"This request can't be fulfilled. How about her body? I have to ask Qin State as soon as I come here. After all, she used to be the concubine of Prince Qin. If Qin State doesn't want it, let Huang State handle it. She is A sinner who killed Princess Anle. Although the Dongfang Mansion is not affected by luck, if the madam makes so many noises and bury it properly, it will bring the Dongfang Mansion to the forefront again. The madam should think about it carefully. .”

Dongfang Lian glanced at Murong Yi calmly.


Murong Yi also knew that this hope was extremely slim, but after all, Dongfang Hua was still his own daughter, so he asked for it no matter what.And Dongfang Mansion, has it passed the crisis now?

"Go down, I have nothing to talk to you about."

Murong Yi, Dongfang Lian doesn't even want to see this person now.

She knew that Murong Yi's life would be hard in the future, Fang Taipin's only daughter, Long Anle, was killed by Dongfang Hua, and Murong Yi was Dongfang Hua's biological mother, could Fang Taipin make Murong Yi feel better?

Moreover, Sun Ninglu is the niece of Concubine Fang and Dongfang Qi's wife, and Murong Yi is Sun Ninglu's mother-in-law. From now on, this Dongfang Mansion will definitely stage exciting dramas every day!

"Lian'er... My wife knows that I have wronged you a lot in the past, but now, my wife has also learned a lesson. My wife only has one request to the empress, and I hope that my mother can convey a word to your father on my behalf. "

After Dongfang Fengyuan left the Dongfang Mansion, there was no news. Now there is no one in the Dongfang Mansion to support him, Murong is full of resentment.She knew that Dongfang Fengyuan was looking for Yan Yueying, but she didn't know where that bitch was, and where Dongfang Fengyuan was.

"I don't know where my father is, Madam, go find it yourself. Madam has a lot of influence, doesn't she?"

"This... the minister's wife, who have the ability to inquire about the whereabouts of the master."

Murong Yi tried many times, but he didn't know where to start.

"There is nothing I can do to help."


Murong looked at Dongfang Lian with resentment, she saw that she simply wished for the disaster of Dongfang Mansion.

"My wife is leaving." I also knew that Dongfang Lian would not help her.

Murong Yi left Yongfu Palace and was going to leave the palace, but after thinking about it, he went to visit Ouyang Jing again.


Yongshou Palace.

Ouyang Jing also has a lot of headaches recently, especially about Dongfang Lian.

The blood of the previous dynasty is nothing more than that, and now there is such a turmoil in the Dongfang Mansion, and Dongfang Lian comes from the Dongfang Mansion, which makes Ouyang Jing even more unhappy.

"You came to see Ai's family, what's the matter?"

Ouyang Jing also couldn't put on a good face towards Murong Yi. When Murong Yi entered the palace as the wife of Zuo Xiang, Ouyang Jing was very polite to her and even gave her a seat. Now she hasn't called Murong Yi up for a long time... Make her kneel.

"The empress dowager, my wife... I want to ask the empress dowager to do me a favor, and my wife is willing to be used by the empress dowager, it's heartbreaking."

"Hehe... Murong Yi, you still have the face to enter the palace. During this period of time, a lot of things have happened in your Dongfang Mansion, and you just opened your mouth and said that Dongfang Lian is not your biological daughter, and that she is related to the previous court. ...If you persist to the end, it's fine, but why did you change your mind in the end?"

"This...the minister has no choice but to change her words. The Taiwei's Mansion also supports Dongfanglian. Ouyang Zuoxiang personally came to look for it. What can the minister do?"

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