Noon on July 12th, [-]th year of the Valoran New World calendar.

The sun is hanging in the sky.

The entire War College entered the hottest time of the year.

When the sun rises highest in the sky.

The Battle of Summoner's Canyon, which has been suspended for a long time due to the high-level dictatorship of the Supreme Justice Council, that is, the Battle of the Field of Justice, finally ushered in its long-lost No.30 eight times after a lapse of three years.

The sound of cicadas has broken the entire sky, and the turbulent crowd has filled every street and every corner where people can stand in Zhanzheng College. The noise and excitement surpassed any day since Zhanzheng College was established 20 years ago, maybe It is to make up for the loneliness of not having any competitions in those three years, and the enthusiasm of the people is beyond the past.

Many people even left the broadcast in their hometown to see the grand occasion, and came all the way from all over the continent. They mixed with the aborigines of Zhanzheng College, including Yordles, Demacians, Nok Sass people, everyone is full of travel and dust, and some of them are even about to faint because they have traveled for a long time without eating a meal, but without exception, their faces and eyes are full of fanaticism.

It has to be said that this is a rare event in the entire continent in recent years. A whole piece of special magic crystal was lifted into the sky of Zhanzheng College with extremely strong runic energy. Looking up from the bottom, that piece of magic crystal almost occupied half the sky over the War College.

When the match officially starts, part of the spiritual bodies of the selected fighters from the two opposing sides will be sent in the form of energy to the Summoner Canyon node in the east of Demacia, and their images will be projected on this piece of magic with rune magic. Crystal, as well as several other broadcast magic crystals located in Demacia, Noxus, Zaun, Piltover, and Bandle City, the five city-states with the highest fair council seats, conduct public competitions across the continent, This transparent and visible method of operation is also an important reason why the Summoner's Canyon matchup can directly adjudicate continental disputes in the past ten years.

As the temperature rose to the highest level of the day, the opening ceremony of this continent-wide grand event finally came to an end.

The tallest building in Zhanzheng College is located on the giant mage tower in the center of the whole Zhanzheng College itself. It can be seen by all the audience present. It is located in the center of the highest referee seat Larivash rose slowly into the highest sky, level with the sun.

The entire War College erupted in an instant, everyone cheered, and everyone raised their heads trying to see clearly the current President of the War College, the chairman of the Supreme Justice Council, the most powerful person in the entire Valoran continent who has not appeared in public for nearly three years. The face of a powerful dictator.

However, perhaps because the sun's rays were too blazing, or perhaps the majesty of Larivash was stronger than the sun, all those who dared to raise their heads humbly bowed their heads in the end.

But even if they could block the sun's rays, they couldn't see Larivash, because even in such a scorching weather, he still wrapped himself tightly in that thick black robe, not showing any A trace of skin.

He slightly raised his hand in the sun, the brilliant sunlight covered every inch of his body, the darkness collided with the pure light, finally emitting a kind of chaos in the sky that would distort even the light.

In the chaos, Larivash looks solemn like a god.

All the noise subsided in an instant, and the entire Zhanzheng College, which was so noisy and crowded that it almost exploded, was as silent as snow in an instant, and a needle could be heard.

Almost everyone is breathing desperately to suppress the range, so as not to pant too loudly and disturb the god in the sky, and make him unstoppable disaster.

"Everyone, good afternoon." Larivash said, his voice was very soft, but it flowed clearly in everyone's heart.

That is no longer something that can be done with any profound magical means. It is like the voice that should exist in the world, flowing in your ears all the time, but you can't hear it because of the mortal identity, only God You can only hear when you speak.

God's voice.

"I'm very happy to be able to make a public judgment in this way again, which means that we have stagnated, and even the continental power that is about to fall into dictatorship has taken another step towards the spirit of justice. I am very relieved." Larivash completely He is talking nonsense with his eyes open, as if he has forgotten that he is the dictator and has been a dictator for many years, and he is speaking with such sincerity, as if he is the embodiment of justice.

Many audience members showed excited expressions, and even some guys who knew exactly what Larivash was were inexplicably moved and shed tears.

"Disgusting means." When the whole city fell into a kind of pilgrimage-like detachment because of Larivash's words, Jax was drinking on the magic crystal window of the gray oak tree. He poured down a glass of Extreme Arctic Glacier, poked a few words out of the nearly black magical crystal windows that were blazing with sunlight outside the window, poking the dim color.

"Agreed." The clown Sacco stuffed his whole body into a comfortable wide-back single sofa in a mess, and poured a whole glass of the best-selling Arctic Glacier launched by Gray Oak Tree this summer into his mouth. Chewing on those chunks of ice and saying, "Those damn things trying to get in my head, so annoying, trying to control me, dreaming."

He chewed the ice cubes until they crackled, and laughed exaggeratedly.

The frost rune heat removal system of the gray oak tree was turned on to the maximum power, and the whole tavern was so cold that one wondered if he was in the Freljord.

"I'm a little worried about Miss Carter and Miss Lacus, after all..." The person who spoke was the poor little Jessica who vowed to kill the clown immediately, holding a glass of iced milk juice in her hand, sitting Beside Jax, through the layer of magic crystal glass, looked at the sky with some concern.

Obviously, during Chen Senran's absence, this poor girl had developed a deep friendship with those two women who were in different camps.

"Don't worry, it doesn't matter if you die in Summoner's Canyon." Barrel Gragas comforted Jessica casually while playing some kind of Valoran card game with the bartender Joey.

on the sky.

"...Then, let's begin." The god Larivash finally finished his last sentence, and slowly descended back to his throne.

The game officially begins.

The six purple light beams representing the contestants' natal spiritual bodies, followed by the manipulation of the great summoners on the mage tower, soared from the competition seats to the distant west coast.

The next moment, the images of the six contestants appeared on the magic crystal in the sky.

The whole city boiled.

The whole continent boiled.


Ask for counting.

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