"Clang—" The swords in the dark night strangled fiercely together, and mixed with those deep roars, strong sparks burst out.

The wind is stronger.

Everyone gritted their teeth in the strong wind, held their knives and met in the middle of the city gate, and no one was willing to take a step back.

Everyone is charging, to break through, to repel.

Blood began to flow.

The flames at the gate of the city pulled everyone's faces for a long time, and time lost its meaning at this moment.

Only life goes on and on.

The fire of fate is raging.

In the raging fire, the protagonists on the stage of fate also attacked separately.

"Stop him, Ezreal." Galen charged forward, cutting a Ursa warrior in half with a fierce sword, blood gushing into his face like a fountain.

He yelled at Ezreal from the fountain of gushing blood.

Without hesitation, Ezreal fired three bursts of blue light and raging arcane energy at the back of Volibear, who was also roaring and tearing apart the Demacia stormtrooper who was trying to stop him from moving forward.

The swift and nimble arcane missiles reached the bearman warrior's vest in an instant, forcing him to slow down his charge, and the two palms roared and connected three arcane energies.

Three shots of arcane energy failed to do any damage to Volibear, but at least they held him back for half a minute.

half a minute.

In half a minute, the coalition army, which was already charging, was led by two sharp spears, Galen and Tryndamere, to advance a full five yards.

Five yards.

The longitudinal length of the entire city gate is less than thirty yards.

The starting point of both sides is the center of the city gate.

The distance of five yards is close to pulling the balance of the whole situation towards the coalition forces by half.

The odds are great.

The men and horses of Winter's Claw were already somewhat difficult to support under the strong impact of the coalition forces, and in the shadowy darkness behind them, there were even more unknown reinforcements pouring out continuously.

Volibear still hadn't escaped Ezreal's struggle.

Victory seems to be just a matter of time.

"Go and kill him." Volibear also sensed something was wrong.After blocking Ezreal's two shots of arcane energy again, he turned around and charged.At the same time, he roared in his mouth.

He yelled like Mr. Rabbit.

Mr. Rabbit wiped the blood from his face, and rushed towards Ezreal without saying a word.

Facing the menacing Mr. Rabbit.Ezreal unhurriedly fired three rounds of arcane energy in a row, and at the same time used the arcane leap to avoid more than a dozen long knives cutting towards him.

The scattered blue arcane energy shot through all the people who besieged Izreal. Only Mr. Rabbit resisted Izreal's attack with his strong body, and continued without taking a step back. Charge towards where Ezreal is standing.

Ezreal didn't retreat any further, and raised his hand to shoot arcane energy at the mad dog-like Mr. Rabbit.

One shot, two shots, three shots.

At last he raised both hands and fired at full force.

The light blue arcane energy rushed towards Mr. Rabbit like it was endless.

Until he was completely submerged.

"Ling——" the air was filled with the lingering sound of wind chimes ringing.

The lingering sound even temporarily overwhelmed the shocking shouts of killing.

The blue light gradually dissipated, and the charging Mr. Rabbit was no longer there.Only a pile of snow and mist drifted slowly in the air.

Ezreal stopped shooting, and he didn't take advantage of the situation to attack Volibear who had rushed to the front line.

He raised his hands and made a motion like drawing a bow.

A huge light blue energy slash appeared between his arms.

The strong wind chimes sounded in the air again.

Endless energy cut, the ultimate.

Against the horde of Winter's Claws and Ursine warriors.

Time to end.

"Wait a minute." At this moment, someone suddenly shouted.

who is it?


who is it?

In the endless ocean of consciousness, Chen Senran, who had been forced back into an extremely narrow corner, was thinking slowly with his only remaining consciousness.

The body had been completely swallowed by the overwhelming black void, and the kingdom of flames had fallen.

Only the last royal capital is left, and the last heart is still beating continuously.

Although it is only a heart, the energies of those raging voids are still unable to break through.

Every time the galloping black flame rushes towards the heart.All will be shocked by the strong beating of the heart.

The situation has reached a stalemate between constant offense and defense.

But at the last moment, an extremely strong energy rushed into Chen Senran's body.

Before those black voids had time to react, they directly swallowed a large area of ​​territory.

It was a frosty white, like flowing icy energy.

It is overbearing.Immediate, unstoppable and more intense than those black voids.

The dispersed void energy is not the enemy of those Frost at all, it only takes three breaths.Those frost-white energies seized half of the territory.

The void energy had no choice but to shrink, condensing into a sharp spear trying to fight against the frost.

But those frosts are too sharp.The black void is still losing ground.

It wasn't until they retreated to the vicinity of the heart at that moment that those frosty white energies stagnated.It finally met a formidable opponent, hitting that lonely heart, but it couldn't take it down no matter what.

And those void energies also discovered this, so they made a comeback, twisting together with those two energies.

Three strands of energy, Frost, Fire, and Void.

Hard to tell.

"Huh?" In the frozen corridor, Lissandra, who had been holding Chen Senran's arms as if she was eating some delicious food, and closed her eyes slightly, opened her eyes.

She saw that the magic lines on her body had gradually faded, and Chen Senran, who was gradually covered by frost, showed an interested expression, and she put more force on her hands.

The air in the entire corridor dropped again.

Frost strikes.

The cold air spread over Chen Senran's face, his eyebrows, his eyes, and his eyelashes.

Anne's eyelashes.

The girl who had been sleeping in Lissandra's arms suddenly opened her eyes, her eyes were still pure and light.

Not a trace of impurities.

She looked at Chen Senran's face, which was about to be eroded by frost, and said silently:

"Xiao Sensen, you are here."

Xiao Sensen, you are here.

In the boundless sea of ​​consciousness, Chen Senran, who was about to be swallowed by the big waves, suddenly opened his eyes with the last bit of inspiration.

Yes, here I am.

Chen Senran's lips, which were about to be completely covered by frost, moved suddenly.

At the same time, the struggle of the three forces in his body reached its extreme.

The three strands of energy twisted together at the same time, and the scarlet heart beat faster and faster.


Chen Senran's body suddenly ignited a pitch-black flame.


Chen Senran's body suddenly became thick with frost.


Those snake-like magic lines reappeared.


Scarlet blood streaks also appeared on the surface of Chen Senran's skin.


The beating of the heart grew louder.


faster and faster.



"Plop plop plop plop plop plop plop—"


The whole world seemed to tremble and throb.


The sound of something breaking.

The flames on Chen Senran's body rose in vain.

next moment--

Chen Senran...

Open your eyes! ! ! (to be continued..)

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