let go of my anne

Page 89【I'm so hungry】




The wind blowing all over the sky, Tai Long, the shadow of the blade, landed slowly, flicking the blade lightly, a stream of blood dripped down the blood groove.


"Plop—" The silver-armored guards who were still standing all fell down, and there was no one alive in this corridor.

Chen Senran walked to Tai Long who was panting slightly, stepping on the blood all over the ground. He squinted his eyes and glanced at the corpses all over the ground, and suddenly asked, "Do you think it's strange?"

"You mean, they huddled here in a way that almost killed us and let us slaughter?" Talon was naturally not a fool, and he had already seen the clues, "Consume our combat power? The council is not that stupid, even if Galen is alone , These people are not enough for him to kill."

Chen Senran shook his head, noncommittal, "Where are the Galenians?"

Tai Long made a gesture, pointing to the next corridor, and there was the dull sound of sword blades chopping armor and tearing flesh from there.

"Go and have a look." Chen Senran turned around the entrance of the corridor, and couldn't help frowning.

The general scene of the slaughterhouse can only be called the general scene of the slaughterhouse.

Those silver-armored guards holding their swords stood there at a loss like pigs and sheep waiting to be slaughtered. They didn't know how to be afraid, didn't know how to retreat, and didn't know how to attack. The giant sword was smashed into pieces.

Already blood stained Garen's delicate blue and white armor, he swung his dauntless greatsword tirelessly, roaring and tearing apart any creature that stood in his way.

When Chen Senran saw him, he just stabbed his huge long sword into the body of a silver-armored warrior. With a roar, he lifted the poor guy high and swept away to the left. Knocking down the crowded crowd to the ground like a siege hammer, the giant sword sliced ​​through the body and cut off everyone who fell on the ground.

"Roar—" Galen let out an inhuman roar, and continued to walk.

The long sword trembled lightly, and the flesh and internal organs covered in rain rained down.

The killing continues.

"Do you feel scared?" Tai Long also came to the entrance of the corridor at some time.

"No, don't you think..." Chen Senran closed his eyes and opened the Way of Infinity. In the world of flowing water, a strong blood-red flame evaporated the liquid in the entire space and rushed straight into his spiritual world. "Is it hot?" ?”

"Hot?" Tai Long was a little puzzled.

"Hot murderous intent." Chen Senran explained, "I have never seen such a strong killing intent."

"Murderous intent..." Talon seemed to think of something, "Do you know what the nickname given to Galen by the Noxus military department in private?"

"What?" Chen Senran touched his nose, the intense killing intent just now made his already dehydrated body feel more thirsty.

"Kill the embryo." Tai Long glanced at General Galen who raised his sword again, preparing for another round of killing, "Galen will always charge forward in every battle, go deep into the enemy's line, never retreat, and kill until the last person He will stop the sword in his hand. The one time he killed the most, the corpses piled up like a mountain, and the fire burned for a day and a night without being completely burned."

"Killing the embryo..." Chen Senran chewed the word once more, and looked again at the man who had the sword across his chest at this moment, spinning in place like a whirlwind and rushing into the crowd.

The spinning blade smashed the first man's helmet, revealing a numb face. The next moment, his cheeks turned into a puddle of mud along with the broken silver-white armor.

And then the next, and the next, and the next...the pile of corpses.

Mountain-like corpses... fiery killing intent... killing embryos...

"If you stop him, what will happen?" Chen Senran's eyes flickered.

"What do you think?" Talon asked back.

"Wait..." Tai Long also thought of something instantly, "You mean...they are deliberately cultivating his killing intent? But why?"

"I'm thinking about it too...but it seems too late." Chen Senran said the last sentence, and the people in the last corridor turned into pieces of meat all over the ground. From the flesh and blood of the ground, there was a roar of incomparable satisfaction.

The killing intent has reached its peak.


Drizzt closed his eyes and stroked the cold silver-white wall and walked slowly forward. He walked unhurriedly. Although his eyes were closed, there was no slight deviation in the way he was walking, as if he was in the dark. There is a magical force pulling him forward.

And in fact, it is indeed so. When Drizzt stepped into the interior of this research institute, he felt the call that he had always thought of in the depths of his heart. The voice in the ear, it said over and over again: Come on, come on.

"I'm here." Drizzt said to himself and quickened his pace. In fact, with his strength, he could have entered the research institute as soon as the space crack opened by Kostia opened.But he didn't, because he was not sure of the defense force that could resist the council, and Galen gave him this opportunity. Now he can use Galen's huge bait to distract the council's sight, and easily find what he wants to find. s things.

Turning around a three-way intersection again, there are less than five hundred yards left from the center that keeps calling itself.


move on.

Three hundred yards.

Almost there, almost there.

Drizzt's breathing was unusually fast, even Drizzt, who would not affect his heartbeat even watching the greatest tragedy in the world, was extremely excited at this moment.

fifty yards.

Open your eyes.

An incomparably huge silver-white giant door appeared in front of Drizzt.

The way home is at hand.


"Is it arranged in Laboratory No. [-]?" Larivash, who had been looking up at the top of his head, remembered something.

"Don't worry, I guarantee that Drizzt will come and go." This matter was arranged by Hudson, and he still had great confidence in those No. [-] experimental subjects.

"It's almost time for Galen to come." Larivash closed his eyes and listened to the voices outside, subconsciously sniffed the smell in the air, "I'm so hungry..." He seemed to swallow a mouthful of saliva, that The slight sound spread far in the empty room.

The bodies of the two council bosses standing behind him froze, as if they were covered by countless ants, and they felt hairy all over their bodies.


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