The cabinet is the small imperial court of the Huang Kingdom, and His Majesty will seek the people from the cabinet to discuss any major national affairs immediately.

There are seven people in the cabinet, and the Li family and his son occupy two of them.In the cabinet, the emperor now relies most on Zhao Xing. Although Dongfang Fengyuan is the prime minister on the left and the head of all officials, he is somewhat left aside. No wonder he is depressed.

"Master, is it possible that Your Majesty still suspects you because you recommended the fourth prince with all the officials last time? But Li Zhongyuan also recommended the fourth prince. If you want to say suspicion, Li Zhongyuan is more suspicious than you. His wife is still too suspicious." What about the daughter of the master's mansion, and the fourth prince's mother concubine, Concubine An, is also from the Grand Master's mansion, if your Majesty wants to be suspicious, the first thing to do is to suspect Li Zhongyuan."

"Li Zhongyuan gave birth to a good son."

Dongfang Fengyuan shook his head, "Now in the cabinet, Li Zhongyuan's second son, Li Chengwen, has won His Majesty's trust, and he made His Majesty very happy with a few words. Today's young people have unique insights into political affairs, and His Majesty likes him very much." This set."

"Could it be that if we really want Qi'er to take the imperial examination, how much can we help the master in the court?"

In the past, Murong Yi just joined the army with Dongfangqi or something, after all, it was her natal family's Township Duke's Mansion, and she still felt that her natal family would never treat Bo Dongfangqi.

But now, after listening to what Dongfang Fengyuan said, she suddenly felt that it would be difficult for her to move forward if she had no one to help her in the court.

"Hey, Qi'er, I have nothing to do with him."

Dongfang Fengyuan sighed.

"Let the wife find a time to have a good talk with Qier."

Originally, I wanted to complain about Dongfang Lian, a cheap girl, in front of Dongfang Fengyuan, but now that Zuoxiang's mansion is in danger, and Dongfang Fengyuan is full of miscellaneous things, it seems that she won't support her to deal with Dongfang Lian.

Murong Yi had to think of another way.

Hey, isn't there going to be a grand debate hosted by Zi Chemeng in the palace tomorrow?

Wasn't Zi Che Meng appointed to have another debate with Dongfang Lian? Murong Yi suddenly had an idea.

"Master, let us Qi'er also enter the palace to participate in tomorrow's grand debate. If we can get Master Zi Che to look at us differently, it will be great for Qi'er's future."

Murong Yi will never let Dongfang Lian be prettier than before.

Tomorrow, she will prevent Dongfang Lian from attending, hmph, let the queen punish her for contempt.

"If you can persuade Qi'er to participate in the grand debate, your husband will be happy to see you."

Dongfang Fengyuan said.

"Okay, I'll leave this to my wife."

Murong Yi left beautifully.

She wanted to go back to her natal family's Township Duke's Mansion, just now Qi'er left the mansion angrily, so she must have gone there.


Love Pavilion.

Dongfang Lian hadn't fallen asleep yet. She was meditating and practicing spiritual arts. Spiritual arts needed to absorb the aura of heaven and earth, especially the aura of heaven and earth at midnight, which was especially important for practitioners of spiritual arts.

Lu'er, who had been staring at Murong Yi's movements, saw that Dongfang Lian was still awake, so she came in to report, "Miss?"

Dongfanglian opened her eyes, "What's the matter?"

"The eldest lady has left the mansion. She should have returned to the Duke of Zhen's mansion."

"Oh, went to find her son?"

"Yes. By the way, miss, my father has been transferred to the master's side, and he will be on guard tonight. He heard the lady tell the master about you, but the master didn't listen to the complaint. It seems that the master is still There you are, miss."

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