As she relaxed herself, Chu Wei felt as if she was floating in mid-air, surrounded by swaying white clouds, and it seemed that she was the only one left in the world. After gathering all her spiritual power, she slowly opened her eyes, Concentrate on looking at the blood evil book in midair.

This time, there were not only four words on the Xuexie Tianshu, but many densely packed small characters. Just when she was trying to read those words clearly, a red light burst out from the Xuexie Tianshu and rushed towards her forehead.

Chu Wei froze in place. She felt countless things rushing into her head. The speed of those things was so fast that she couldn't see what they were.

After the light from the Xuexie Heavenly Book disappeared, she pressed her sore head, then raised her head suddenly, her pupils widened suddenly, because the cultivation method that the Xuexie Heavenly Book wanted to express appeared in her mind.

The blood evil heavenly book that was originally suspended also flew towards her.

Chu Wei took it quickly, her eyes gleaming with surprise. It turned out that she had to calm down and gather her mental strength to obtain the cultivation method of the Blood Evil Heavenly Book.

After putting the Xuexie Tianshu into the illusion ring, Chu Wei sat on the ground in meditation, and immediately began to practice according to the method described in the Xuexie Tianshu.

Cultivation is a seemingly simple thing, but in fact it is not simple. At the same time, cultivation is a process of changing the body and releasing the potential of the body.

The human body is like a stretchable container. It must be continuously expanded to enhance the rigidity and flexibility of the body, so that rigidity and flexibility can be combined.

When practicing, you must also keep a calm mind, neither anxious nor irritable. If you are not calm, you will go into misunderstandings, which will greatly affect the speed of your cultivation, and even make you mad, making it difficult to break through.

Chu Wei knew that she had been restless recently, which made it difficult to break through.

So this time she practiced, she relaxed herself, didn't think about anything, and let the breath move freely in her body.

Xuexie Tianshu told her that it is very important to open up the muscles and veins of the whole body. There are eight main meridians in each person's body, and there are many other small muscles and veins. Spread evenly all over the body.

Only in this way can the rigidity and hardness of the body be enhanced, and ordinary attacks will not have any impact on her.

And it is also easier to absorb the phantom energy outside, making the cultivation speed faster.

The last time she ate two dragon eggs, she had already opened up several main tendons. It seems that next, she should study the elixir carefully, and it is best to refine some tendon-tong pills to open up the tendons.

This will not only help himself, but also help Chu Bing and Chu Hong.

Because of eating the blood lotus, some small tendons in her body were slowly expanding, which made her slightly pleasantly surprised. She didn't expect the blood lotus to have such an effect.

There is no desire, no desire, it is difficult to be quiet if you have desire, the mind is calm and the body is calm, the body is calm and the breath is stable.

Chu Wei silently recited these words in her heart, and as time passed, everything around her was incompatible with her, and she completely entered the world of cultivation.

She saw that the three phantom powers in her body were constantly surging, so she unhurriedly released her sufficient spiritual power to merge with them and cultivate.

When Baozi and Uncle Long came back, they saw three kinds of lights on Chu Wei's head, red, blue, and black...

"My God, she actually possesses three kinds of magical powers." Uncle Long stared in surprise, fire, water, and darkness.

Baozi sat on Uncle Long's head and looked at Chu Wei with his small head tilted, and then looked up at the sky. The scroll was gone. It seemed that she had solved her troubles.

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