let go of my anne

Page 22【Darkness Before Dawn】

Xin Zhao arrived at Gray Order before dawn.

It was pitch black, and I couldn't see my fingers.

He was received by Hasta and Chen Senran, and the place was Hasta's study.

Only one magic lamp was lit in the large study room, making the whole space look empty and eerie.

A pot of boiled strong tea was placed on a round table covered with a simple off-white tablecloth, and the rich Northland black tea exuded the flavor of Djorelford Snow Mountain.

Xin Zhao came alone, his men were left thousands of yards away, and too many people entering this silent complex in the middle of the night would cause unnecessary trouble, especially when they were now dealing with a The sharp-witted assassin strikes.

There is no need to startle the snake.

The huge paulownia spear was brought into the room full of books by Xin Zhao, and the sharp tip of the spear reflected a stunning edge under the faint light of the magic lamp.

Xin Zhao put the spear across his knees, looked at the two silent people in the dark, his eyes were sharp and staring, obviously the trauma of the previous battle had fully recovered, this is the sharpest weapon of the Demacia royal family. His spear once again showed its sharp edge.

The atmosphere seemed a little tense.

Hastur smiled softly, got up and poured a cup of strong tea for Xin Zhao, and pushed it in front of him, "Your Excellency Xin Zhao came here overnight, drink a cup of tea first to refresh yourself."

The smile broke the momentary stalemate, and Xin Zhao's originally stern face relaxed.Apparently in the initial confrontation, Hastur gave way.

It didn't matter, but Xin Zhao was visibly relieved that Hastur's attitude freed him from distracting too much of his attention from other things.

So he picked up the cup of black tea and took a sip. Apparently, this man who is used to charging on the battlefield has learned a complete set of etiquette during his royal life in the past few years, and his tea-sipping movements are flawless. , perfect like an old Demacian nobleman who stays at home all day studying etiquette.

"Where's that woman?" But as soon as he said it, he completely exposed the military's habits and got straight to the point.

Hastur glanced at Chen Senran calmly, motioning for him to speak, while he picked up his teacup and hid his face hidden in the darkness.

"Your Excellency Xin Zhao, I think you should first explain the ins and outs of the whole matter." Chen Senran's tone was very respectful, but the content of his words was a bit aggressive.

Xin Zhao narrowed his eyes. He seemed to have misunderstood Hastur's previous attitude. This old fox who could gain a foothold in a barren land obviously didn't want to follow his process as he wished.

"What did you say?" Xin Zhao put down his teacup and began to caress the spear on his lap, "Who are you?"

Xin Zhao began to feel that things were getting out of control, that something seemed impossible to hide, but he still chose not to tell the truth.

Xin Zhao's action of touching the gun is obviously not as good as the Noxus who always speak with a sword, and the tone of questioning in his words is not firm enough.

So of course Chen Senran continued to force people: "You don't need to know who I am, the whole gray order is discussing with you now, do you think our whole gray order is the group of copper heads in Bandle City who only know about ores and hammers? If Demacia is using deceit and concealment to show the sincerity of cooperation, we don't mind asking you to leave here." Chen Senran finally showed his sharpness in this sentence, and began to question Zhao Xin like a gun and a sword.

The gentle face was finally torn apart at this moment. There was a smile on the face hidden behind the teacup by Hasta. This man who can build up a lot of power in the land of voodoo undoubtedly appreciates Chen Senran's language style very much , First salute and then soldiers, he salutes first, and Chen Senran moves behind.

It's a wonderful tacit understanding. If Anne really likes it, then in a few years... it seems to be good.

Xin Zhao stopped talking, he didn't expect this young man's words to be so sharp, he usually likes to speak with a sword, he felt weak for the first time at the negotiating table.

"Okay." After being silent for a long time, Xin Zhao finally chose to compromise. In fact, this cannot be concealed. The gray order has grasped most of the information. It is a naive idea to expect them to ignore them like idiots, and , the most important thing is that the Demacians need the flame of hope to fight against the Noxians, so it is impossible for him to really turn against them.

Xin Zhao completely lost the initiative in this conversation.

"We, Demacia, and the despicable Noxians, all came here for one person." Xin Zhao picked up the teacup and drank all the tea in it. The tea was a little cold, but it just sobered his feverish head. At this moment, he no longer hides his roughness, drinking tea is like drinking strong wine.

Hastur put down the teacup, looked at Xin Zhao again, and Chen Senran started to drink tea, the words just now made him feel a little thirsty.

"The Noxians want to kill him, but we want to save him." Xin Zhao looked at Hastur who was still silent, and continued helplessly, "That man is called the Flame of Hope, and it is prophesied that he can destroy Noxus Si, save this chaotic continent."

Xin Zhao is not a very good storyteller. This kind of plot is similar to the fact that we came to defend the savior and someone wanted to kill him. It is very similar to the Hollywood blockbuster Chen Senran watched in the last world. Third-rate rotten film.

"Okay, actually I don't really believe it, but the news is from Anubis, the most famous news dealer in the whole continent, and it is highly credible." Xin Zhao finally waved his hand helplessly. He can't do things.

"Okay, I believe you." Hastur finally spoke again, "I can't think of anything else I can do to make Noxus pay such a high price. As for this prophecy, I have heard it before, but Noxus gave up ten years ago..."

"It's the latest news. According to the news we intercepted, Anubis clearly stated that the flame of hope has appeared in the land of voodoo, in the gray order." Xin Zhao quickly added the missing part, "And the reason why I want To get that woman first, I just want to know if she has confirmed the identity of that person."

After Chen Senran heard all the news, an inexplicable smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. The identity of that person...

So it turned out that the woman's temptation...was looking for something.

As for that person's identity, the flame of hope, Chen Senran finally understood everything.

"What did you plan to do to that person?" Chen Senran asked.

Hastur glanced at him, he could almost reach the conclusions that Chen Senran could draw.

Xin Zhao coughed and fell silent.Obviously, the so-called protection is just talking. If the flame of hope is found in the voodoo land without knowing it, the Demacians will definitely not accept it.

Another long silence.

Light began to filter through the window, and it was almost dawn.


In the first update, two more favorites were dropped, and I was in a bad mood.

The writing is a bit boring, please recommend.

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