In the large corridor, footsteps echoed constantly.

Del Xiu ran at the front with a knife in hand, Lao Du followed closely behind, and more Demacian stormtrooper soldiers fell firmly behind them like silent blades, ready to die at any moment. Down.

They worked their way up the middle of the field, avoiding most of the skirmishing, and finally entered the fort through a side door.

They had been running inside the fort for a full 5 minutes, and strangely, no one came out to stop them.

The entire huge fortress seemed to be dead, and only their footsteps made sound in the silence.

"It's not right." Turning a corner again, Delxiu stopped his pace. He looked at the longer corridor ahead and frowned, "It shouldn't be."

"It shouldn't be." Old Du stopped behind him, also looked at the seemingly endless corridor, and whispered, "Swain..."

Swain, the strongest eye of wisdom who suddenly appeared in the hundreds of years of barbaric history of Noxus, a lame man who was always standing in the shadows, what was he thinking?

"We..." Just when Del Xiu was about to say something, he suddenly turned his head and looked at a corner closed by heavy stones, where...

"Did you smell it?" he asked.

"You smelled it too?" Old Du asked without retorting, and also looked towards that corner.

that taste...

It's really nostalgic.


The fire at the gate of the city was burning very high.

Volibear snarled and slapped the heads in half of the two guys who were charging towards him.

The fighting power of these guys made him frown deeply. Although he killed them with one blow, he himself suffered two strong knives from them.

The kind of ferocious blade that was strong enough to cut through his thick and strong fur that even Thunderbolt could hardly hurt.It really made him a little afraid.

He didn't know where these people came from, nor did he know which faction they belonged to.Dressed in Noxian scout garb, they appeared like a horde of ghosts.

Fortunately, they are few in number.Otherwise it will be a great hindrance tonight.

Now it is only necessary to kill them as quickly as possible, and then seize the gate of the city.

"Tearing——" when Volibear was thinking like this, the bloodthirsty Mr. Rabbit fought the price of his own injury with two swords, beheading an unknown and powerful warrior who was as fast as the wind.

A few Noxus officers who stayed at the gate of the city happily walked towards them when they saw that the surrender army that should belong to them came to support them.

In the end, he was hacked to death by Mr. Rabbit without blinking his eyes. Mr. Rabbit spat out a mouthful of cold saliva, and swore bastard bastard happily, and he was about to jump to the other side again to carry out the massacre.

"Okay." Volibear really had a headache for his partner, and his impulsiveness was not like a human being at all.

The priority now is to occupy a favorable location, not kill people.

Just when he wanted to grab Mr. Rabbit's shoulder impatiently.When he asked him to calm down, he suddenly felt a tingling pain in the back of his neck.

enemy attack.


In the very remote mountains.

Where the Freljord is filled with snow.

A pair of eyes opened suddenly in the dark moonlight night, emitting a yellow light like flames.

Rengar opened his eyes, waking from an endless sleep.

This feeling again, this feeling of wanting to control your whole body.

What the hell, what kind of bastard would dare to do that?

"Roar——" Rengar, who was strongly eroded by thoughts, had to hug his head again, but it didn't help.

Although his strength is strong enough to easily destroy a mountain.

But in the face of this crisis that broke out directly in his body, he was helpless.

He felt that every nerve in his body was being pulled crazily, and he felt that he was falling into an abyss that he could not struggle.

He involuntarily stood up from the ground.As if possessed, he began to move in a direction he didn't want to go at all.

"In the end..." The overlord of the snow mountain, who has always been unstoppable since I can remember, can only roar at the whole sky feebly at this moment, "What is it?"


Time turned back to the moment when Chen Senran broke out of his shell.

Chen Senran opened his eyes, and the turbulent magic lines seemed to rush out of his skin violently.It blazed up.

The darkness that was crushed into pieces continued to fall, and the original darkness that stopped swallowing everything all the time did not surround Chen Senran immediately.

General Burnham seemed to have discovered some new world, and he lost his previous killing intent.Instead, he commanded the darkness around him with great interest, and greeted Chen Senran with a strong sense of probing.

As a result, it naturally did not cause any trouble to Chen Senran.Even because General Burnham's force was too light, the darkness didn't even touch him.It was directly torn into pieces.

At this moment, Chen Senran seemed to have lost all consciousness. In his eyes, there were only frantic black light beams burning like flames, and he no longer had the absolute calmness of the past.

His whole body was trembling, like a butterfly breaking out of its cocoon in the air.

"An unexpected harvest." General Burnham said this, without stopping his temptation.

With his head supported, he manipulated the darkness and started to increase his strength bit by bit, from the beginning of the attack slowly and slowly, to the last bunch of swift and fierce attacks like sharp arrows.

Step by step, it seems to be doing an experiment.

But Chen Senran really didn't know what kind of state he had reached at this moment, those non-stop attacks could not cause him any harm at all.

On the contrary, he himself was shaking more and more violently, and with those magic lines that were also swimming faster and faster, his whole body seemed to be about to explode.

"Tearing——" The temptation of darkness finally evolved to the point of frightening materialization, the darkness condensed into a spear-like pierced through the stagnant air, and stabbed straight towards Shen Yi's eyebrows.

This time, the invisible protection around Chen Senran could no longer stop him, and the spear easily broke through the defense line like tearing a thin dress.

"Brush—" In an instant, the tip of the spear was an inch in front of Chen Senran's eyebrows.

At this critical moment, Chen Senran finally stopped the shaking of his whole body, and instantly grasped the life-killing spear with his hands at a completely impossible speed, not letting it move forward.

The darkness froze for another moment. (to be continued..)

ps: Ask for a monthly pass.

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