Ouyang Xiang left...

Dongfang Lian was stunned at the moment.

But she was just stunned for a moment, and then trotted to chase Ouyang Xiang.

Ouyang Xiang, this is the only chance for her to know the past between herself and Ouyang Xiu, so she can't let it go.


"Princess Ouyang, please tell me." Dongfang Lian stood in front of Ouyang Xiang, blocking her way...

Ouyang Xiang felt helpless, looking at the Dongfanglian who had lost her memory... Indeed, it is undeniable that this woman seems a little cuter than the cold one before.

Moreover, even if she knew everything about her brother and her past, what would happen?

"Dongfanglian, you just need to know one thing. You didn't object when the late emperor gave you the marriage with the current emperor. It's imperial power, everyone can understand it, including Ouyang's house, it's impossible to disobey the imperial power. If so, It is your destiny to be the queen of the Huang Kingdom. You have no destiny with Ouyang Xiu, so just accept this reality. Anyway, my brother would rather be wronged than you continue to walk the way before, so you can fulfill him .”

"I want to know, I don't want others to tell me, help me choose what is good for me. I want to know."

Dongfang Lian eagerly wanted to know everything.

"Then restore your memory."

Ouyang Xiang was helpless, she didn't know much about the relationship between Ouyang Xiu and Dongfang Lian.

Besides, the standpoint of outsiders will always be biased.

Only when Dongfang Lian recovered her memory, could she clarify all this...

"Restore memory?"

Dongfang Lian murmured, but, is this easier said than done?


Ouyang Xiang had already left the palace, and Dongfang Lian wandered around the palace as if she had lost her soul.

"Hey, Queen..."

Liu'er screamed secretly, but before it was too late, Dongfanglian had already bumped into someone.It's fine if it's someone else, but that's Long Qicheng, the formerly famous Demon King of Confusion.

Now Long Qicheng has been conferred the title of King Wu, and he is also building a mansion outside.He hasn't entered the palace for a while, why did he come in today?

Because, he felt it was time.


Long Qicheng smiled strangely, looking at Dongfang Lian in front of him.This feeling is really uncomfortable.

He still likes her former status as the sixth lady of Zuo Xiangfu, but now she is the queen. Although he is the uncle of the emperor, he really can't get any advantage in power.

"you are?"

Dongfang Lian's heart shuddered, thinking that the man's smile was weird.

It's not a scary feeling, but it's just... a feeling that makes her hairy.

"Hey, it's a pity, you don't remember me. So, don't you remember our grievances?"

"Wu Wang!"

Liu'er arrived, pulled Dongfang Lian behind her, and then faced Long Qicheng alone, "King Wu, please stop joking with Empress Empress, what kind of grievances did you two have before?"

"No, you, the little girl, were also present at that time, weren't you? You beat up eight of my king's guards until they vomited blood. That day, my king vowed to get back this round in his life."

"King Wu was joking, it's all in the past, why is King Wu still mentioning it?"

At this moment Liu'er was afraid that Long Qicheng would do something to Dongfang Lian in the palace.

After all, this area is relatively desolate.

It will take a while for her to summon the troops.And Long Qicheng has been obsessed with martial arts for these years, compared to before, his martial arts is far from the level of the past.

"This king just wants to make a difference with the queen. The empress will not sell this king's face, right?"

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