Elder Yang, who was in charge of inviting Chu Wei from Tiansheng Academy, heard what she said, and burst out laughing. He thought it would take a long time to talk, but he didn't expect that she would volunteer to go to Tiansheng Academy.

The other three academies and trade unions would be lying if they said they were not disappointed after hearing what she said.

They all understand that Chu Wei has unlimited potential and will definitely become a famous figure in the future. It is always good to win over early.

But seeing the resolute expression on her face, they knew that no matter how much they said, they would not change her mind, so they could only leave disappointed.

"Chu Wei, I am the elder of Tiansheng Academy. My name is Yang Chongqing. Welcome to Tiansheng Academy." Yang Chongqing walked up to Chu Wei with a smile on his face and introduced himself. This time, the competition between the top ten families is more exciting than ever. Stimulate.

No one could have imagined that the former waste would surprise people so much, it was simply unbelievable.

"Thank you, can I go to the academy to report at any time?" Chu Wei asked with a faint smile. After the competition, she had to hurry up and practice. She didn't forget that she provoked a blood evil ancestor who wanted to kill her.

Although that person has not found her now, he will always find her.

So she has to become stronger, only in this way can she live better and protect the people she wants to protect.

"Of course, you can come anytime." Yang Chongqing said with a smile, he wished she would go earlier, Chu Wei offered to go to Tiansheng Academy, which made Tiansheng a lot more face than the other three academies.

Chu Wei nodded slightly. Yang Chongqing left after making an appointment with her. He had to go back to Tiansheng Academy to report the good news.


"Master, why did you suddenly return to the Holy See?"

While Chu Wei was going outside to meet guests, Zi Yan walked up to Mo Xian and asked in a low voice, she knew that Mo Xian didn't like the Holy See of Light.

"I know, I know, of course it's for Chu Wei." Tuoba Yan'er blinked and smiled enchantingly. With Mo Xian appearing in such a noble capacity, whoever dares to deal with Chu Wei in the future, even if he wants to deal with him, he has to think about it first his presence.

Unless they really want to fight against the Holy Emperor of Light.

Mo Xian looked at them with the corners of his mouth pulled, and said calmly, "It's not very good now."

"It's easy for you to enter the Guangming Holy See, but it's not so easy to get out. The ancestors of the Mo family will not let you leave." Zi Yan almost guessed why Mo Xian returned to the Guangming Holy See.

Mo Xian raised his black eyebrows high, and said coldly, "Now I am the Holy Emperor of the Holy See of Light, and the Holy See of Light is ruled by me. I can do whatever I want, and I haven't thought of leaving for the time being."

He knew that Mo Jinpeng would let him take over the Guangming Holy See sooner or later. After all, he was the only descendant of the Mo family and his only grandson.

If he doesn't take over, the Bright Holy See will fall into the hands of others, and Mo Jinpeng will definitely not agree.

The reason why he has been reluctant is because he hates his grandfather.

When he was very young, he didn't know that he had a grandfather, let alone that his father was the Holy Emperor of Light, until his parents had an accident and asked him to go to the Holy See of Light, because they wanted him to live well.

When he first went there, he stayed pretty well, until one day he knew why his parents lived on that small island and why they didn't return home.

That's because Mo Jinpeng prevented his parents from being together. When his parents had an accident, if he had stepped forward, they would have been fine.

So at a young age, he hated him in his heart, and in the end he resolutely chose to leave the Holy See of Light.

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