"A feeling." Ouyang Ye smiled gracefully looking at the clear tea in front of him.

"..." Shangguan Haoyu, he didn't know her well, why did he feel that she would appear, they almost grew up together, like brothers, this was the first time he saw Ouyang Ye so concerned about a woman .

In the cave below the volcano, Baozi and Uncle Long stared at Chu Wei intently. It has been eight days since she sat there in meditation without moving a whole eight days!

For the past eight days, Chu Wei has been tightly surrounded by three kinds of light, and her eyes are closed tightly, as if she is in a state of sleep.

In fact, she has not slept, but has entered the realm of cultivation, which is another dimension.

When Chu Wei woke up, she found herself as if sitting in a cloud. What surprised her even more was that, according to the practice of the Xuexie Heavenly Manual, the level of breakthrough this time surprised her.

If she is not mistaken, she seems to be, seems to be, a first-level sky-regulator illusionist who has reached the realm of heaven!

Nima, this promotion is too heaven-defying!

Why did she suddenly reach the rank of Heavenly Sky Illusionist? At this moment, she herself couldn't believe it.

Moreover, the three phantom powers of water, fire, and darkness were promoted at the same time. Is the mentality of the Xuexie Tianshu really that powerful!

"Master, why is there a little person in my dantian?" Chu Wei swallowed after seeing the scene in her dantian through her internal vision. She was sure that she was not pregnant.

After hearing this, Xiao En's eyes widened suddenly, as if struck by lightning, and after a long time, he stammered, "You, what did you say!"

"I said there is a little person in my dantian." Chu Wei rolled his eyes, he won't be scared stupid!

The little person was very small, like a newly formed fetus, but she was sure that it was not a fetus.

"That's Nascent Soul." Xiao En laughed loudly. The apprentice is so perverted that he was promoted from the second-level Heavenly Sacred Illusionist to the first-level Tianyukong Illusionist. He is still the first to be promoted like her. heard once.

Chu Wei raised her eyebrows, "What is Nascent Soul?"

"An illusionist who has reached the heavenly level will have a small Nascent Soul in his dantian. As he advances in practice, the Nascent Soul will grow up slowly, and at the final peak, he will be able to train a soul clone." Xiao En He stroked his beard and said with a smile.

He didn't expect this girl to arrive at Yukong Illusionist so soon, he was really shocked, if she hadn't said that there was a person in the dantian, he would have thought she was deliberately fooling him.

Soul clone?Chu Wei opened her mouth, can this still be the case, then when the time comes to fight, wouldn't it be possible to get a clone to help.

"So I have really arrived at Yukong Illusionist, can I stay in the air for a short time?" Chu Wei couldn't hide the joy on her face, and she must be lying if she said she was unhappy.

She has always longed to reach the illusionist of the heavenly realm, but she didn't expect to break through the bottleneck this time, and she would arrive all at once.

"That's right, you can still fly short distances." Sean was also happy for her, this girl is simply too perverted, it seems that this time it was a blessing in disguise.

The corners of Chu Wei's mouth raised slightly. This is really great. Now she can finally participate in the competition of the top ten families with peace of mind.

Without much hesitation, Chu Wei quickly withdrew from the realm of cultivation and opened her eyes.

"My ancestor, you finally woke up." Uncle Long heaved a sigh of relief after seeing Chu Wei open his eyes.

Chu Wei looked at it puzzled, and pouted, "I just practiced, what do you mean I finally woke up?"

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