"I only admitted to him that I set up a trap against Murong Yi, but I didn't say that the money was in my hands. And it's true that the money is not in my hands."

Dongfang Lian counted the bank notes, one was a lot, "Thank you. 300 million is really important to me. I wanted to split the bill with you, after all, you also contributed. But I see you... …With a rich family background, it seems that there is no need for it.”

Even the floor of Long Jingkuang's Huangchaoju is made of high-quality jade, and his money is comparable to the national treasury, so how could he even think of this small 300 million taels?

"Actually... I don't know what your specific arrangements are step by step, and what you are going to do next."

Looking at Dongfanglian, she thought of her being kidnapped by bandits, even though she set it up herself.But if she continues to go on, there will be more dangers in the future.

That's why Long Jingkuang was worried about Dongfang Lian.

"Me? You don't need to know my plan, you just need to do your own thing well."

Oriental love said.

"My business? I used to not care much about the political situation because of my health. I thought my years would come to an abrupt end at the age of 20... Now, I have some hopes and struggles, and I promised you to fight for the position. Only then did I realize that both Long Qijin and Long Qihao were formidable opponents...

"Both of them have huge forces behind them, and they have planned for that position for so many years, and I just started, so I have to work harder and put more thought into it.

"My current plans cannot be exposed, nor can my ideas surface and let everyone know. I can't go head-to-head with Long Qijin and Long Qihao. If I do this, I'm afraid the price I will pay will be very high.

"I can only continue to slumber, sick in this small courtyard, and at the same time design an incident to make them fight against each other, and both lose."

Long Jingkuang said slowly.

"Okay, let's split things up. I'll do mine, and you will do yours. I have faith in you."

"Well, thank you for your confidence. During this period of time, I sent spies to infiltrate Long Qijin's forces, and I also know some of his layout..."

"tell me the story?"

"Okay, if you're interested." So Long Jingkuang told Dongfanglian about Long Qijin's layout in Phoenix City.

Dongfang Lian listened, thought for a while, and told him Long Qijin's power that was not easy to be noticed, "Long Qijin has an underground palace, and there are tens of thousands of soldiers there. In addition, he also has some power in the Jianghu. He Dozens of masters are hidden by his side, and he has many enemies. He has tried to assassinate him countless times, but with so many masters protecting him, it is impossible to assassinate him. If you don't get close to him, you will die Miserable."

"How do you know this? The underground palace?"

Does Long Qijin actually have an underground palace?

He couldn't find it.

"Hehe, of course I have my channel to know."

In the previous life, Long Qijin didn't let her know about the underground palace at first, but later the fight with Long Qihao became more and more fierce, and she was always worried about the lack of troops in the Seventh Palace, so Long Qijin told about the underground palace she.

The underground palace is located in a very secret place. Long Qijin didn't tell her the exact location of the underground palace, and she didn't have any reason to ask at that time. She only knew that the tens of thousands of troops did happen in the final battle for the position. very important role...

"I don't know where the underground palace is located, so you can start from this point and find out where Long Qijin's underground palace is, but you must not startle the snake by making mistakes."

Dongfanglian warned Long Jingkuang.

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