"Hmph, how do I know you're not acting?"

"I follow the rules and don't know these bandits at all." Dongfang Lian looked upright.

"Hmph!" Murong Yi sneered, not believing Dongfang Lian's words at all.

If it was the past, Murong Yi believed that Dongfang Lian was a little girl who escaped the rules and did not leave the house... But now, this little bitch is so incomprehensible and scary.


Let's talk about those two letters.

As soon as Dongfang Fengyuan received the letter, he almost fainted when he saw the two blood letters and was extorted 300 million taels in total.

"Master, do you want to report to the government? Let the government intervene?" The housekeeper Zhou Fuye also realized the seriousness of the problem.


Dongfang Fengyuan waved his hand, he has been an official for decades, he knows all kinds of officialdom, and even more deeply knows that people's words are scary.

With his official position, it is natural to send troops to exterminate those bandits. However, it is hard to predict what will happen when the time comes, and he does not want to take the entire left. The reputation and status of the Xiangfu came to risk.

"Prepare the ransom..."

"But master, 300 million taels..." Zhou Fuye wept bitterly, the Zuo Xiangfu definitely couldn't get this money out.

Dongfang Fengyuan is also a cunning, "Just now Zheng Han gave another letter to Lu'er, I think I know what Lian'er means. So just prepare the ransom for Madam."

"Even for 200 million taels, we can't get it out..."

"Madame has a small treasury. Call the woman who attends Madam."


Over the years, Dongfang Fengyuan didn't know that Murong Yi had other private money. The reason why he didn't move Murong Yi's treasury was because he wanted to maintain the clean and honest image of Zuo Xiangfu.

The second is that all the women in the backyard will have a treasury. Although Murong Yi is suspected of using the family's public funds for private use, she is still the mistress of this family.

As a man, he can't care too much sometimes.As long as this woman has no second thoughts and is still loyal to him, he will open and close his eyes.


Tianxiang Building.

Long Qijin is hosting a banquet for a prince from outside the pass.

Outside the pass, it is an area outside the Canghuang Continent. It is an area composed of many ethnic groups. There are many independent countries, large and small. There are many wars and chaos. They are still in a slavery society, and the lives of the people are relatively difficult.

Due to its geographical location, Huangguo has commercial relations with some areas outside the customs, and businessmen or tribal leaders from outside the customs often come to Huangcheng to communicate with the dignitaries, hoping to make the business of the two countries more prosperous and exchange some commodities.

Prince Timulance is from Dahe Kingdom outside the pass.

The status of the Dahe Kingdom outside the pass is similar to that of the Huang Kingdom in the Canghuang Continent, both of which are relatively strong.

In these years, the business exchanges between Dahe Country and Huang Country have been very frequent.Tie Mulansi and Long Qijin met a few years ago, and they have a good friendship.

Some industries under the name of the Seventh Prince's Mansion have cooperation with outside the customs, and Tie Mulansi also helped Long Qijin.At the same time, Long Qijin also sold some popular products to Timulans at a discount. The two parties have always cooperated happily and made money from each other.In this way, the relationship between the two is even closer.

Besides, Tie Mulansi has military power in Dahe Country. For the future, Long Qijin has to establish a good relationship with this person, and maybe he can use external force when he needs it.

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