Yi Hun suspected that Jia Xiu was coming to test him, so he deliberately sullenly said: "Lord Jia, you are so bold! You and I are all the emperor's servants, how dare you seek power?"

Jia Xiu laughed and said: "What the Prime Minister said is very true! However, Jia Xiu regards it, the Queen Mother and the Emperor must be suspicious of the Prime Minister. If the Prime Minister does not take power in the world, disaster will not be far away!"

Hearing what Jia Xiu said, Yi Hun hesitated again, he was not sure what Jia Xiu meant.Yi Hun guessed in his heart that this must be Jia Xiu's rudder when he sees the wind, and he will fall to whoever sees the power.Jia Xiu is resourceful, if he loses Jia Xiu, he will definitely not be the Queen Mother's opponent.

Yi Hun made up his mind, wanted to win Jia Xiu over completely, and said with a smile: "Master Jia, I am joking with you! Although the Empress Dowager has retired, the Emperor will be in charge personally, and I fear that all officials will not be afraid of Yi Hun in the future. What can I do?" ? Please enlighten Master Jia!"

Jia Xiu laughed and said: "Prime Minister, don't worry! Your Majesty is young and ignorant, and there are no trusted ministers among the officials. What's more, Jia Xiu heard the Queen Mother's order. Although the Emperor is in charge, he has to consult the Prime Minister for all court affairs. Prime Minister Why worry about it?"

In fact, Yi Hun didn't pay attention to the little emperor all the time, and asked this question on purpose to test whether Jia Xiu would be willing to help him.Hearing Jia Xiu's words, Yi Hun deliberately said: "Master Jia, although the emperor is young, he will grow up one day; although Yi Hun has been reused by the Queen Mother, he will grow old one day. One will fade away and the other will grow. How can Hun be the emperor's opponent? I hope Lord Jia will teach me!"

Jia Xiu said with a smile: "Among the civil and military officials, most of those who dissatisfied with the prime minister have already been punished by the prime minister. The few who are dissatisfied with the prime minister are also afraid of the prime minister's power and dare not speak out. If you are in charge, you will kill the ministers to gain prestige, and the ministers will be afraid of the prime minister and dare not look forward to the emperor. In this way, the prime minister will no longer have to worry about it!"

When Yi Hun heard the words, he was secretly happy, and decided that Jia Xiu must be sitting on the wind and waiting for a price.Having said this, it shows that Jia Xiu is still willing to give her advice and can still use it.

Yi Hun nodded and said: "Lord Jia's words are very clever, the prime minister is looking for a pedantic official to do the surgery, to test the emperor's reaction. Sir Jia, besides this strategy, what else can we do for the emperor?"

Jia Xiudao: "When the emperor has just been in charge, the prime minister can quickly draw up a roster, and the important positions in the court are all trusted by the prime minister. If the emperor agrees to the prime minister's performance, it must be that the emperor is also afraid of the prime minister's power and has to follow it, or The emperor is young, ignorant and ignorant. No matter what it is, from now on, the prime minister no longer needs to be afraid of the emperor."

Yi Hun said: "This plan is very clever, and the prime minister will accept it. Sir Jia, the prime minister is already tired after drinking too much, so it is inconvenient to stay with Master Jia!"

Hearing this, Jia Xiu got up and cupped her hands and said, "In that case, Jia Xiu will leave. However, Jia Xiu has already offered two plans to the prime minister. When he is parting from the prime minister, he still has a third plan to give to the prime minister. I wonder if the prime minister is willing to listen?"

Yi Hun said: "Lord Jia and Hun are like brothers, but it doesn't matter!"

Jia Xiudao: "People have no long-term concerns, but they must have near-term worries! If the Prime Minister is forced by the Queen Mother and the Emperor in the future and has to rebel, I am afraid that one person will miss the prime minister's important affairs. I hope the prime minister will make arrangements early!"

This remark hit Yi Hun's heart, he hesitated and asked again and again: "Who is so good or bad? Please Master Jia teach me!"

Jia Xiu chuckled and said: "My lord, Li Yi, the general of the guard, is favored by the queen mother, why is the queen mother not promoted, and Li Yi'an is the little general of the guard?"

Yi Hun was stunned, and quickly asked for advice: "Master Jia, Yi Hun has been puzzled by this matter for a long time, please enlighten me, Mr. Jia!"

Jia Xiudao: "The guards of the Forbidden Palace are not dared to be used by anyone who is not a trusted person! Since the Empress Dowager has trusted Li Yi so much but has not moved him, the meaning is clear. The Empress Dowager must be aware of the great power of the prime minister and fear the prestige of the prime minister. The guards and guards also obeyed the orders of the Prime Minister. Therefore, the Empress Dowager did not relocate Li Yi, but still ordered Li Yi to be the guard of the Empress Dowager's bedroom. Jia Xiu's confidant, Wang Ping, did not dare to disobey Li Yi's orders even if he was only a lieutenant general."

"If the prime minister wants to achieve great things, he must transfer Li Yi's post. The prime minister can list Li Yi's name in the list of sponsors to ensure his promotion. In this way, even though all the people mentioned by the prime minister are trusted by the prime minister, Li Yi Also, no one dares to say that the Prime Minister is showing favoritism! If Li Yi gets a promotion, he will be grateful for the Prime Minister's kindness if he complains about the empress dowager for a long time. Guards of the Forbidden Palace, all in your hands!"

Yihun was enlightened and wanted to adopt Jia Xiu's strategy.However, he suspects that Jia Xiuruo is in charge of the guards of the Forbidden Palace. If he turns against the Queen Mother and the Emperor, Jia Xiu, who holds the power of the Forbidden Army, is very likely to reap the benefits of the fisherman.

Yi Hun murmured silently, Jia Xiu didn't know what Yi Hun was thinking, and still said to Yi Hun: "My lord, the prime minister, the humble post is the prime minister's saddle, and I hope the prime minister will study the humble post and work hard to find a job for the humble post!"

Yi Hun's heart moved, and he asked lightly: "Master Jia's meritorious service is very high, I don't know what job Master Jia wants to do?"

Jia Xiu smiled and said: "In the past, the prime minister wanted to kill Tuobayu, the minister in the palace, and the imperial edict said that the queen mother wanted to make Tuobayu the post of Taiwei, and lured Tuobayu into the palace to kill him. Now the prime minister is an extremely human minister. The position of Taiwei is concurrently held by the Prime Minister. If the Prime Minister Xu Zhi, Jia Xiu wants to take the post of Taiwei, I wonder if the Prime Minister can do it?"

Yi Hun was furious in his heart, although he held the position of prime minister, but he was born in the army and knew the importance of military power in his hands.Although the position of Taiwei is inferior to the prime minister, he ranks first among the three lords and has the right to mobilize troops, so Yihun takes the position of prime minister and is also a Taiwei.

Yi Hun pondered: This must be Jia Xiu who also has ambitions, wanting to command the soldiers of the world!If I ascend the throne in the future, who would dare to guarantee that Jia Xiu of tomorrow will not be like the me of today, who wants to seize power instead?

Although he was angry in his heart, he said with a smile on his face: "It's so good, I will recommend Mr. Jia to the emperor as a captain someday!"

Jia Xiu was overjoyed, bid farewell to Yi Hun and returned home.Yi Hun drank, thinking about Jia Xiu's words, and in his heart he plotted against a minister who could be killed, so as to establish his prestige in front of the emperor.

The next day when he went to court, Yihun played before Emperor Xianwen: "Your Majesty, minister Yihun got a secret report saying that Tuobayun, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, was nepotism and accepted bribes from all officials. This is the guiding principle of our dynasty, and minister Yihun asked the emperor to issue an order to punish him immediately." Kill Tuoba Yunmanmen."

After hearing Yi Hun's performance, Emperor Xianwen couldn't help admiring Empress Dowager Feng's foresight even more.He looked at all the ministers and asked: "Everyone loves you, is it true what the prime minister said about the Ministry of Officials?"

Yi Hun turned around and stared at all the officials.All the officials were frightened and dared not speak. Emperor Xianwen asked him again and again, and all the officials also expressed the words of Emperor Wen. The emperor wanted to protect the Minister of the Ministry of Officials.

Zhao Fan, a servant, was loyal and upright. Seeing Emperor Xianwen's intention, he went out to play and said: "Report to the emperor, I heard that Tuobayun, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, is an upright official, and all officials are appointed according to the law, just as the prime minister said. Opposite. Your majesty is wise enough to see clearly!"

Yi Hun was furious, pointing at his attendant Zhao Fan and scolding: "Zhao Fan, you have received Tuoba Yun's kindness, you dare to argue in front of the emperor, what is your intention?"

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