"Ji'er, mother doesn't care if your words are excuses or not, you and Lian'er, whoever goes to war first between your two countries, mother can't stand by him. I have the right to think that I don't have a child anymore."

"Mother, what are you talking about? If the Huang Kingdom decides to go to war, my sister, as the queen of the Imperial Kingdom, can stop it? Although it is said that Long Jing loves her wildly, after all, the harem is not suitable for politics."

"Huang Kingdom will not go to war."

Yan Yueying took out a letter, which was written to her by Dongfang Lian.

"Lian'er said that Huangguo decided to coexist peacefully with Xiling, and Long Jingkuang also meant peace. Everyone in Huangguo wants peace. Now it depends on what you do, Ji'er."

"Mother, Ji'er will not disappoint you."


In fact, in Dongfang Ji's heart, does he want to start a war with Huang Country?He had said something to Dongfang Lian first, if Huang Guo didn't start a war with him, he would not start a war, if he did, then he would break his promise.Not only would he lose Dongfang Lian, his sister, but he would also lose Yan Yueying, his mother.

So at the court meeting to discuss the matter of peace with Huangguo, Dongfang Ji meant...for peace, but many generals who had fought for several years were arrogant at night and clamored to fight.

"Your Majesty, now we have [-] medicine men, and our medicine men are invincible. Why don't we just unify the world, why should we govern the world together with the Huang Kingdom?"

Said General Zhengxi of Xiling.

He is now the number one general of the Xiling Kingdom. Whether it is against the Yun Kingdom, the Qin Kingdom, the Nanxia Kingdom, or later the Beichen Kingdom, he has made great military exploits and has become the number one general of the Xiling Kingdom.His character is bloodthirsty and warlike. Before Xiling attacked other countries, he ordered the massacre of the city several times.

"General Zhengxi, although we have ten thousand medicine men, Huang Country is no better than others. Besides the medicine men, what advantage do we have over Shanghuang Country? The army is not as good as them, and the financial resources are not as good as them. Moreover, Huang Country has strangers and wise men. more..."

"Your Majesty, don't help others to destroy your prestige. Why do you think that your majesty is not as brave as when you sent troops to other countries? Could it be that half of the world's land has already satisfied your majesty? We Xiling should unify the world, and your majesty has blood There is also the bloodline of the Yanyue Dynasty... Regardless of whether this is true or not, the minister believes that even if it is true, it is a good thing. The Yanyue Dynasty once ruled the world for 500 years, and His Majesty has the bloodline of the Yanyue Dynasty. Let Xiling unify the world for generations to come."

General Zhengxi became more and more excited as he talked.

"What Yanyue Dynasty, General Zhengxi, you are a warrior. If you don't care about the details of these words, I won't bother with you. I said again, I don't have the blood of the Yanyue Royal Family, and now I belong to the Xiling Royal Family People. Don’t say these words in the future. Besides, after fighting for so many years, the people need peace.”

Dongfang Ji does not recognize the Yanyue Dynasty. Since the seven countries in the world have been beheading the descendants of the Yanyue Dynasty, the most important thing is to kill the descendants of the Yanyue Dynasty. If he admits it, he will get the approval of these courtiers for a while, but after that, it will last for a long time How does he know that if he does something that doesn't suit the hearts of his subjects in the future, will they find out about his bloodline of the Yanyue Dynasty, and say that the Yanyue Dynasty is the one that subjugated the country, and come to beg him? ?

"Your Majesty, you have already decided not to fight."

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