Yes, he knew that Long Anle didn't want to marry, if it was because of his love for this daughter before, he would have followed Long Anle's heart.

But what happened tonight, especially what Long Anle did, made Long Hong feel a little disgusted.

Zhengchou didn't know how to teach Long Anle a lesson, even though she was his daughter.

Now that Crown Prince Qin has taken a fancy to him, how could he offend the State of Qin for a daughter whom he already hated?

I also know that Crown Prince Qin may not be very sincere towards Long Anle, but the politics of the two countries, what is the relationship?

No matter who Prince Qin chooses today, as the chosen princess, he has to face everything that will happen in the future.Moreover, one has to stand on the standpoint of the Huang Kingdom.

This must be the fate of Long Anle.


Long Anle had tears in his eyes, wanting to fight for something.

But Sun Bin next to her suddenly stretched out her hand and tugged at the corner of Long Anle's clothes to remind her.

In addition, Long Anle didn't have the courage to resist Long Hong at all, so he had no choice but to agree to this marriage.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for bestowing the beautiful Princess An Le on this Crown Prince as the Crown Princess."

Qin Guan curled his lips into a smile.

Turning her head slightly, she looked at Long Qijin, then at Ouyang Xiang...

However, Qin Guan didn't say anything.

Instead, he turned his attention to Dongfang Lian, and then turned to Long Jingkuang, "Since it's Double Happiness, will Prince Jing's wedding be held together with the Prince's wedding?"

These words were so true that Long Hong had no choice but to answer.

"Naturally. Three days later will be an auspicious day. My eldest grandson just passed his 20th birthday, so he should be marrying a concubine. Jing'er will be happy to be able to hold the wedding ceremony with Crown Prince Qin."

"It's... Grandpa Huang. Jing'er is very happy."

Long Jingkuang was indeed happy, if he could ignore Dongfang Lian's reluctant face.

Dongfang Lian was depressed in her heart at this time, but she had no room to resist.

And for the wedding three days later, she was completely unprepared.How should I tell Xiu about this?

She vowed before that she would marry Ouyang Xiu and fulfill his wish.

But in the end, did he still fail him?

Suddenly, I hated myself so much.

What did she do...why couldn't fate still go her way?


The marriage between Crown Prince Qin and Long Anle has been confirmed, and the whole banquet has basically come to an end.

In addition to the announcement of the wedding between Long Jingkuang and Dongfang Lian, all the officials at the banquet stood up to toast, congratulating Qin Guan and Long Jingkuang on their upcoming wedding.

Qin Guan was the real master, and all the officials came to Qin Guan one by one to toast him.For a while, Qin Guan was surrounded by the officials of the Huang Kingdom.

And Long Jingkuang's popularity is not low.

Long Qimu was the first to toast to Long Jingkuang, "King Jing, you are getting married, congratulations. Treat Lian'er well."

"Thank you Uncle Fifth Emperor, Jinger will definitely do it."

Then Long Qihao also came to toast Long Jingkuang.

"Congratulations King Jing."

Long Qihao only said a word.

"Thank you, Uncle Six."

Then came the fourth prince, the eighth prince...

The fourth prince's blessing was quite standard, and he left after toasting.

The eighth prince, on the other hand, was a bit eccentric, "Nephew King Jing. Don't blame the eighth emperor for not reminding you, you have to guard against that girl Dongfanglian..."

"Oh, why did Eight Emperor Uncle say that?"

Long Jing laughed lightly, Long Qicheng was the only one among these uncles who dared to add the word "nephew" after his address.

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