Rebirth from the Poison: The Sturdy Sixth Miss

Chapter 94 Completely torn face [3]

The six people listened to the order, and immediately raised the scimitar, with an expression of attacking and preparing for a bloody battle.


Murong Yi's hidden guard leader gave an order, and the two sides fought bloodily.

Thirty hidden guards have practiced with Murong Yi for more than [-] years. Naturally, they know Murong Yi's mind. Normally, Murong Yi would not use hidden guards lightly. Bloody will not be bloody, but once the hidden guard is used, it is a must to win.

If they fail, the collective does not end well.

And it was the first day for the six warriors to follow Dongfang Lian, like beasts just out of the cage, they fought with all their strength, and they still had to fight for the recognition of Dongfang Lian, the new master...

Although there are only six people, they seem to be at a disadvantage and weak against 30 people, but these six people are all from outside the customs. , They will not be merciless when they strike, as long as they have a breath, they will fight hard.

After a moment of effort, Murong Yi's thirty hidden guards were actually at a disadvantage...

Murong Yi is a little anxious, she has come to the point of using force. If she loses, then what dignity will she have for her family management in the future?Originally, she used her fame and force to rule the family, to frighten the aunts below, so that they would not dare to disagree, but where did she find such a wild man with such a good kung fu for Dongfanglian?Judging from their figures, they don't look like people from the Canghuang Continent.

Could it be from outside?

Those from outside the customs... and their martial arts are so scary.Yan Luo kills!Murong Yi suddenly thought of this possibility.

But the price of the warriors Yan Luo killed was extremely high, how could Dongfang Lian have the ability to buy them?

If not buying, then whose power are they?Could it be that Dongfanglian has a backer?

For a moment, Murong Yi's mind was spinning rapidly...


Dongfang Hua was also a little anxious, she came to Murong Yi's side, "Our people seem to be losing."

"To shut up."

Murong Yi was on fire, she couldn't lose, so she turned to look at Dongfang Fengyuan who was sitting next to him, not in a hurry, and was a bit watching the excitement, "Master..."

Murong walked up to Dongfang Fengyuan in small steps, "Master, don't you care about this rebellious girl? I don't know where this rebellious girl is a savage brought back from, but... actually..."

"Ma'am, don't you want to interfere with your husband?" Frankly speaking, although Dongfang Fengyuan was annoyed with Dongfang Lian today, he was also annoyed with Murong Yi.

He wanted Dongfang Lian to calm down his temper and not to fight against Murong Yi, after all everything is happy with family harmony.

He didn't want his backyard to catch fire, but he didn't want Murong Yi to chase Dongfang Lian out of the house.

Now that we're all fighting, let's see the consequences.

"Master, please tell her to stop."

Murong Yi knew very well that he could not control Dongfang Lian now, and this rebellious girl would not listen to her anymore.

Dongfang Fengyuan watched, several people in the Yinwei had already died at the hands of six warriors, and he knew that he couldn't make a big fuss, especially since he was a bit unstable in the court and needed Murong Yi's natal family, Duke Zhen's mansion The forces over there support him.

So, after observing for a while, he finally said, "Stop."

Although the voice is not high, but Dongfang Fengyuan is used to high position and authority, the voice naturally has a majesty that cannot be ignored.

Murong Yi saw that Dongfang Fengyuan had spoken, and immediately said, "Stop it."

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