"How about Mr. Jun?"

Long Qijin thought of Qi Ping's explanation of Yuexuan being burned just now.

"No problem. But Mr. Jun was injured a few days ago, and now I'm afraid he can't be our help to help us deal with the enemy. We also sent some people to protect Mr. Jun."

Qi Ling said.

"very good."

Long Qijin was satisfied with the handling of Qi Ling.


On the high wall of the Seventh Prince's Mansion, Dongfang Lian dressed in black stood up straight and saw Long Qijin in the courtyard of Tao Ranju.

He seemed to be holding a precious sword in his hand, a bronze sword he had used for many years.

That sword, bloodthirsty.

Dongfang Lianhei's bright eyes flashed, and his footsteps moved slightly...

"Master, do you want it?"

Black Cloud looked at her.

"Of course I do what I want."

If there is a chance to give Long Qijin a knife, how can she let it go.

Putting a black veil on her face to cover her beautiful face, she started to act.

"Master, no, it's dangerous."

"I'm so afraid. In this world, if you want to achieve your goal, there is nothing that is not dangerous. Heiyun, remember. Everything is dangerous. Even eating a meal may be in danger of choking, but we cannot Dangerous, do not do it.

"But at the same time, we must judge the situation and achieve the greatest victory at the least cost.

"Heiyun, aren't you very curious about Miss Ben's skills, how about letting you see it today?"

Dongfanglian is extremely confident.


Master's skills?

Heiyun was a little moved.

During these days of their training, although the master has visited them several times, he has never shown his skills. He has always hired peerless masters from the Jianghu to teach them martial arts.

"Look at me."

Dongfang Lian's figure was alluring, and she moved to Tao Ranju with extreme speed in an instant, standing firmly in front of Long Qijin.

It only takes a blink of an eye, such a quick lightness skill, and such a charming figure, it really opened Heiyun's eyes.

"Master is really amazing."

From now on, he didn't dare to underestimate the master as a woman in his heart.

How many people in this world are faster than the master?At least he hasn't seen it.


Facing the man in black who suddenly fell from the sky, Qi Ping and the others were a little nervous and surrounded Long Qijin tightly.

"Your Highness, you go into the house first."

flush road.

"you are?"

Looking at the man in black who appeared in the sky, Long Qijin's face was only surprised for a moment, and then he quickly recovered his calm.

He had only seen this strange movement of the man in black on Jun Cheng.

If it wasn't for the fact that the man in black had learned the same martial arts as Juncheng?

About Juncheng's martial arts, Long Qijin also asked once, but Juncheng didn't seem to want to talk about it, so he stopped asking.

"Me, I belong to the Nalan family."

Dongfang Lian smiled lightly.

Yes, she has already decided to blame Nalan's family for today's actions.Isn't Juncheng the help of Long Qijin? Let Long Qijin and Juncheng be suspicious.

"The Nalan family?"

Long Qijin's eyes flickered, "Could it be... the Nalan family that was once prosperous in the previous dynasty?"

"Yeah, really smart."

Dongfang Lian deliberately lowered her voice when she spoke, she believed that Long Qijin would not be able to hear it.

"There shouldn't be any enmity between this hall and the Nalan family, why is your Nalan family having trouble with this hall?"

Long Qijin was puzzled and also a little puzzled.

"How can there be no enmity? Our Nalan family was the most powerful family in the previous dynasty. At that time, your Long family was under our Nalan family. But after you offended your superiors and took over the world by rebellion, you will take us into The Lan family beheaded.

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