When seeing Dongfang Lian, Murong took into account that there were two of them beside her, so he didn't dare to show his teeth and claws like before.

She even deliberately provoked Murong Yi a few times, but that woman didn't move like a mountain, she was just playing lip service.

In this way, Dongfang Lian still thinks that she has no chance to show her skills, alas, what a pity.



Dongfanglian finished practicing, pushed open the door, and walked out of the room.

Lu'er was embroidering in the yard outside, and when she heard Dongfang Lian calling, she quickly put down the embroidery in her hand and came over to greet her, "Miss, do you have anything to do with Lu'er?"

"Well. It's okay."

Dongfang Lian stretched her waist, feeling very comfortable, "By the way, how is my elder brother?"

During this period of time, Dongfang Lian has prescribed prescriptions for Lu'er to take good care of Dongfang Ji.

Dongfang Lian tried several times, but she still couldn't easily untie Dongfang Ji's Linghui tendons. It seems that she can only break through forcibly when her spiritual power is stronger.

Now, only medicine can be used to regulate Dongfang Ji's body, making him healthier and stronger, and at the same time making his mind clearer than before.

"Young Master is very good. Also, Miss, Lu'er found that although the medicines can't cure Young Master immediately, they are more or less effective."

Lu'er carefully observed Dongfangji's words and deeds, because this was what Dongfanglian asked her to do.

Moreover, Dongfang Ji is Dongfang Lian's elder brother, and they all know this.

"Why, brother has made progress?"

Oriental love is happy.

"That's right, the young master won't get his whole body dirty when he eats by himself now, and he can even dress himself and take a bath. He can also read a few words. Anyway, the young master has made progress, and his words and deeds don't matter. It’s as mindless as before, like a child with underdevelopment. The young master’s IQ seems to be much better than before, almost the IQ of a ten-year-old child..."

"Ten years old?"

Dongfang Lian smiled, it would be great if there was such progress.

Since Dongfang Fengyuan had warned her several times, she couldn't get too close to her mother and Dongfang Ji, and Lu'er had to take care of everything.

Dan Liu was also protecting her mother in the dark.

Speaking of Dongfanglian, she feels guilty and unhappy.But Dongfang Fengyuan has the final say in this family... This old man, she has tolerated him for a long time, even if she can't bring him down for a while, he will definitely not dare to meddle in her affairs in the future.

"Lu'er, I will be very busy recently. So everything at home will be hard on you. You have to look after your mother, and continue to take care of the young master!"

"I know, miss."

"There is also the fact that the young master has improved. You must not tell anyone."

"Lu'er understands, Miss."

"Well, where's Hong'er?" Dongfang Lian wanted to ask Hong'er about the beauty building...

"Hong'er is here, miss."

Hong'er came in from the outside and hurried to Dongfang Lian, "Miss Hong'er came to see you just now, miss. But you are in the room, and Lu'er said that no one should disturb you."

"Well, Miss Ben is done. Hong'er, how is the matter in the Beauty Building?"

"The beauty building will open in a few days. Miss, don't worry. After our publicity these days, all the nobles in Huangcheng know that Nian Jiaoer, the former number one dancer in Huangcheng, is coming out..."

"Well, how is Nian Jiaoer doing?"

"She's fine. It's just..." Hong'er frowned.

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