It's not a good thing for the girls around you to know too much. It's not that they don't believe them, but that they know too much. If it falls into someone's hands, it will be a danger.

"Oh. Miss, let me make you a cup of tea."

Liu Er wisely stopped asking.

Lu'er knew that Dongfang Lian was back, so she ran over anxiously, "Miss...Miss, are you back safely?"

"Yes. I made you worry." Seeing Lu'er crying, Dongfang Lian felt a burst of warmth.

"Miss, I'm so worried about Luer."

Lu'er hugged Dongfang Lian tightly, and couldn't wait to say, "Hua'er Hong'er wrote to say that they are coming back too, and I'm afraid they will arrive soon."

"Really? Let's wait for them to have dinner together..."

Dongfang Lian went to take a bath, and when she came out, she saw the two girls Hua'er and Hong'er who had been sent out for a while came back, and Hua'er Hong'er also heard Lu'er talk about Dongfang Lian's kidnapping, which scared the two girls into a cold sweat Fortunately, Dongfang Lian came back safely.

"Miss, we will never leave you again."

Hua'er, Hong'er said with a red nose.

"Okay, okay, am I not safe, but you are outside, and a lot of things happened, right?"

"Yes, according to the lady's order, I will leave the matter to Dansi and come back."

Hua'er said, "I met my brother outside. It turns out that my brother has joined the Beggars' Gang these years and is already a disciple of the Seven Bags. There are many underappreciated people in the Beggars' Gang, so Hua'er let them join us..."

"Well, but we must be cautious and cautious in their assessment and selection. Although we need talents very much, we can't use all kinds of cats and dogs, and they should be careful to sneak into us..." She had to guard against this point.

Many things are lost in careful work.

"Miss, we are all very careful." Hong'er said, "Miss, what should we do next?"

"What about Tanwu?"

Dongfang Lian looked at Hong'er.

"I asked Dan Wu to buy a brothel that was about to be sold due to poor management, Miss." Hong'er said.

"Well done. I also have the same intention. Since Hong'er, you have already thought of this level, then the next step is to be responsible for the completion of the Red Building. Hire more talented dancers.

"My only worry is that you are young, Hong'er. You may not be able to deal with things like Fengyue Place, so I mean that all the people in the brothel, including the old bustard, are left behind to train them and add some attractive highlights. For our use. Hong'er, you can just be behind the scenes. How about it?"

"Yes, miss. During this period of time, Hong'er went to the Qunfang Tower to lurk and work as a waiter beside their first dancer. In fact, Hong'er learned a lot of dances secretly."

As she said that, Hong'er danced for a while, feeling a little proud, "How about Miss?"

"It's good, but... not enough."

Dongfang Lian shook her head. Although Hong'er learned well and danced well, she was still lacking.

"Miss, I worked very hard." Hong'er was a little depressed.

"It's okay, I have a solution." Dongfang Lian smiled, "Nian Jiaoer, a dancer who has caused a sensation in the world, do you know?"

"I know, miss, but isn't she a good man?"

"Wait. She's coming out soon."

Dongfang Lian remembered that Nian Jiaoer committed suicide during this period of time in her previous life. She said that the beauty was late, and the men in the family no longer fell in love with her, but fell in love with other brothel courtesans, so she left Nian Jiaoer aside. .

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