"I don't know. I don't know many things between you and him. But Lian'er, if those things make you suffer, lead you to death, and don't want to live, then forget those things forever. This It's what I want. Because of Lian'er, I can't lose you. I'm afraid of losing you."

Long Jingkuang couldn't control it anymore and hugged her tightly.

"That's why you don't want me to recover my memory?"

Dongfang Lian believed Long Jingkuang's words, neither his words nor his expression seemed to be deceiving.

"Yes, Lian'er, so, can you think about it?"

"I... I also thought about going on like this. If you can't remember those memories, it won't do anything. Be your queen well. If you don't let me down, I won't let you down either. As a A woman, as a queen, can be treated like this by her emperor husband, what is there to be dissatisfied with?

"But losing my memory and not knowing the past, this feeling of confusion and hesitation made me start to feel a little scared. I don't know... I don't know if the environment I am in is complicated or not as complicated as I imagined.

"I always feel that there is a pair of eyes staring at me in the dark, plotting against me and plotting against me. Maybe I think too much. Or maybe... anyway, this is why I want to restore my memory. I don't want people to plot against me, I You need to know your past and everything about yourself. Only in this way can you know how many enemies you have in the open and in the dark. Jing, I am not saying that you cannot protect me, but as a queen, you must have the ability to protect yourself and analyze the situation Right. Because of the loss of memory, those abilities should have faded, I don't want to be a woman who can't even protect myself. I don't want to."

"Oh, Lian'er. You're still so strong." Long Jingkuang sighed.

He thought that after Dongfang Lian lost his memory, there was finally a place for him to use. He could use his power to protect her well and airtight.

But Dongfanglian is Dongfanglian, she is always so independent.

Maybe she can rely on others for a while, but her character does not allow this for a lifetime.

"You don't like me like this, do you?"

Dongfang Lian glanced at him.


Long Jing hugged her madly, "How could I not like you, as long as it is you, I like every aspect."

"Sometimes I don't know that I have something worthy of your liking. Although it is still temporary when you give up the Sannomiya Sixth Courtyard, to be honest, I am already very grateful and satisfied. But I am also a little afraid that this kind of temporary will happen at any time. Change."

Telling Long Jingkuang the fear in his heart like this, I don't know if it's a sign of lack of confidence, or he wants to hear more assurances from him.Perhaps this is the nature of women, who always have doubts about things.She is no exception.

"Lian'er. If I change in the future, you can use your ability to take revenge on me. I will bear it all."

Long Jingkuang knew what kind of woman she was.

Her strength is not as strong as the Ruan Jinjin seen today. If he deals with such a powerful enemy as Long Qijin alone, it may not only be the damage caused by the battle that day, but will drag the entire Huang Kingdom into the war.

How lucky he is to have her... Her act of jumping in the sky is naturally heartbreaking to him, but it cannot be denied that she danced with Long Qijin, and Long Qijin's whereabouts are unknown, so he can do this All right, sit tight in this position.

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