After the eunuch outside the window finished speaking, the Empress Dowager's chamber suddenly became quiet.When Empress Dowager Feng heard that she was not the emperor, she calmed down, ignoring Li Yi who was still lying on her body, took a few breaths, and said in a flat tone as much as possible: "I have already gone to bed, I have already said, During the rest period, is anyone not allowed to come and disturb? You are so bold, how dare you disobey the imperial edict?"

Although Empress Dowager Feng could not see the situation outside through the window, the eunuch fell to his knees with a plop in fright, trembling uncontrollably.Seeing this, Yi Hun said loudly: "Report to the Empress Dowager, the minister Yi Hun has some important matters to decide, and I would like to ask the Empress Dowager to show me!"

Empress Dowager Feng said indifferently: "So it's Lord Taiwei! It's so late, and I'm in a hurry to enter the palace. I don't know what to do with me? I have already gone to bed, and I didn't want anyone to disturb me, but Lord Taiwei broke into the palace at night, There must be something important. I forgive you for your innocence, if you have anything to say, just talk outside the window, there is no need to come in!"

Yi Hun said loudly: "Promise! My minister complies with the order!" At this time, Li Yi gradually became more courageous, he reached out his hand into the Queen Mother's private parts, gently teased her with his fingers, and the Queen Mother couldn't help but let out a slight moan. The voice of exhortation.

Yi Hun listened carefully and was overjoyed, but pretended he couldn't hear anything and continued to play: "I tell the queen mother that the civil strife in Wei Dynasty is peaceful, and everything is waiting for prosperity. During the time of the first emperor, the whole country was devoted to supervising the construction of Yungang. For the Buddha statues in the grottoes, the Empress Dowager and the emperor also inherited the last wish of the late emperor and appropriated money from the state treasury to build the Buddha statues. However, my ministers found out that the officials who supervised the construction embezzled the money and food allocated by the court, so that the grottoes stopped working, and there were many complaints from the people. Hearing about this, I dare not There was a mistake, so Xingye entered the palace to ask for the order of the empress dowager!"

Empress Dowager Feng was furious when she heard the words: "Zhuzi is so bold that he dares to corrupt the law. Taiwei, the emperor ordered you to be the head of the three princes, and together with Situ, Sikong and Zhongshu Ling Gaoyun to manage the government. Such corrupt people You can make a quick decision on the matter, and you don’t have to tell me about it! Although the emperor is too young to manage government affairs, my palace is recovering from injuries and cannot go to the court to discuss government affairs. Your Excellency Taiwei can issue the emperor’s edict to strictly deal with corrupt people!"

Yi Hun bowed and said: "No! I will lead the order! Empress Dowager, I still have something to do!"

Yi Hun reckoned that the queen mother had already been teased by Li Yi to the point of burning her body, and deliberately delayed the time to make the queen mother distracted and didn't understand his intention for a while.

Sure enough, the queen mother in the room breathed lightly for a while, before she said: "Master Taiwei, I am not feeling well, and I want to rest early. But what matters, Mr. Taiwei can decide on his own. The palace and the emperor have a good relationship with Taiwei. My lord, I am very relieved. You can step down, I want to sleep in peace!"

Yi Hun knelt down and retreated. The next morning, when the officials gathered, Yi Hun said in a loud voice: "My lords, yesterday in the court hall, three lords, Shang Shu Yang Baoping, Pingyang Gong Jia Airen, and Nanyang Gong Zhang Tiandu, sent a court report. , Ask the Ministry of Households for money and food. However, the Minister of the Ministry of Households said that the money and food have been allocated for more than ten days. This matter is quite strange, what do you think?"

There was a lot of discussion among the ministers, and some people said that Yang Baoping, Duke of Pingyang, Duke Airen of Pingyang, and Duke Tiandu of Nanyang were seeking money because of the lack of fat.More people expressed disapproval, thinking that Yang Baoping, Minister of Pingyang, Jia Airen, Lord of Pingyang, and Zhang Tiandu, Lord of Nanyang, were always honest and honest, and they would never do such corrupt things. The adults sent a letter to the Ministry of Households to remind them.

Just when everyone was discussing, the Minister of the Household Department came out and said: "Master Taiwei, the Ministry of Finance allocated money and grain as early as August [-]th, and Master Zhang Hang, the treasury of Yungang Grottoes, has signed for it. There is no mistake, please Taiwei My lord is aware!"

Yi Hun took over the documents submitted by the Minister of the Ministry of Households, browsed through them, and handed them to Gao Yun. After Gao Yun read them, they handed them to Situ Liuni, Sikong and his slaves.

For a moment, there was no sound in the court hall.Yi Hun said: "My lords, is there any error in the document submitted by the Ministry of Household Affairs?"

Several people shook their heads, and Yi Hun pretended to be angry and said: "Thinking of me, Wei, since the first emperor, I have advocated a clean and honest style and severely punished those who corrupted the law. Now that this happened, all the adults should understand in their hearts. Since there is nothing wrong with the household department, it must be Yang Baoping, Shangshu who was ordered to supervise the construction of the Yungang Grottoes, Jia Airen, the Duke of Pingyang, and Zhang Tiandu, the Duke of Nanyang, who rebelled against wealth until they got so greedy that they dared to extort money from the court many times! My lords, How should this be done?"

Although everyone didn't believe that Shang Shu Yang Baoping, Pingyang Duke Jia Airen, and Nanyang Duke Zhang Tiandu would do such evil things, but the Ministry of Households had a plan, and the problem must be in the Yungang Grottoes.

Sikong and his slaves said: "Master Taiwei, this matter is very strange. I think Shangshu Yang Baoping, Pingyang Gong Jia Airen, and Nanyang Gong Zhang Tiandu are known to be honest and honest, so they must not do such a thing. It is stamped with the seal of Zhang Hang, the treasury of the Yungang Mansion, and in my opinion, Zhang Hang, who is in charge of money and food, is probably responsible for it. As long as Zhang Hang is arrested, the first trial will know the truth of the matter!"

Yi Hun sneered and said: "Si Kong's opinion, Yi Hun agrees very much! It's just that Zhang Hang doesn't need to be arrested, he has already secretly returned to the capital, and he was in the Taiwei's residence last night."

Everyone was astonished, not knowing what Yi Hun meant.Yi Hun roared: "Come on! Pass Zhang Hang to the palace!"

After a while, the soldiers of the old guard went up to the golden hall with a haggard man.As soon as the man went up to the golden hall, he knelt down and said, "Criminal Zhang Hang, I pay my respects to all my lords!"

Sikong and his slaves were surprised and said: "You are Zhang Hang? You are in charge of the Yungang Grottoes' money and grain treasury, why did you return to the capital without an order? Zhang Hang, do you know your crime?"

Zhang Hang knelt down and said: "As a last resort, I risked my life and sneaked back to the capital from the Yungang Grottoes. Last night, I threw myself into the residence of the Taiwei Lord, and reported everything about the Yungang Grottoes to the Taiwei Lord!"

Sikong and his slave asked in surprise: "What's the matter with you? Could it be related to Shangshu Yang Baoping, Pingyang Gong Jia Airen, and Nanyang Gong Zhang Tiandu?"

Zhang Hang said: "Exactly! All the adults are high above the court, have you ever heard the complaints from the people? The craftsmen who built the grottoes have not eaten meat for half a month. They are all pale and emaciated and unable to work. And the project requires all kinds of work. Materials, also due to lack of money to buy, the entire project is at a standstill."

He Qinu was shocked and said: "You are the official who controls the money and food treasury. If you have this situation, why don't you report it as soon as possible? Moreover, the court allocates money and food from the Ministry of Household on time every month and a half. How can there be a shortage?"

Zhang Hangdao: "Lord Sikong is in charge of the treasury money and food in the grottoes, and he knows all kinds of accounts clearly. The money and food allocated by the imperial court are all enough to study the monthly needs of the grottoes. However, the money and food last month were given to Shangshu Yang Baoping and Pingyang Gong. The three adults, Jia Airen and Nanyang Gong Zhang Tiandu, took it for themselves, so there is today's situation!"

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