Gold Phantom Pet Master: Supreme Crazy Concubine Trains Evil King

Chapter 157 There is something on the volcano

"Yeah ah..."

Chu Wei was trying to calm her down when Baozi rushed in from outside and kept yelling at her.

"What's wrong with you?" Chu Wei had never seen Baozi like this before. What did he call her.

Baozi stretched out his paw and pointed outside, yelling continuously, as if he was still very anxious.

"Did something happen?" Chu Wei almost understood what it meant.

Baozi nodded heavily, stretched out his claws and grabbed her skirt, Chu Wei smiled calmly, "Take me there!"


"Where are you taking me?"

After leaving the imperial capital, Chu Wei asked a little puzzled why it suddenly took her out of the imperial capital, did it find any treasures?

Thinking of this, she immediately became interested. Steamed Bun was good at treasure hunting, so it must have found something extraordinary, that's why he came to her in such a hurry.

"Yeah, yah..." Baozi called back to Chu Wei while running.

Chu Wei had no choice but to concentrate on following, and soon Baozi led her out of the forest, only to see that on the other side of the forest was a huge volcano that was billowing with steam.

Even if she was standing on the edge of the forest, she could still feel the hot breath from the volcano.

"Aw... woo..." Baozi suddenly stood up straight and uttered a long sound like a wolf howling towards the volcano.

"Is there something on the volcano?" Chu Wei felt that Baozi was very different today.

Baozi turned his head and blinked his big bright eyes, then ran towards the volcano with a small body.

Seeing this, Chu Wei had no choice but to run forward. She wasn't too afraid of the hot breath. After all, she had water-attribute magic power, and the fire-attribute magic power on the volcano was super strong. If she could practice here, say Indeterminate fire attribute magicians can break through the bottleneck and advance.

Led by Baozi, Chu Wei endured the hot breath and came to the top of the volcano, only to see a large magma pool on the highest peak of the volcano.

The temperature on the volcano was abnormally high. Even though she had the water attribute phantom power to protect her body, she still felt hot all over her body at this moment, her mouth was dry, and there were big drops of sweat on her forehead.

"Baozi, what's here?" Chu Wei asked while wiping off her sweat.

Baozi glanced at her, and suddenly jumped into the magma pool.

"Bun!" Chu Wei screamed. The magma pool was constantly tumbling, and the magma inside must be hot. Would it be cooked if it jumped like that?

But miraculously, the steamed stuffed bun was not cooked, instead it kept swimming in the magma pool, as if looking for something.

"Master, what do you think?" Chu Wei asked Xiao En in the bracelet.

"This little beast is amazing. It seems to be looking for something. Could it be that it found treasures in this magma pool? Girl, you go down too." Sean said with certainty.

Chu Wei walked slowly to the edge of the magma pool, and the magma pool was constantly steaming. She took a deep breath, and then quickly jumped down, and at the same time there was a plop sound.

"Mother, you're scalding me to death, shit, what the hell is this..." Uncle Long kept thrashing about in the magma pool.

It saw Baozi swimming here, so it didn't want to be outdone, but it didn't expect that it couldn't stand the temperature here.

Chu Wei couldn't help laughing when she saw it thumping, and when she stopped laughing, she felt that it was really hot inside, but fortunately she had the body protection of water attribute phantom power, so she didn't get hurt.

"Yeah..." Baozi looked at Uncle Long's appearance and smiled gloatingly.

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