"Mrs. Liu had a granddaughter many years ago. According to her neighbors, the granddaughter who lived with Mrs. Liu ten years ago is gone. No one has seen her. And Mrs. Liu is not sad, obviously the girl has A better place to go, rather than some accident and death. The subordinates have a bold guess, the reason why Mrs. Liu did not betray the person behind the scenes, is her close relative in the hands of this person?"

"Murong Yi?"

Dongfang Lian thought about it, the maids around Murong Yi basically entered the mansion four or five years ago, and ten years ago... did those maids receive training there?

Yes, the maids around Murong Yi have received rigorous training, and they also know some boxing skills, but Murong Yi focuses more on her hidden guards in terms of force.

"Tan Yi, you have sneaked into the prison of Dali Temple many times, have you met that Mrs. Liu?"


Nod lightly.

"What are the characteristics of her appearance? Think back to the maids around Murong Yi, is there anyone who looks a little like her?"

Dongfanglian guides him.

"This..." Dan Yi recalled carefully, filtering face by face, first of all, the big girl Ye Er... "Ye Er doesn't look the same, Mrs. Liu is a bit ugly, Ye Er no matter between her eyebrows and eyes or talking and laughing Nothing like her.

"Where's Yu'er? Yu'er is Murong Yi's assistant to the maid next to Ye'er, but Yu'er doesn't feel like Mrs. Liu...

"Also, Chun'er, Xia'er...Miss, didn't the two of them come back because they were raped on the cottage?" These are what Dan Er told Dan Yi.


Dongfang Lian nodded, "Murong Yi ignored them when they went down the mountain, and didn't know what happened to them.

"However, it is not a pity to die for girls who do evil things like that. No one in this mansion will sympathize with them. Although they are pitiful, they were trained by Murong Yi to become thugs, snakes and scorpions who did all kinds of evil things. In the end, their master also abandoned them Now, ignore them, this is their fate..."

Dongfang Lian would not hypocritically say that she was pitiful and sympathetic to their end, because those girls were Murong Yi's accomplices in the previous life, helping Murong Yi to harm her severely.

"Then Qiu'er and Dong'er are left..." Dan Yi thought for a while, "They don't look like Mrs. Liu either."

"What are the impressive features of Mrs. Liu? For example, dimples or something? Moles or something?"

"She seems to...have indistinct big and small eyes." Dan said.

"Big and small eyes?"

Dongfang Lian thought for a while, then suddenly smiled, "Shuang'er."

The girl next to Dongfang Hua, Shuang'er, has indistinct big and small eyes.It's just that girl knows how to cover up with makeup.

"So Shuang'er is Granny Liu's granddaughter?"

Dan Yi recalled Shuang'er's appearance, and felt that this feeling was right.

"Yes, Shuang'er is somewhat similar to Mrs. Liu's charm. Miss, Shuang'er is Mrs. Liu's granddaughter, that's right..."

Dan Yi is basically sure.

"That's good. Let someone reveal the news to Shuang'er, saying that Mrs. Liu would rather commit suicide than betray her master in order to protect her master in prison. Let's see how she reacts."

Dongfanglian needs to be more sure.


Light one went to perform the task.

Dongfang Hua called Hong'er again, "How about the beauty building?"

"Miss, the beauty building has been designed according to the drawings of the lady, the layout has been re-arranged, personnel selection and so on, everything is almost ready, and it is waiting for the opening."

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