Bao Bao looked at the crystal and shining beads, and said with a smile, "Thank you, Grandpa Zeng, I will obediently obey Mother's words and practice together with Mother."

Only by growing up quickly can we protect mother, father, and their home.

"Oh, the baby is also practicing?" Chu Xiong's eyes were full of surprise, he was only five years old, and he practiced at such a young age.

Baby smiled and nodded, "I have nothing to do and practice with my mother."

"Not bad, let me see." Chu Xiong said, stretching out his hand to pull the baby's wrist, and after using the force to sense it, he stared at the baby dumbfounded, as if he was stupid.

Chu Wei did not expect that Chu Xiong would suddenly check the baby so quickly, and with his experienced magic power, he would definitely be able to sense it.

After all, most people don't even know that babies have magical powers.

"Grandpa Zeng, why do you have this expression?" Baby asked knowingly with a blank face.

Chu Xiong couldn't help laughing, this little guy clearly knew why he had such an expression and still asked such a question.

"Genius, genius, you are only five years old and you have such powerful illusion power, you mother and son are really freaks." Chu Xiong shook his head and said, not to mention that Chu Wei couldn't practice before, and then suddenly became a sky-level Illusionist. But the baby is only five years old, and he has such a strong magical power at the age of five, which he has never heard of before.

Baby blinked and said proudly, "It must be inherited from my mother and father."

Mother is so powerful, and father is so powerful, how can he be weak, not to mention that he is still a unique magic pet master, and he must make good use of this advantage in the future.

"Hahaha, go to Tiansheng Academy and study hard! I'll wait for you to come back." Chu Xiong patted the baby's head and laughed boldly. This was the happiest moment after he left the customs. Their mother and son gave him too much surprise.

Chu Wei smiled and nodded, she will definitely come back stronger.

The next day, Chu Wei took her baby ice fox Tuoba Yaner Ziyan and Chu Bing to Tiansheng Academy.

All the members of the Chu family came out to see them off, and Chu Xiong gave Chu Wei some instructions before motioning them to get on the road quickly.

Chu Hong didn't go because he had been in charge of managing some shops outside the Chu family, so Chu Xiong decided to let him take care of them. After all, he was very skilled in this area, and he might be in charge of the Chu family's property in the future.

Although it's a pity that he couldn't go, he will take good care of the Chu family's property and wait for Chu Wei and the others to come back.

"Chu Bing, how long will it take us to go to Tiansheng Academy?" Chu Wei asked, looking at Chu Bing on the opposite side of the carriage. All five of them were sitting in the carriage, and Binghu was in charge of driving the carriage.

"If we speed up, we should be able to arrive tomorrow morning. Tiansheng Academy is near Feiluo City, Moyue's third largest capital." Chu Bing replied with a smile. Chu Wei and Baby have both gone, and the future college life will definitely be fun .

Chu Wei nodded lightly, hoping that the journey will go smoothly.


The Holy See of Light is located at the southernmost tip of the Illusory Continent, where a whole piece of land belongs to the Holy See of Light.

Looking around, castles like ancient Greece are neatly arranged, and there are also some wooden houses with strong western characteristics. The wide streets are neatly paved with stones, and the streets are lined with bright flowers and plants. .

Some wooden houses are surrounded by railings to form a small garden, in which some unknown shrubs and flowers are planted. There is a huge windmill on some tall castles, which is beautiful and exotic with the wind blowing.

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