Emperor Wencheng said intermittently: "After my death, among the kings, there must be people who have different ideas. Although you are a woman, you are very outstanding. After Honger succeeds to the throne, you are afraid that the government will not be stable. You can come to the court and decide to cut down the military power of the kings. Strategies. The kings have no soldiers in their hands, so they dare not easily rebel."

"Those who have power have no soldiers, and those who hold soldiers don't give them power. Our great Wei foundation is stable. If you implement a new policy, the kings will be dissatisfied. If there are people who rise up and rebel, what should we do?"

Feng Yuan was silent. Nine years of happy life had made her forget the cruelty of the battle in the palace.Emperor Wen Cheng said slowly: "The guards are the emperor's cronies, and they must not be handed over to foreign ministers. If the king rebels, the capital will be guarded by the guards, and they will fight to the death. The rebels are in a hurry, and they will attack the capital."

"You can help Hong'er and order Yi Hun, the chariot and cavalry general, to put up a large army to suppress the rebellion. Yi Hun has been with Lian for a long time, and he has conquered Rouran and defeated Liu Song. No ambition, if it is reused, why should we worry about our Great Wei Jiangshan?"

Feng Yuan wept and nodded, and wanted to ask further questions, but she did not see any movement from Emperor Wencheng Tuoba Jun.After the death of the emperor, there were wailing sounds in Wenhua Hall.

The country cannot be without a master for a day, Feng Yuan endured the pain of losing her husband, and immediately summoned all civil and military officials to read out the last edict of Emperor Wencheng, and made the prince Tuobahong the emperor.

Prince Tuo Bahong came to the throne as Emperor Xianwen of the Northern Wei Dynasty.His mother, Li Guiren, was posthumously conferred the title of Empress Yuan, and his posthumous posthumous posthumous father, Emperor Wencheng Tuoba Jun, was named Emperor Wencheng.Respect Empress Feng as Empress Dowager Feng, temporarily regent.

After the death of the emperor of the Northern Wei Dynasty, there was a custom at the time of the funeral, called the tired dog escort.It is usually held three days after the emperor's death.The horses, clothes and utensils used by the deceased were burned together.Before burning, there must be a fat dog led by a colored rope to burn together.The dogs were burned first, followed by horses and clothes.

After this dog is cremated, it will lead the things behind it to become god dogs and run to Chishan in the far north.This is the birthplace of Xianbei ancestors.Protect the souls of the dead to report to the Great God, 'I'm back'.Then the soul will return to the place where he died.to be buried.Only when the escort of tired dogs is over can the dead be buried in peace.The ceremony was extraordinarily grand.

Where is the legendary Chishan?Legend has it that the Yellow Emperor had 25 sons, some of whom were sealed in desolate places.The youngest son, Changyi, was sealed in the North Kingdom.

There is the Great Xianbei Mountain in the northern country, and the country of Changyi is Xianbei.Why is it called Tuoba clan? Tuo means soil, and the sound is similar; Huangdi is Tude, with yellow as the main color; Ba means the back, so Tuoba means the descendants of the Yellow Emperor.

In the country established by Changyi, there is a Xianbei mountain, which is called Xianbei.It can be inferred from here that Chishan is the Great Xianbei Mountain.The emperor's soul must first return to Chishan, report to the Great God, and then return to be buried in Jinling, with his ancestors.

After the death of Emperor Wencheng, on the day when the dog escorting ceremony was held, all members of the royal family and all civil and military officials gathered in the large square in front of the Wenhua Hall.

It was June and the weather was hot.After the various funerary objects in the square were lit, the raging fire made everyone feel unbearably hot.

Empress Dowager Feng was very sad, but what Emperor Wen Cheng said before the moment woke her up.She understood that all kinds of forces inside and outside the palace, like a raging fire in the square, were on the verge of erupting.

In the past nine years, Empress Dowager Feng has long been far away from the vortex of power struggle.Although I have become the empress dowager, there are not many people who can use it in the court.How to convince all the officials has become the biggest test that Empress Dowager Feng is currently facing.

To win the hearts of all officials, one must make full use of Emperor Wencheng's prestige in the hearts of the subjects of the world.Empress Dowager Feng saw this clearly, so she secretly made a decision that no one knew about.She believes that in order to be rewarded in everything, one must first give.

Seeing the horses, dogs, and some commonly used things of Emperor Wencheng gradually reduced to ashes in the raging fire, the royal family and all civil and military officials wailed and knelt down on the ground.

The sad crying of Empress Dowager Feng is particularly eye-catching in this scene.Just when everyone was weeping, they heard Empress Dowager Feng cry out: "Your Majesty, my concubine is in so much pain that I would like to follow the Emperor and serve him life and death."

All the officials were greatly moved, they all knew that Empress Dowager Feng and Emperor Wen Cheng had a deep relationship, and under this scene, hearing the voice of the Empress Dowager was even more touched by the Empress Dowager.

Something unexpected happened to all the officials. They saw Empress Dowager Feng, dressed in plain clothes, jumping out of the crowd and heading straight for the raging fire.

Empress Dowager Feng is being buried!This made the royal family and civil and military officials unexpected.Amidst the exclamation of the crowd, there was no time to react.

Just as Empress Dowager Feng rushed towards the fire, a figure suddenly jumped up in the square.The man quickly rushed to the fire, hugged Empress Dowager Feng, and pulled him away from the flames, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

It turned out that the person who stepped forward to save the queen mother was none other than Li Yi, the general of Suwei Zhonglang.Li Yi has been in love with the Empress Dowager for a long time, but he dare not confess it, fearing that it will lead to the destruction of his family.

During the dog escort ceremony after Emperor Wencheng's death, everyone was in grief, but Li Yi was the only one who was secretly happy.For him, there are already glimmers of hope.

Empress Dowager Feng was in grief when Emperor Wencheng died, but she was not an ordinary person after all, and she had long considered the issue of her own status after the death of the emperor.

She made the decision to sacrifice herself in the sea of ​​flames, naturally not because she really wanted to die for Emperor Wencheng, but to win the admiration and sympathy of the subjects all over the world, so as to secure her position as empress dowager, and take advantage of Emperor Wencheng's prestige during his lifetime to gradually control the government affairs .

But this is a dangerous move for her. If she fails, she will really be buried in the sea of ​​flames, or even become disabled by the fire.But all talented people in the world have the heart of a gambler at critical moments, and Queen Mother Feng is no exception.

In order to prevent herself from being burned down by the fire, Empress Dowager Feng made careful preparations in secret.Although it was June, Empress Dowager Feng wrapped her underwear tightly around her body before the dog escort ceremony, and then put on a plain skirt and white dress outside.

Even if Empress Dowager Feng made such thorough preparations, it could only be delayed for a while, but it could not solve the fundamental threat.Therefore, Empress Dowager Feng urgently needs someone who can stand up at the most dangerous moment and rescue her from the flames.

To choose such a person, the conditions are extremely harsh.Firstly, that person must be very close to her, secondly, this person must be quick to react and have great skills, and thirdly, this person cannot kneel down like a civil and military official, otherwise not only will not be able to detect her rushing into the sea of ​​fire in time, but it will also be too late to rescue her.

After careful consideration, the suitable candidate came to Empress Dowager Feng's mind, and this person was none other than Suwei Zhonglang General Li Yi.

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