Back to the Qin Dynasty as a prince

Chapter 88: Where Are the Reinforcements?

The county town of Shujun, outside Chengdu.

Captain Zhou, the county lieutenant, now changed his robes into weapons, with a tall horse under his hips, followed by hundreds of guards, and a dozen family servants on the carriage.The momentum is mighty and majestic.

The convoy was winding along, but a fast horse came running behind, causing smoke and dust to rise, and the head of the guard beside Principal Zhou didn't dare to stop him, because the fast horse's identification showed that it was clearly a military message.Qin people are warlike, so of course they know the importance of war.

Zhou Xiao turned his horse around and stared at the fast horse coming.

The fast horse galloped up to Xiao Zhou, and the horse raised its head and stopped abruptly. The knight on the horse, with his excellent riding skills, stood up, waited a while, got off his horse and said, "Reporting to the captain, the villain, Doctor Xiao of Ji County, is under the tent of a scout. , There is an urgent report from the frontline army.”

Zhou Xiao looked solemn, and gave instructions to the left and right for a while, and said to the people: "There are too many people, follow me to the carriage."

Outside the carriage, the armored and sturdy guard knight pulled the carriage out of a space of thirty paces.Only a few personal guards remained with Zhou Xiao.

Zhou Xiao listened with a serious expression to the people who came to tell the battle situation in Ji County with tears: "The beams of the houses have been demolished, and the bluestone floors have been stripped because of the exhaustion of wood. In the wounded barracks, at a glance, there are at least one litter. There are two thousand wounded. Even the lightly wounded, they will go to battle. There are no soldiers in the city. Dr. Xiao and County Magistrate Kong have personally led troops to guard the city. Even Cheng County Lieutenant was killed by a catapult. Head of the city!"

The person who came was dressed in ragged clothes, his face was pale and bloodless, and the horse under his crotch was exhausted from being galloped, and he fell down when he stopped.And the messenger from Ji County burst into tears when he saw Zhou Xiao, and said that he was sad, which made everyone speechless and palpitated.

Zhou Xiao looked dignified, and muttered to himself: "Ji County, it's so critical!"

This knight was one of the dozens of roads dispatched by Ji County for help. The Yujia rebels also had elite cavalry, and they scattered around to intercept and kill the messenger.There were countless wounds on this knight's body, and he was obviously a fierce soldier who escaped from a hard battle.

The knight resisted the dizziness of excessive blood loss and reported the situation of the battle in Ji County one by one. At the end of the day, he still looked sincerely and said to Xiao Zhou: "Please rescue Ji County quickly, and take pity on the [-] households in Ji County ah."

After speaking, he fell to the ground in a faint.

Waving his hands made it easier for the knight to settle down, but Zhou Xiao couldn't help but punched the shaft of the chariot.He said bitterly: "The traitor is wronging the country!"

Ninety-nine out of [-] this year, Zhou Xiao was relegated to Shu County to serve as a county lieutenant and at the same time lead a part of the capital's garrison. This time to suppress the rebels in Longxi, there are not many troops that the court can quickly use.The garrison army of Shu County is one of the few. Therefore, in terms of civilian position, Zhou Xiao was promoted from the post of Shu County Commander to Hanzhong County Sheriff, to control the military and political power of Hanzhong, and sent troops from the southeast to Longxi to suppress bandit.

However, the matter of marching is a child's play?The imperial decree came down to Shu County, and it took several good horses to arrive in Shu County within three days.It is even more impossible to rescue the soldiers and horses to Longxi in seven days as stated in the edict.

Fortunately, Shu County is still rich, but there are so many things to prepare for food and grass, and distribute weapons and weapons. It is already difficult to set off with the whole army in seven days.What's more, the road to Shu has been difficult since ancient times. Thousands of soldiers and horses crossed the plank road to enter Hanzhong. The road is difficult, and the road from the northwest to Longxi is even more difficult.It is very difficult to go another seven days during the period. How can we talk about the rescue from Longxi by the seven-day soldiers from Chengdu County?

Even if the garrison of the capital is a powerful force in the world, even if they can reach Longxi within [-] days, how much combat power can they leave behind?

It is easy to defend Jixian County for seven days, but there are few soldiers in Jixian County. It may be barely enough to defend half a month, but it can only depend on God's fortune to defend it for one month.

When the messenger came, it was already seven days before the siege of Ji County, and the soldiers and horses of Shu County might not have reached Jianmen.Zhou Xiao secretly sighed in his heart, and shouted at the chief guard: "You wait for the order to go to our capital soldiers, and within ten days, they must rush to Ji County.

Another team of knights was called: "Divide into ten teams and spread the news to Ji County. Doctor Xiao must stick to it for half a month!"

After everyone left, another scholar in green shirt came in the carriage.The visitor has a three-foot-long beard under his jaw, and he has a lot of culture and nobility.Seeing Zhou Xiao, he asked, "Is there any way to go directly to Longxi when I go to Hanzhong? Hanzhong and Longxi seem to be quite close, but how can we get across the vast mountains? When the eunuch arrives in Hanzhong, he still has to turn around." It’s all right to go west from Xianyang to Longxi. It’s useless to transfer troops from Shuzhong to Hanzhong! So, why don’t the reinforcements from Beijing come first, and then the county guards can replenish the troops.”

Zhou Xiao smiled wryly and shook his head: "If things were really as simple as adding one and subtracting one, it would be great. Not to mention that the survivors of the six kingdoms in Shandong are about to move, even in Xianyang, how many people can hope for the good of Mr. Fusu? Now Ji County is in crisis. However, the rescuers from Beijing may not have entered Longxi earlier than the reinforcements from Jiuyuan."

The scribe in Tsing Yi shook his head frequently when he heard this, and said: "The state affairs are difficult, but Beijing and China are still fighting against each other, which is a waste of time."

Zhou Xiao shook his head helplessly: "The capital is empty, not because of the shortage of money and food. I am going here, as if the money and food from Shu Hanzhong in Jiba went to Qin Long. People who go to Hanzhong earlier can always do something for Ji County."

The scribe in Tsing Yi listened and remained silent.

The land of Qinlong, Bashu, and Qinling Mountains is separated by a Qinling Mountains. During this period, the north and the south are separated and it is difficult to communicate.The road from Shu to Hanzhong is already difficult, and it is even more impossible to go straight from Hanzhong to Longxi.Unless the soldiers and horses of Shu County use the ability to fly to the sky, it is impossible to bypass the mountains and go directly from Hanzhong to Longxi.It is necessary to transfer to the Neishi area before going to Longxi.It was so futile that the reinforcements on the Southeast Road entered Longxi even more slowly than the reinforcements from Jiuyuan, which was farther away.There is a Great Wall in Longxi, and the Great Wall Legion in Jiuyuan can move quickly through the straight road, but the road to Shu is difficult, and the soldiers and horses in Shu can hardly help.Fusu's men lost their arms in vain, the matter of Longxi is really hard to solve.

Zhou Xiao looked up to the north, not knowing what happened to the other reinforcements, Shangguan Muna.

Guyuan, North Route Army Camp.

The light of the knife is cold, and the camp is silent.The bonfire was burning and the side of the tent was brightly lit.It was at this time that Shangguan Mou summoned all the generals to discuss the matter.

A great victory outside the three passes made Shangguan Mou's reputation in the northern army soar, and he became the number one underling of Meng Tian.The only thing that can solve the crisis in Ji County this time is Shangguan Mou's troops who rushed to Guyuan for seven days.

Shangguan Mou is now a lieutenant general, the number one confidant under Meng Tian's subordinates, the Northern Army's momentum is close to that of Wang Li and other two or three people.This time, two soldiers and horses were urgently mobilized from outside the Sanguan Pass, most of them were infantry, and the cavalry army was only one thousand five hundred cavalry.The chariot soldiers did not bring any of them. Although the area from Longxi to Hetao is connected by the Western Road in the Qinchi Road, the chariot soldiers have extremely high requirements on the roads, and they are easy to be damaged during a rapid march. The chariots are also expensive, so they did not bring them with them. .

The cavalry has only [-] cavalry, which is also limited to logistics.The transportation of food and grass is difficult, and the consumption of food and grass is twice as high when the army moves.The food for military horses is quite large. The forage needed by a horse and the food rationed with beans are enough for two to four soldiers.The high-intensity march also has extremely high requirements on the horse. Today, without the birth of Takahashi Saddle, the result of a knight riding a horse for high-intensity march is basically that the inner thighs are worn out layer by layer.Human affairs are still easy to overcome, but today's war horses without horseshoes can easily lose their legs and feet when they run. Once the horseshoes of a war horse are damaged, a rare war horse will lose its military value. Or a poor horse.

This time, Shangguan Mou's military discussion was to discuss whether he could continue to march to Jixian County by force.

Shangguan Mou glanced at the generals in the tent, and said: "The day before yesterday, Ji County's request for help has arrived in the barracks. Presumably, you and others have already known the situation of Ji County's war. The situation in Ji County is critical. Can the ministries reach Longxi as scheduled? "

As soon as Shangguan Mou just finished speaking, Cen Dan, the military supply officer in charge, immediately stood up and objected: "General Shangguan, my subordinates have something to say."

Shangguan Mou glanced at this fat, fat-headed Cen Dan, and he didn't like this military quartermaster who came from the internal history of millet very much, but seeing that he was not too greedy under Qi Han Chang's family, he endured it.But this person was the first to object, after thinking about it.With a jump in his heart, he stared at Cen Dan's tiny eyeballs and said, "Marquis Cen has something to think about, so it's okay to speak up."

As he spoke, Shangguan Mou's eyes sharpened in vain.

It's strange to say that Cen Dan, who originally only knew how to stretch his claws into the military supplies, rice, and gold and silver, is not afraid of Shangguan Mou's sharp gaze at this moment.The red-faced Cen Dan was full of energy at the moment, and he also talked about military affairs that he didn't know much about: "Since you are an official of the imperial court, you should be loyal to your duties. Now, you have traveled four hundred miles in seven days. .Since the troops are exhausted, the soldiers are moaning. Please, the general, be sympathetic to the soldiers, and cultivate them in Guyuan."

After Cen Dan finished speaking, he didn't wait for Shangguan Mou to reply, and sat down with a smile, ignoring the devouring eyes of Shangguan Mou's cronies.

Hearing this, Mo Feng, who was transferred from the captain of the chariot soldier to the captain of the infantry, burst into flames immediately after hearing this.His fair face was filled with anger, his cheeks turned blood red, and he said: "Now Longxi is deeply trapped by bandits and bandits, and the people are in disorder, unbearable torment of war. Looking north day and night, hoping that the king's master will defeat the enemy, how can you be so fearful and fearful? Enough in Guyuan?"

Mo Feng himself is a native of Ji County, born in a commoner family in Ji County.And when he was young, he was assisted by Cheng Kuang'an, the current county captain.Now the benefactor was killed by the bandit Shi on the top of the city. How could Mo Feng, whose parents and wife are in Ji County, sit idly by and ignore him?

What he said made the originally peaceful words make the excited Mo Feng speak with blood surging and murderous.

Cen Dan ignored the furious Mo Feng, and still smiled, but when he caught a glimpse of Mo Feng, there was a dark hatred in his eyes.

The haze in Shangguan Mou's heart suddenly became heavier, the person who was in charge of military supplies in the first army was supposed to be a trusted confidant of the chief general.As the number one confidant of Meng Tian, ​​the commander of the 30 army, Shangguan Mou's power is naturally not small.However, such positions needed by the military were suddenly airborne from Beijing to be filled by one person.When they first met, Shangguan Mou suspected that the party struggle had spread to military affairs.However, Cen Dan's stability for three consecutive months temporarily dispelled Shangguan Mou's suspicion.


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