As for the Seventh Palace, looking at the overall situation, it slowed down the rhythm and pace of its competition with the Sixth Palace. This is superficial effort.

In private, they are more diligent in training soldiers.

Long Qijin spent less and less time in the palace, and most of him went to the underground palace built privately.

There are tens of thousands of private troops raised by him... every day is individual soldiers, duel training, and formation training.

Let's talk about Zuo Xiangfu.

In order not to get married in the dark, Dongfang Hua actually broke his leg while riding a horse and lay in bed for several months.

Even when he was able to walk, his legs were limping.

Seeing this, Ouyang Jing also made an order to postpone the dark marriage.

What Murong Yi wants is to cancel the ghost marriage, not postpone it, but it is not easy to win this situation now.

So Murong Yi didn't dare to mention it before the queen made a statement about canceling it.

Dongfang Hua looked at her really limping legs, and had a sad face every day.She paid such a high price for not marrying that damn second prince.

"Hua'er, the future is long. As long as we wait for the empress to cancel the ghost marriage, the mother will find a famous doctor and he will definitely heal your leg."

Murong Yi promised.

"Mother, the imperial doctor said my legs won't get better..." Hua'er hated Hua'er every day, when will such days come to an end.

"Don't be afraid. Hua'er, look at King Jing's body. The imperial doctor also said that he would not live to be 20 years old, but now his body is getting healthier. Some ministers even suggested that the throne should be passed on to Long Jingkuang. This is the grandson of the emperor."

Murong winked deeply.

In her opinion, the wholehearted support of Long Qihao by Zhen Guogong's government may end up being nothing.

Besides, it is impossible for Dongfang Hua to marry Long Qihao. Even if Long Qihao ascends to the throne, to be honest, it will be of no benefit to her, Murong Yi, or Zuo Xiangfu.

What she hopes more is that the person supported by Zuo Xiangfu will ascend to the throne, but what Dongfang Fengyuan is thinking now, Murong Yi has never known, and that man has no intention of telling her about the court.

So she wanted to cast a wide net, not only Long Qihao, but also Long Qijin and Long Jingkuang.

But now that the Dongfang painting has become like this, Murong Yi also has a headache.

Suddenly, she thought of her two concubines, Dongfang Shu and Dongfang Qing, who were also pretty.

As concubines, these two are of relatively low status, so it is naturally impossible for them to sit in the position of concubine.

Even the side concubine was a bit reluctant.

But entering the mansion as a concubine is still possible.Wouldn't it be wonderful to pave the way for oriental painting in the future?

Thinking of this, Murong Yi became more determined.

For this, Murong Yi felt that he should communicate with Dongfang Fengyuan, because last time Dongfang Fengyuan handed over Dongfang Shu's marriage execution to the second wife Wu.

This Wu family's vision, what can the person she likes achieve?

What can Zuo Xiangfu do?

And because she has the right to execute Dongfang Shu's marriage, the Wu family is increasingly ignoring Murong Yi, which has a great impact on her authority in managing the family.

After picking the right time, Murong came to Dongfang Fengyuan's study.


Murong is gentle.

"What's the matter, ma'am?"

Although Dongfang Fengyuan said that the relationship between Murong Yi and Murong Yi has faded during this period, and it is not as good as before, but he still respects her as the mistress of Zuo Xiangfu. She is still in charge.

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