let go of my anne

Page 5 [July of this year]

When Hastur received the news from the council about letting Annie enter the War College, he was still in a cold sweat.

"This group of old foxes." Hastur's eyelids twitched, but he still judged the meaning of the council in an instant.But he didn't mean to pay the price so soon, he just said that Annie was still too young, and she would send her to the academy to study when she was a little older.

The first thing to do is to figure out the value of Chen Senran.

Although the young man's mind is indeed good, in this world, most of the time, strength and sword are everything. Hastur does not deny this proverb from Noxus, although it is full of savagery the taste of.

"Then, Mr. Chen Senran, it's time for you to show your value." Hastur sat up straight, put his hands on the table with fingers crossed, and looked at the young man sitting across from him with a scrutinizing gaze.

Chen Senran, who put on a gray robe, shrugged his shoulders. Of course, he knew what the so-called display value meant. From the book, he learned that visitors from other worlds, because they travel through space planes, will have a kind of Unknown factors, that kind of factors allow them to better fit the rune power of Valoran.

This is another reason why the council wants to keep visitors from another world in captivity.

"According to what you said, respected Mr. Hasta, I have scarlet flames in my body, which is the power of the strongest legendary fire item in legend, so I can easily assimilate the power of runes into the power of flames?" Chen Senran looked at Hastur while fiddling with the runes in his hand.

"Theoretically, that's the case." Hastur did not disclose any more information.

"Okay." Of course Chen Senran didn't know what to do. Before coming to this ghostly place, he was just an ordinary person, most proficient in firearms and fighting skills, but those things, damn, are they comparable to a magic?

He could only try to hold the rune tightly in his hand, um, okay, give me some feeling.

A moment of magic passed without any response.

"Look, Mr. Hastur, your theory has made a mistake." Chen Senran didn't feel uneasy, and even had time to tease Hastur.

Hastur was silent for a moment, and said: "It seems that I have too high expectations of you, you have not shown too much genius, um, learn magic knowledge first." He was not too disappointed, in fact this Just a trial and it looks like the young man's value has dropped.


Chen Senran felt that the time spent training in the secret base in Central Asia was simply enjoyable, if it was compared to letting a little girl under the age of 12 teach him magic knowledge.

In fact, Annie's magical talent is extremely high, which can be seen from the fact that she was able to subdue the terrifying shadow bear at the age of four, but her ability to impart magical knowledge is absolutely terrible.

Leaving aside the occasional coquetry, and sometimes being so confused that he can't even tell what the point is, what Chen Senran is most afraid of is that if he shows a state of boredom and daze, Xiao Nizi will cry.

Okay, okay, is this torture?

Chen Senran looked at the little girl with full eyes and a tendency to cry, scratching her head and saying, "This... I actually didn't sleep well last night."

"Liar, you fell asleep last night without waiting for people to listen to the story, and you said you didn't sleep well, you big liar, I will ignore you from now on." Annie hit Chen Senran with a bear angrily, He ran away without looking back.

Difficult little girl... Chen Senran has one head and two big girls.

At this time, Hastur just walked into the room, frowned and glanced at Chen Senran, but did not speak.

"You know, your daughter...is really not suitable..."

"I know what you want to say, Mr. Chen Senran, it's not that I want to deliberately make things difficult for you, I could have asked other senior mages to teach you, or even teach you myself, but in the end I chose my daughter, you Do you know why?"

"That's because your physiques are very similar. My daughter's sensitivity to flames may be higher than yours. This is necessary to help you show your value as soon as possible." Hasta looked at Chen Senran seriously, Absolutely no hint of a joke.

Chen Senran had no choice but to nod, and Hastur left without saying a word.

Finally, when only Chen Senran was left alone, he silently took out the rune, slowly clenched it tightly, and closed his eyes, he felt a hot thing in his body connecting from his heart to the rune in his hand , There was a thin stream flowing from the rune in his hand into his body, then circulated continuously, and finally flowed to the heart.

Chen Senran shivered, slowly opened his eyes, glanced at the much smaller rune in his hand, and lowered his head to think.

This so-called rune is the solid shape of magic, and the so-called assimilation is to use the power from the scarlet flame in one's body to melt the solid magic rune through the magic circuit in the body.

Chen Senran obviously felt a slight change in his body, and he seemed a little tired mentally, but he felt that there was strength flowing in his body.

"A magical world." Chen Senran felt interesting. This was probably a gift from the gods, allowing him to be reborn from the ashes and experience another life.

Although there is no such good wine in this world.


In July of this year, the sun in the Voodoo Land was still as strong.Chen Senran was barely able to master the method of transformation, and learned the magic of a flame ball from the little girl's tutor.

Hasta didn't seem too happy, which didn't match his expectation, he was even hesitant to abandon this guy, he didn't want to send his precious daughter to the alliance to suffer because of such a bargaining chip.

In July of this year, Demacia went to war with Noxus again. The reason was nothing more than a little friction between the territories. Zaun continued to do its arms business, Ionia was helping, and Birgi Mr. Walter's captain declared neutral, and Kostya said he wanted to have some fun. The council was so busy that he didn't even have time to go to the secret room for a meeting.

In short, the wheel of history was slowly moving forward, but Chen Senran had no time to care about it, because Miss Anne fell asleep holding his arm again at this moment.


Because it is a game. .Stuck again. . .In fact, I don't have an outline, and I write whatever I think of, so it's a pain.

good. .Hope I can come up with a new plot soon.

that's all.Ask for tickets and collections. . . . . .

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