish and shoot whales in the East China Sea!

Fu Su patted his forehead, feeling very dangerous in his heart.

Thinking up to this point, Fusu already had a calculation in his heart.At this time the carriage had arrived at Feng's residence.

Feng Jie, the imperial historian, is also a historical celebrity and once served as a general.Later, he became the prime minister of the empire.He and Li Si later jointly persuaded Qin II to abandon the construction of Lishan Palace.

"Go to Tongchuan quickly, son Fusu is here to visit." Li Xian stepped out of the car and shouted at the door.Immediately, the door was startled, and hurried in to communicate.Not everyone can use the title of son. In later generations, any son of a landlord's family can be called son.In this era, the son can only be used by the royal family.What's more, Fusu, who has the most legal authority in terms of inheritance rights?How can the door not be surprised.

Soon, a young man came out. He was about ten years old. He was calm and restrained, and he had the same seven images as Feng Jie. become,

Fusu entered the mansion. Sure enough, he saw Feng Jie and Feng Quji. The official Feng Jie was the doctor of the royal family, and he held a high position. Feng Quji, Feng Jie's father, was even the prime minister on the right, and his position among the officials was the only one. Second Liz.

One family and two Dazai have enough energy for Fusu to keep a low profile in the mansion. After entering the mansion, Fusu looked at Feng's mansion out of the corner of his eye.

Meng Mansion Fusu has just been there, it is exquisite and elegant, but occupies a small area. But Feng Mansion is completely different, with a square atmosphere.

Fusu stepped forward and saluted: "Fusu, I have met, Prime Minister Feng, Yushi Feng"

"My lord, you are too polite. I, Qin, respect the law and don't take red tape." Feng Quji looked about 50 years old.There are many white silks on the temples, but it does not look old and is full of energy.

On the side is Feng Jie who looks like a frail scholar.Although Feng Jie looked frail and had a long beard under his chin, he looked a little more elegant.But anyone who knows his methods knows that this frail figure hides a heart of iron and blood, and his impartiality in handling things is highly praised by the court.The First Emperor leaned on it as his arm.

Therefore, even if Fusu came to visit as the prospective prince.I also have to accept the understanding of the younger generation and let go of my figure.

Sitting on both sides, Fusu, as a junior, asked first: "My father is very kind, and I was asked to assist the censor in the investigation yesterday. Fusu came here today. I hope the censor can clear up Fusu's doubts."

Feng Jie and Feng Quji looked at each other, and Feng Jie said: "Today, His Majesty has ordered the servants to pass the imperial edict to the minister."

"Since it is an official business, it should not be discussed in a private residence. Besides, it is His Majesty's order, so we should go to Xianyang Palace first." Feng Quji interrupted Feng Jie.

Fusu was also a little helpless, thinking that the father and son were really like this.However, it is true that public affairs should not be handled in private residences. If it gets to the ears of others, it might be another trick.

An hour later, the three arrived at Xianyang Palace.

On the majestic palace, hundreds of steps lead to the central Beiling Palace.Step by step is like a ladder for China Unicom to come to power.Towering and generous, awe-inspiring atmosphere.

That's where Qin Shihuang listened to the deacon. Fortunately, today is not the morning time.Otherwise, Fusu would have to attend the morning court, and would have to get up at what time in the morning, which would be a far cry from the nine-to-five routine of later generations.

Going around a lot of steps in the center, Feng Quji walked in the front, Fusu and Feng Jie were parallel and slightly behind Feng Quji by half a step.Along the way, you can see the guards in the palace, their statures are sturdy, and Fusu can slightly smell the evil spirit of blood in the air.Fusu sighed in his heart.

But this is not the time for desertion.The drama will start right away.

Sure enough, after saying goodbye to Feng Quji.As soon as Feng Jiefang sat down, Fusu's buttocks were still warm.A small official had already carried the dossier to the small table where Fusu was.The reason why I say it is that paper is not popular yet, and Cai Lun's grandfather doesn't know where to farm.Therefore, the written records are naturally on the bamboo slips, which are as long as one volume in just a few hundred characters.What's more, in such a major case, all parties have certified, confessed, and recorded criminal charges.Seeing that, Fusu had a headache.

But Fusu turned his head to look at Feng Jie, but saw that Feng Jie didn't lift his head, and said while handling official business: "Since the young master assists in the investigation, I want to read these files. At a quarter of noon, the public trial of all doctoral students."

After finishing speaking, someone led Fusu to the temporary office where Fusu was located.In a small but spacious cabin.

Phew, Fusu

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