Baby blinked, and said elegantly and gentlemanly, "Oh, my mother is practicing."

Chu Wei was not practicing, she knew that the two professors might come, so she asked Bao Bao to wait in the garden.

"Mother!" Huangfu Jin and Di Du shouted in shock at the same time. Although they had guessed that this cute baby might be Chu Wei's son, they were still surprised to hear him say it himself.

"That's right, why are you looking for my mother, it's not convenient for my mother to see guests right now." Bao Bao blocked their way, and had no intention of inviting them in at all.

The two old men looked at each other. After all, they were well-known professors in Tiansheng Academy. They came to visit in person, but this little cute baby didn't invite them in. Besides, Chu Wei was practicing, so they came at the right time.

"Did your mother say something about her cultivation?" Huangfu Jin asked cheerfully.

Baby touched his head and thought for a while, "I don't know!"

"..." Huangfu Jin, Didu.

They had to convince Chu Wei today, otherwise not only the two of them would come to find Chu Wei tomorrow, but maybe other professors would come tonight.

On the surface, the professors of Tiansheng Academy seem to be happy and happy, but in private, who doesn't want to train more strong people under their own hands, so that it can add credit to their faces and save face. These are all normal things.

"Then can you inform me?" Huangfu Jin said in a soft and gentle tone.

"No, my mother wants to break through and advance recently. If I disturb her now, it will be very bad for her, unless there is something that can help her advance." Baby stroked his chin thoughtfully.

Huangfu Jin and Di Du looked at each other, both of them had been there before, so they understood something in an instant.

"Little Meng, wait a minute. We'll come back later. Remember, if other people come to see your mother, don't let them see you." Didu coaxed the baby patiently.

What if they go back to get the treasure and the little cute baby lets someone else in?

The explosion in the test building today will definitely reach the ears of other professors soon, maybe they are here with the treasure right now.

It's a lie, others are begging them to accept students, and now they have to bring treasures to see Chu Wei, this is the first time they have cheated like this.

"I know, but you have to hurry up, if other people bring good treasures, I will let them in." Baby blinked his nimble eyes and giggled.

"..." Huangfu Jin and Di Du looked at each other, and then ran like the wind.

Bao Bao looked at their backs and laughed, believing that they would definitely bring their treasures.

Standing behind the curtain of a room on the second floor, Chu Wei smiled slyly after seeing Huangfu Jin and Di Du leave.

After a while, Huangfu Jin and Di Du came together, and after seeing that no one else came, they breathed a sigh of relief.

"Little Mengba, we are here, can you call your mother now?" Huangfu Jin said out of breath, he came here in a hurry.

He and Huangfu Jin have already discussed that both of them will be Chu Wei's teachers, one will teach illusionists and the other will teach alchemy, so that the two will not rob, anyway, they teach different things.

"You guys wait, I'll go right away." The baby smiled into a cute slit, turned around and ran towards the castle.

Soon, Chu Wei walked out of the castle with a smile on her hands, holding the baby. Huangfu Jin and Di both looked at her elegant smile, and thought she looked like a cunning fox no matter how they looked at it.

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