Power in the World: After Eternal Age

Chapter 28 1 Arrow 3 Eagles

After Tuoba Yu ate the imperial meal, he asked the little eunuch beside him why he didn't call Feng Yuan to serve him.The little eunuch took the order and rushed to Zuo Zhaoyi's bedroom to read Tuoba Yu's oral order.

Feng Zhaoyi said slowly: "Eunuch Zhang, I dare not accept the order. The Empress Dowager has already known about this matter, and everything is left to the Empress Dowager to decide. Eunuch Zhang, Feng Yuan is now in the Empress Dowager's Palace, and I invite Eunuch Zhang to meet the Empress Dowager .”

Eunuch Zhang had no choice but to rush to the empress dowager's bedroom.The empress dowager heard the eunuch Zhang's intention, and said with a calm face: "Eunuch Zhang, go back and tell the emperor that Ai's family has a sore neck these past few days, thanks to Feng Yuan's clever hands and feet, she is here to take care of Ai's family. Eunuch Zhang, you go back to the emperor, The matter of Feng Yuan canonizing the noble concubine will be discussed later!"

Eunuch Zhang was so frightened that he lost his mind for a moment, knelt on the ground and dared not get up.Empress Dowager Helian said angrily: "What? Eunuch Zhang is threatening Aijia?"

Eunuch Zhang was frightened and begged the queen mother for forgiveness, and returned to the emperor's palace in despair.After walking a few steps, he ran into Zhongchang Shi Zongai head-on.

Zong Ai was Eunuch Zhang in a hurry, so he couldn't help but feel suspicious, so he stopped Eunuch Zhang, asked the reason, and couldn't help being overjoyed.

He had just received a secret report from eunuch Jia Zhou, knowing that Emperor Tuoba Yu wanted to canonize Feng Yuan as a noble concubine, he knew something was wrong, and immediately rushed into the palace to stop Tuoba Yu.

After hearing what Eunuch Zhang said, Zong Ai breathed a sigh of relief, secretly rejoicing that God helped him, and the Empress Dowager also stopped the matter, saving him a lot of trouble.He said to eunuch Zhang calmly: "Eunuch Zhang, you don't need to reply to the emperor, I am about to meet the emperor, you don't have to mention this matter again, I will decide everything."

Eunuch Zhang was worried about not being able to reply to Tuoba Yu, seeing Zong Ai's words in the right way, he couldn't help being overjoyed, and agreed repeatedly.

Zong Ai angrily entered the emperor's bedroom, Tuoba Yu was annoyed because of Feng Yuan's delay in coming, when he suddenly saw Zong Ai rushing into the bedroom without notification, he couldn't help being shocked.

At that moment, he immediately remembered how he came to be the emperor, and the scene of Emperor Taiwu and his three ministers being executed by Zong Ai immediately came to mind.

Tuoba Yu regained his composure, forced himself to ask calmly: "Zong Aiqing, the affairs of the court, but according to Zong Aiqing's handling, what can I do when I enter the palace late at night?"

Zong Ai said coldly: "Your Majesty, I heard that the Emperor intends to confer Feng Yuan as a concubine, is there such a thing?"

Tuoba Yu felt stunned, wondering how Zong Ai would take care of his harem affairs, could it be true that all the ministers secretly reported that Zong Ai really wanted to completely evade himself and seek to usurp power?

Tuoba Yu nodded slowly, and tentatively said: "Zong Aiqing, this is a matter of the harem. I thought that Zong Aiqing would share the worries of the government for me, so I didn't tell Zong Aiqing about it. Zong Aiqing , I want to make Feng Yuan a noble concubine, does Zong Aiqing think this is inappropriate?"

Zong Ai said with a serious face: "Your Majesty, Zong Ai shouldn't talk too much about the harem matter, but the matter of accepting Feng Yuan as a concubine, Zong Ai thinks it is absolutely impossible."

Tuoba Yuzheng was fascinated by Feng Yuan's talent and appearance, and when he heard Zong Ai's words, his heart suddenly became cold.He cursed and asked: "Zong Aiqing, I don't know why this matter is inappropriate, I hope Zong Ai chat and let me know."

Zong Ai also calmed down at this time, knowing that it was inappropriate for him to overpower the emperor, let alone tell the emperor directly, because he was afraid that Feng Yuan would be unfavorable to him after becoming a noble concubine.He frowned and thought for a while, then suddenly had an idea, and said in a drawn-out tone: "Your Majesty, you have been familiar with Confucian books since childhood, how can you be criticized by the people all over the world for being a woman?"

Tuoba Yu was very puzzled and hurriedly asked why.Zong Ai said: "Your Majesty, Zong Ai heard that the late Crown Prince had told others that he wanted to betroth Feng Yuan to King Gaoyang Tuoba Jun as his wife. Your Majesty is the younger brother of the Crown Prince and the uncle of King Gaoyang. How can he marry his nephew and daughter-in-law?" Huh?"

Tuoba Yu was at a loss for words for a while, but he still didn't give up. He sighed softly and said: "Zong Aiqing, this is just a joke of the old prince, how can it be taken seriously? Besides, my Xianbei royal family is not like the Han people who married their nephews in the name of uncles. What's wrong with my wife?"

Zong Ai sternly said: "The emperor's words are wrong! Since Emperor Daowu Long Xing in the Great Xianbei Mountain and established the Great Wei Kingdom, the monarchs of all dynasties have great ambitions. They know that if they want to rule the world, they must first accept the hearts of the Han people. By the time of Emperor Taiwu , and even more important to use Han officials, and pay attention to the Confucian etiquette of the Han people. If the emperor wants to become a great treasure, if he abandons the strategy of Emperor Taiwu, he may not be able to convince the hearts of the world. Please think twice about the advantages and disadvantages of this!"

Seeing Zong Ai's grim face, Tuoba Yu became more and more frightened in his heart. He knew that Zong Ai's words were just threatening himself to abolish the emperor and establish a new one.

Tuoba Yu struggled repeatedly in his heart, so he could only bear the pain to part with each other. In order to protect his life and the throne, he gave up the matter of accepting Feng Yuan as his concubine.He said dejectedly: "Zong Aiqing's words are reasonable. If Zong Aiqing hadn't been loyal and remonstrated with reason, I would have made a big mistake. Forget it, I will follow Zong Aiqing's play and not make Feng a concubine!"

Zong Ai knelt down and said, "Your Majesty is wise! I thank you, Zong Ai, for your kindness! Long live the Emperor!"

Leaving the emperor's bedroom, Zong Ai was secretly proud.Since Feng Yuan could not be a concubine, Zong Xin's fear no longer existed.At the same time, this excuse was used to make the emperor and King Gaoyang's uncles and nephews suspicious of each other. Once the time came, the emperor would be forced to order to get rid of King Gaoyang Tuoba Jun.More importantly, from the incident just now, Zong Ai has already tested the extent of the emperor's fear of him, which makes Zong Ai's coquettish heart become more and more serious, let alone the emperor Tuoba Yu.

Zong loves this matter and kills three birds with one stone, so he is very proud.Emperor Tuoba Yu sat alone in the bedroom, saddened, hating and fearing Zong Ai in his heart.

After three or five days like this, when Tuoba Yu was drinking in the palace, a slender hand snatched the wine glass from the hand of the drunken-eyed emperor.

Tuoba Yu yelled angrily: "Who is so bold? As the king of a country, I can't meddle in government affairs, can't I even drink wine?"

A woman said delicately: "My daughter Feng Yuan deserves to die for her crime, please punish me by the emperor!"

As soon as he heard Feng Yuan's voice, Tuoba Yu's eyes lit up immediately, and he was more than half sober from the wine.Taking advantage of the wine, he excitedly embraced Feng Yuan into his arms.

Feng Yuan wanted to greet but refused, and Tuoba Yu's heart was moved like thousands of ants.Tuoba Yu held Feng Yuan in his arms, and kissed carelessly on her delicate face without makeup.

Feng Yuan said in a low voice: "Your majesty, you can't. My ministers couldn't bear to hear that the emperor was sitting alone in the palace drinking, so they came to visit the emperor. Your majesty, the ministers saw that there happened to be no confidant of Zong Ai among the father-in-laws serving the emperor. Then retreated to the left and right to talk to the emperor. Your majesty, Jia Zhou will be here in a while, if the courtiers let him run into each other, I'm afraid there will be trouble."

When Tuoba Yu heard the words, it was as if a basin of cold water had been poured on his head, his interest immediately halved, and he couldn't help but let go of Feng Yuan's hand.

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