"It's actually possible to trouble the empress to go out in person. In fact, it's just that my naughty little sister has taken a fancy to Ouyang Zuoxiang. She is afraid that he will never return, so she will let him stay in Dahe Kingdom for a longer period of time."

Tie Mulansi looked at Dongfanglian proudly, waiting to see her reaction.At the same time, it was also a pre-emptive strike, so that Dongfang Lian would not accuse him of imprisoning courtiers of the Huang Kingdom.

"Really, it must be a good thing for Ouyang Zuoxiang to be favored by the princess of Dahe Country. But Ouyang Zuoxiang has a heavy responsibility now, and I'm afraid he won't be able to stay in Dahe Country for a long time. I came from a long distance, and I really care about Ouyang Zuoxiang I really believe the rumors, thinking that Ouyang Zuoxiang offended Prince Tiemu, if so, this palace, as the queen of Huang Kingdom, is here to make amends, and to visit the customs and customs of Dahe Kingdom. Our Huang Kingdom Dahe Country has always been a country with diplomatic relations, and the relationship between the two countries is also very friendly. Presumably Dahe Country is not willing to sever diplomatic relations with Huang Country and make enemies, right?"

It's not rude to come and go, and Dongfang Lian is not such an easy-to-talk woman.Her words directly point to the diplomatic relations between the two countries. If Timulans really wants to act capriciously, he has to think about the price of breaking off the diplomatic relations between the two countries.

Although Dahe Country is a country outside the pass, and its customs and habits are different from those in the pass, it has land connections with the four countries in the pass.

The first is Dongsheng, the second is Huangguo, the third is Xiling, and the fourth is Nanxiaguo.Moreover, it has become a neighbor with Xiaohe Country, a small country outside the pass.

Naturally, the physique of this small river country is not as good as that of the big river country, but it is a very warlike country. It is not like the big river country, and has more contacts with the countries in the pass, but it has calmed down the war-loving factor.

Although the current Dahe Country is outside the customs, it has also acquired the habits of many countries inside the customs.

For example, don't go to war if you can't go to war, and be good-neighborly and friendly. These are the current national policies of Dahe Kingdom.

"My Dahe Kingdom naturally wants to continue friendship with Huang Kingdom. When your new emperor ascended the throne, didn't my Dahe Kingdom also send envoys to congratulate you, but this time you will use my Dahe Kingdom's road to go to Beichen What do you want to do? Even though we have no connection with Qin on land, and we have no contact with Qin, we are not worried about your Huang country uniting with Beichen to deal with Qin, but you still have to go through Xiaohe country, who knows Ouyang Xiu Will that person also unite with Xiaohe Nation to deal with our Dahe Nation? You know...the way of doing this has to be worrisome, Queen."

Tie Mulansi is also a straightforward person, Ouyang Xiu also promised him about this matter, that he would not unite with Xiaohe Kingdom, it was just an ordinary excuse, but he still didn't believe it, so he let Princess Zana detain Ouyang Xiu ...

"Prince Tiemu, I promise you that such a thing will never happen."

Dongfanglian also repeatedly assured, "If the prince doesn't believe it, I can leave a written statement."

This is already a great face for Timulans.

"In order to prevent the other officials of our Dahe Kingdom from guessing like this king and causing unrest in the country, we have internally decided not to allow you to go to Beichen via Xiaohe Kingdom. If you want to leave, you can go to Beichen via the East Holy Kingdom. .”

"If it's okay to go through the Eastern Holy Kingdom, we don't have to go through the Great River Kingdom."

Dongfang Lian smiled, "There are troops placed by the Qin State in the Dongsheng Palace. As soon as our people step into the territory of the East Saint, Qin will know about it, and will use its influence to assassinate our troops or something."

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