Chu Wei looked at his back and sneered slightly. She would never consider marrying him, but now she had to figure out how to deal with the Beigong family.

The Beigong family is a major ruler of the Illusory Continent. From their conversation just now, the Beigong family seems to have a lot to do with the Dark Holy See.

Could it be that the Dark Holy See belongs to the Beigong family?

This kind of thought shocked Chu Wei severely. It was a very powerful and terrifying force, just like the Holy See of Light in the Illusion Continent.

"Hi, we meet again." Tuoba Yan'er walked up to Chu Wei and waved her hand in greeting.

"What a coincidence. I didn't expect Chu Yang to be your son. It seems that we are very destined." Zi Yan, who has always been quiet, couldn't help but speak at this moment. Normally, she would not take the initiative to greet others.

Chu Wei looked at them and smiled slightly, "I didn't expect to see you again after so many years."

When she went outside to do missions, she happened to meet them who were hunted down. At that time, they were only ten years old. At that time, she didn't know why, but she had the idea of ​​helping them, and finally helped them escape.

I thought it was just a chance meeting, but I didn't expect to meet again.

"Hey, mother, you know these two older sisters." Baby said excitedly as he rolled his big round eyes around.

Chu Wei smiled and nodded, and immediately invited them into the room.

"Why did you come here? You know Mo Xian, how is he doing now?" Chu Wei couldn't help asking as soon as she sat down.

Tuoba Yan'er looked at Chu Wei, then at Chu Yang, and said distressedly, "How did you give birth to this cute baby with Master, I remember that Master has never been close to women, and he has never been close to women in these years." I heard him mention you."

Zi Yan glared at her, will she speak? Doesn't it mean that Chu Wei and Bao Bao have no place in the master's heart.

Tuoba Yan'er curled her lips disapprovingly at Shang Ziyan's gaze, she is just like this, she speaks directly and doesn't like to beat around the bush.

Chu Wei didn't mind either, Mo Xian didn't know about her existence before.

"Beautiful sister, tell me about my father's situation quickly!" Bao Bao asked anxiously. If father didn't come, if these two sisters came, it meant that the matter was serious and he couldn't get away by himself.

Zi Yan's face darkened, and she said calmly, "Master's situation is not very good, but don't worry, he will take care of it."

She looked at Chu Wei and Chu Yang, it seemed that the master really cared about them, otherwise he would not have sent them to protect them.

And when they come out like this, it is easy to reveal the power he has been hiding all along.

When he met Bei Gongao just now, he would definitely be suspicious, and he only hoped that the matter on his side could be resolved as soon as possible.

"What happened to him, where is he?" Chu Wei asked in a deep voice. After asking these words, she suddenly wanted to bite her own tongue. When did she care so much about others.

And when she heard that he was in trouble, she was still worried.

Ever since Bei Gongao told her that Mo Xian couldn't save himself, his face that turned all living beings has been floating in her mind, and she couldn't get rid of it no matter how hard she tried.

"Let's wait for the master to tell you! Actually, we don't know too well, hehe..." Tuoba Yaner blinked at Chu Wei.

Chu Wei rolled her eyes. If they didn't know, they wouldn't have told Bei Gongao that something had happened to the Dark Holy See.

"Is my daddy in the Dark Illusory Continent?" Baby asked with wide eyes, in this case, they are far apart.

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