Dongfang Lian wanted to win the battle quickly, but she still underestimated Juncheng's ability... No, if he was still the spirit technique three months ago, she would probably be able to defeat him.

However, when she was progressing, this Juncheng was obviously not idle.

His spiritual skills have reached a certain bottleneck, and it is not easy to improve, but she can still feel that this evildoer is more powerful than three months ago!

But now, there were more and more guards outside, and the sound of footsteps hurriedly came, so she had no choice but to retreat temporarily.

But even if he couldn't avenge his revenge last time, he still had to recover some interest.

So she shot very quickly, using the three-in-one power of spirit, magic, ancient martial arts, and slapped Juncheng's chest with one palm.

Seeing that Juncheng couldn't dodge it, he snorted, took her palm abruptly, and spat out blood.

"Hmph, goodbye."

Dongfang Lianjian hit a hit, and felt much more comfortable.This bitch will have a chance to deal with him later.

Dongfanglian's figure flashed, and using extreme speed to move, she disappeared in front of Juncheng.

Originally, the ability of extremely fast movement can only be used after entering the eighth level.

But because Dongfang Lian has practiced sorcery and ancient martial arts, and used it properly, she can use extreme speed movement even if the spirit art is only level seven.

With this skill, no one in this world can control her actions.

"Extremely fast movement, Dongfang Lian... Has your spirit technique reached the eighth level? No... eighth level... hair like snow..."

Juncheng saw that Dongfang Lian still had black hair, obviously not reaching the eighth level.

But her extremely fast movement is even comparable to his.

How many levels has this woman's spiritual skills reached?

The most frightening thing is that she also learned sorcery and profound ancient martial arts...

It is even impossible for him to subdue her.Just three short months.Maybe he shouldn't have messed with her like that in the first place, this woman really shouldn't be messed with!


"Mr. Jun, are you okay?"

The guards rushed over and saw Juncheng covering his heart with his hand, with a smear of blood on his lips.And there were traces of a fight in the room. Obviously there was a fight just now, but the person who came seemed to have escaped.

"Pursue the assassin immediately."

The guard nodded.

"no need."

Juncheng wiped his lips, "She has already escaped."

"Mr. Jun, it doesn't matter if you want it, or should I call a doctor for you, you seem to be injured."

Juncheng has been in the Seventh Prince's Mansion for a while, and everyone knows how important this young master is to Long Qijin.

If anything happened to him, it was because they didn't do enough to protect him, and His Highness the Seventh Prince would definitely blame him.

"No, just adjust your breathing. Don't disturb His Highness, it's not a big deal."

"Yes, Mr. Jun."

The guard bowed his hands and backed away.


Juncheng lay down to rest.

After a while, Long Qijin still came.He was a little surprised when he heard that Juncheng was injured.

Because of Juncheng's ability in the past few months, he has seen very clearly that this man is talented in martial arts, and has an unfathomable kung fu. Even if there are many masters in the Seven Princes' Mansion, no one is Juncheng's opponent.

For this reason, Long Qijin valued him even more.

Now, someone can actually hurt Juncheng, Long Qijin is quite surprised.

"Who hurt you?"

Long Qijin sat on the chair beside Juncheng's bed, looking at him with concern.Long Qijin has always been very concerned about his subordinates.His concern for Juncheng is also sincere.

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