Chu Wei first walked up to the six priests and smiled slightly, and finally walked up to Xu Huayan, staring at Xu Huayan and the man beside her with a smile in her eyes, she knew that this was Xu Huayan's husband, although there was no sensational love, but also Knowing that they respect each other as guests and live a plain and simple life.

Xu Huayan looked at the six priests, and finally took out a brocade box from her arms, then stood up and said majesticly, "Today is the marriage between the Holy Maiden and the Holy Son. The rule of our Moon Clan is that when the Holy Maiden gets married, the The patriarch can then hand over the responsibility of being in charge of the Moon Clan to her.

Today, in front of everyone, I will seal the Moon Clan to the saint. From today on, she will be the patriarch of the Moon Clan. From now on, she will have the final say on the affairs of the Moon Clan. I hope everyone can help her to make the Moon Clan more and more Powerful, Holy Son, you have to treat the Holy Maiden well, and work with her to manage the Moon Clan well. "

Bai Yu smiled happily and said, "Of course."

Xu Huayan smiled in satisfaction, then beckoned Chu Wei to come over, handed the brocade box to her, and said earnestly, "I don't care what you do in the future, but please treat the Moon Clan well."

Others may not understand the meaning of Xu Huayan's words, but Chu Wei does.

"I will treat the Moon Clan well." Chu Wei took over Jinhe, she would not hurt the Moon Clan.

But at this moment, someone suddenly appeared at the entrance of the main hall, and said in a deep voice, "I don't allow her to be in charge of the Moon Clan."

"Nanwang, what do you want to do?" Xu Huayan frowned as she watched the man appearing at the door.

Cangming looked at Xu Huayan, and said with great arrogance, "She is not worthy to be in charge of the Moon Clan at all, how can a little girl like her control the Moon Clan, and she just came back, so she is even more unsuitable."

"It's up to you whether it's suitable or not, it's the clan's rule." Xu Hua said coldly with a frosty face. She always knew that King Nan had great ambitions, but he didn't do anything to break the rules. It's not easy to move him.

Now he is pushing an inch, and dare to come out to stop it.

"The rules can also be changed. Since ancient times, the kings have always been men, and the Moon Clan has always been ruled by women. Now that they are stronger, I think the rules of the Moon Clan should also be changed." Cang Ming's face flashed with arrogance, today He came prepared. From now on, he wants to change the Moon Clan. The Moon Clan should be ruled by men.

"Nan Wang, what do you mean by that?" Li Qingxue stared at Cang Ming coldly.

Cangming looked at Li Qingxue and said with a smile, "Priest Li, I know you have always followed the old rules of the Moon Clan, but today I want to say that I will rule the Moon Clan in the future, and I promise to make the Moon Clan stronger and stronger. "

"Nanwang, you finally revealed your ambition." Xu Huayan said with a smile on his face, no wonder the saint was found, the saint and the son are going to get married, Cang Ming will be so calm, presumably during this time, he has been planning.

Chu Wei raised her eyebrows and looked at the middle-aged man at the entrance of the main hall. He wanted to take charge of the Moon Clan, so why did Cheng Yaojin jump out of him on the way.

But she thought about it, now that Cheng Yaojin wants to create a storm in the Moon Clan, if she calms down the storm, wouldn't it be more popular, thinking about it, the seriousness on her face turned into a smile.

It doesn't matter if his opponent is Cheng Yaojin or what, she and Mo Xian will take care of him.

"It's not my ambition, I'm doing it for the good of the Moon Clan." Cang Ming said confidently.

The others were half dead with anger when they heard his words. He clearly wanted to seize power.

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