Seeing that the general situation was gone, Jianning King Tuoba Chong let out a long sigh, bowed in front of Emperor Wencheng and said: "Your Majesty, my father and son conspired to rebel, and the crime cannot be punished. The current matter has been exposed, and I can only bow my neck to the law. I beg the emperor to recite the merits of the past. , only kill the ministers, father and son, but not the three clans!"

Emperor Wencheng scolded angrily: "My father and son have received the favor of the emperor for generations, but they don't want to serve the country, but want to cause chaos. I originally wanted to punish your three clans. If you have a repentant heart, I may be able to give you a lighter sentence!"

Jianning King Tuobachong kowtowed his head like pounding garlic, and said with tears streaming down his face: "The emperor is so benevolent, I am ashamed to face the sky! The father and son committed an unforgivable crime, and the emperor gave me mercy, and I will not hurt the family of the minister. I have nothing to repay , there is only one thing to thank the emperor for his grace!"

Feng Xi shouted: "King Jianning, you have committed a capital crime, and the emperor did not punish your people, which is an extrajudicial mercy. When your death is imminent, what else can you do to repay the emperor? King Jianning, you should obey the law, you are lucky. Can't survive!"

King Jianning said tragically: "King Changli, the father and son, how dare you take chances? Before your death, I was grateful for the kindness of the emperor and wanted to repay the emperor. I have no other thoughts!"

Feng Yuan was beside the emperor, and when she heard King Jianning's words, her heart moved, she lightly opened her lips and said, "King Changli, step back for now. A man who is about to die speaks well; a bird who is about to die also sings well." Sorrow! King Jianning has already regretted it, and listen to his words, if he treats my great Wei Li, then this palace will speak to the emperor, and fulfill your wish!"

King Jianning Tuoba Chong was stunned when he heard the words, and knelt down in front of Feng Yuan and said, "I thank the empress, the empress, and the empress! The emperor has promised to protect the minister's family, and the minister's wish has been fulfilled. Do you dare not ask for anything?"

Feng Yuan said coldly: "King Jianning, you are about to die, and your mind is in a mess! I have granted you a special appointment. If you have merit, I will ask the emperor to kill the person you hate!"

King Jianning was stunned, and after a while suddenly realized: "I thank the empress! If the adulterer-husband-erotic-wife dies, I will have no regrets under Jiuquan!"

Tuoba Miao, the steward of the Jianning Palace, and Princess Jianning, who were waiting on the sidelines and wishing for a reward from the emperor, changed their expressions.But I heard Feng Yuan say: "Your Majesty, King Jianning and King Jinan's rebellion is certainly hateful, but adultery-husband and wife-women are also unforgivable! These two colluded with each other and ruined the reputation of our royal family in Wei Dynasty. , is not ashamed by others. The emperor respects Confucianism and Buddhism, and shows the world with loyalty and filial piety, why are these two people left?"

Tuoba Miao and Concubine Jianning were shocked, they both knelt on the ground and cried, "Your Majesty, we have done nothing wrong, why should we kill them?"

Emperor Wencheng Tuoba Jun snorted contemptuously and said, "The queen's words are very much in line with my wishes! Come on, hurry up and decapitate these two thieves!"

Tuoba Miao and Concubine Jianning wailed repeatedly in fright, the four guards stepped forward and set them up, pushed them out of the palace, and immediately beheaded them in return to Emperor Wencheng.

Jianning King Tuoba Chonglao was in tears, kowtowed to Emperor Wencheng and Empress Feng, until his forehead was dripping with blood, and then he said: "Your Majesty, Empress, the ministers and their sons colluded with Sikong and King Jingzhao Du Yuanbao to conspire to rebel. Today The matter has changed, and the ministers, father and son, and King Jingzhao will inevitably die, but what crime does the Emperor want to use to punish King Jingzhao?"

Emperor Wencheng was taken aback when he heard the words, and he was also thinking about this matter in his heart.Although King Jingzhao can be killed, how can he tell the world?If there is no real evidence to kill Du Yuanbao, I am afraid that the hearts of all the kings in the world will be chilled, and the great Wei will be unstable.

Just as Emperor Wencheng was pondering, Feng Yuan said aside: "King Jingzhao will punish the nine clans for the crime of treason, and the emperor should declare it to the world. However, before King Jianning died, he had something to say to the emperor to repay the emperor's favor. Could it be that Is it related to this matter? If so, you might as well say it!"

Tuoba Chongdao, King Jianning: "King Jingzhao has always contributed to the imperial court, and he is in charge of military power. He is resourceful and resourceful. He must have no evidence of rebellion. If the emperor kills him rashly, he is afraid that the hearts of the kings will be chilled, which is not good for our great Wei! I have a minister. This trick can make Jingzhao King Du Yuanbao reveal himself completely, and the emperor can kill him!"

Emperor Wencheng was surprised and said: "King Jianning, what plan do you have? If you are successful, I will not only pardon you, but also bury your father and son generously after their death without saying that they are anti-thieves!"

Jianning Wang Tuobachong and his son Jinan Wang Tuobali burst into tears when they heard the words, and kowtowed to thank the emperor for his mighty grace!After a long time, King Jianning Fang Jin said: "My father and son have an appointment with King Jingzhao, and they want to take advantage of the opportunity of the emperor's hunting to commit crimes! If King Jingzhao sees that the situation is not going well and stays put, why should he be convicted of treason?"

Jianning King Tuoba Chong took out the jade pendant that he carried with him, bowed his head and offered it with both hands.The eunuch on the side took the jade pendant and presented it to Emperor Wencheng.Emperor Wencheng wondered, "King Jianning, what do you mean by presenting this jade pendant?"

King Jianning knelt down and said: "Your Majesty, this jade pendant is the token of the secret agreement between the father and son of the minister and King Jingzhao Du Yuanbao to rebel. If King Jingzhao does not see the jade pendant of the minister, he will know that the time for rebellion has not come, so he will not act rashly; if the emperor orders The confidant, the jade pendant of the minister, sees King Jingzhao, and King Jingzhao will think that the time is ripe and rebel against him."

"Chensi, the emperor is wise and martial, and he must have been prepared to see through the rebellious intentions of the ministers and others. Therefore, if Du Yuanbao, the King of Jingzhao, rebels, the emperor will kill him easily! The minister's words have been finished, please forgive me and allow the father and son to commit suicide! "

When Emperor Wencheng Tuoba Jun heard the words, he couldn't bear it, and wanted to pardon Prince Jianning and his son for their capital crimes.Seeing Emperor Wencheng's hesitation, Feng Yuan stepped in and said, "Your Majesty may approve King Jianning's words and allow his father and son to kill themselves! If the Emperor pardons him, if the matter is leaked, I am afraid that the power of God will not exist. All kings have the heart of disobedience. If we all follow the example, our Great Wei will be in danger!"

Emperor Wencheng thought for a while, then sighed and said: "Of course! I will play! King Jianning, King Jinan, after the death of your father and son, I will bury them generously. Your father and son's family should also be graciously paid by the court!"

King Tuobachong of Jianning and King Tuobali of Jinan knelt down to thank each other, and under the supervision of the imperial guards, they withdrew from the palace and swung their swords to kill themselves.

Feng Yuanying bowed down and said: "Congratulations to the emperor, my concubine has a plan for today's matter, so that the emperor can tell the world!"

Emperor Wencheng smiled and said: "The queen is smart, and I am not as good as it! What is the queen's plan to explain today's events?"

Feng Yuan said: "Your Majesty, let someone hold the jade pendant close to the body of King Jianning, and after inducing King Jingzhao to show his opposite, you can kill him. After the Emperor returns to the palace, you can order his servants to issue an edict saying: Sikong and King Jingzhao are plotting rebellion. Fortunately, the father and son of King Jianning and King Jinan gave their lives to protect them! King Jianning and King Jinan were killed by Du Yuanbao, King of Jingzhao, and died for the country with their lives! General Tuoba Shoule of Piao Baghdad and the eldest grandson of Shang Shuling waited to lead the guards To, kill the rebel King Jingzhao Du Yuanbao!"

"In this way, we can decree to kill the three clans of King Jingzhao, and we can also keep the names of King Jianning and King Zhongtong of Jinan as a model for all kings in the world. , with the promise made by King Xu Jianning before his death!"

Emperor Wencheng was overjoyed when he heard the words, and he was allowed to play by Empress Feng!

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