"Oh, this is the wife of the minister. She is the biological mother of the eldest son of the minister, Dongfang Ji. Poor my Ji'er, who has been a fool since she was a child, but at least she is the eldest son. In the past, she was jealous, and she had the government of the town. So I have always wronged Ying'er. Now that I think about it, it's time to give Ying'er a title, and I hope His Majesty will do it."

Dongfang Fengyuan knelt down again.

"This is Prime Minister Zuo's own housework. I can't control it. Prime Minister Zuo can figure it out."

Although Long Jingkuang didn't approve of this attitude, he didn't object either, which means he respected Dongfang Fengyuan's opinion.

There were also various wonderful expressions on the faces of the other concubines.

But no matter what, Madam Ying doesn't seem to be as overbearing as Murong Yi in dealing with things, this is what they like to see.

But what is Mrs. Ying's life experience, they are full of doubts in their hearts.

If it is said that these aunts and concubines are not good enough to be the new mistresses of Zuo Xiangfu, then why can Mrs. Ying, who gave birth to a stupid son, be able?

With such a face, they felt a little unwilling.But seeing that Dongfang Fengyuan has been caring about this woman for so many years, they had no choice but to swallow all their reluctance.

Besides, the existence of Long Jingkuang also diverted their attention.

For example, the second wife and the third wife cast a glance at the young and handsome Long Jingkuang... and looked at their beautiful daughter, they couldn't have no idea.

It's just that this idea is not easy to raise in front of such a scene.


Although Dongfang Lian didn't remember Yan Yueying anymore, she realized that this middle-aged beautiful woman had looked at her with loving eyes since she stepped into Zuo Xiang's mansion, so she seemed to have a feeling for her. The beautiful woman talked.

Long Jingkuang also allowed Dongfang Lian to get in touch with Yan Yueying, so he let Yan Yueying use the name of taking Dongfang Lian around to let the two of them get along alone.

"Lian'er...you...I heard that you lost your memory?"

Yan Yueying looked at Dongfanglian with a worried face.

Judging by Dongfang Lian's spirit and body, it's just that his brain is broken.What happened that day, why Dongfang Lian wanted to dance with Long Qijin, and she was willing to let go of her mother, Yan Yueying couldn't figure it out.

"Yeah, I don't remember anything."

Dongfang Lian noticed that this woman didn't call her Queen, but kindly called her Lian'er.

What does this represent?

"Are you... did we know each other before?" Dongfang Lian looked at Yan Yueying.

"Lian'er, I am your mother."

"My... mother?"

Oriental love is confusing.

"Hey, this matter is a bit complicated. But Lian'er, your brother...has become the monarch of Xiling. Mother is afraid that you will be confused, so let me tell you everything..."

Therefore, Yan Yueying spoke in detail, mainly telling her about Dongfang Lian's life experience.

After hearing this, Dongfang Lian was shocked, "So, I am...are we related to the former dynasty?"

"That's right. Mother is the little princess of the Yanyue Dynasty, who gave birth to your brother and sister. However, it is not convenient for you to be raised by Mother's side, so you were put under the name of Murong Yi. Your relationship with Murong Yi has always been bad. Speaking of which, you Brother Ouyang's stupidity was only cured by you asking Ouyang Shizi to help. Lian'er, have you forgotten it?"

"Senior Ouyang?" Who is this?

"It seems that you don't remember anything, Lian'er." Yan Yueying sighed.

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