"Good character, well-educated, good car, BYD f0! Haha, this advertising slogan is good, who wrote it?" After the TV advertisement was broadcast, Yang Fushao, the boss of BYD Auto Sales Co., Ltd., praised it again and again, and asked the sales manager of the 4S store.

"Mr. Yang, this is what the owner of the rally champion said." The sales manager of the 4S shop said respectfully.

Yang Fushao nodded frequently: "Well, yes, you can discuss it with him later, let him be the image spokesperson of our BYD Auto in the future, and promote it more."

"This..." Wu Gang, the sales manager of the 4S store, hesitated to speak, looking a little embarrassed.

"What? He doesn't want to?" Mr. Yang frowned at him.


Wu Gang explained: "Mr. Yang, you don't know, this Zhang Xiaolong...is a member of the Pinlan Club. After winning the rally championship, he became a gold member of the Pinlan Club. With his current status, we ask you Move him!"

"Why can't you please, my brother is still a gold member!" Yang Fushao said dissatisfied, "There is nothing that money can't do, I've heard about this landlord Zhang, he used to work in Heitie, Fu Cheng left Hei Tie empress also talked about him with me, that’s all right, you go talk to him first, if it’s really not working, I’ll try another way.”

"Okay, Mr. Yang, then I'll go out first." Wu Gang backed out respectfully.

That night.

Zhang Xiaolong sat on the sofa and flipped through the TV with the remote control. There were three channels of Spring City TV station reporting on the f0 rally, and various TV stations across the country also reported correspondingly. lights up.Zhang Xiaolong was the first to bear the brunt of the advert, holding up the trophy and giving a thumbs up, and the advertisement was deeply imprinted in the minds of the general public. At the same time, he also remembered the smiling young man, Landlord Zhang.

"Haha, landlord, it seems that you have become famous." Geng Wei stared at Zhang Xiaolong, who was showing a funny side on the TV, and laughed, "This TV commercial is so hot, look at your expression, you are the nemesis of girls, how much do you want?" How rich is rich, in my opinion, don't keep thinking about being that gangster, it's not bad to be an actor or star."

"Fuck, celebrity with a dick, I didn't know that I would be broadcasted non-stop by saying this casually, and advertised for them for nothing. If I was recognized on the road, I would be so embarrassed!" Zhang Xiaolong didn't feel sorry for him. Excited to be the public face himself, he seemed irritable and restless.He didn't expect that the people from BYD Auto Sales Co., Ltd. would take a fancy to what was just a simple sentence.

What a good character and knowledge is, it is nothing more than a line that he came up with after reading so many books. As for the "good car, BYD f0" is also an idea on his brain, without any deliberation at all. The face intersects poorly.

"Don't worry, you're not a movie star. Advertisements like this are probably fleeting, and you'll forget them after a night's sleep. Others won't worry about them, let alone worry about being recognized and stopped for autographs while walking on the street. " Geng Wei stopped teasing him, and said seriously: "Let's talk about Mu Cui's matter, I always feel that what we discussed before was inappropriate."

"Tell me." Zhang Xiaolong seemed to be listening.

"It's like this. Although I just came to Spring City not long ago, and not many people know me, but anyway, I participated in the rally, and even got on camera during the day. Those big bosses who competed for the emerald of mother and child could guess that I am with you even with their eyes closed. It's a group, if I take Mu Cui out in public to find someone, they will suspect you."

Geng Wei said solemnly: "Didn't you say that the loss of Mu Cui was reported to the police?"

"I know all of this, and I've thought about it. Although Mu Cui was stolen, whoever owns Mu Cui can't be the thief! The police have never found any evidence for this. Mu Cui was in my hands. At most, there is suspicion, but if they seriously interrogate, we have to find an excuse to prevaricate."

Zhang Xiaolong said seriously, "So, the best way is to put some smoke bombs, Viagra, you can leave for Tibet tomorrow, or go to Ruili, take Mu Cui there, and then make some noise there."

"Well, this method is okay." Geng Wei pondered, "At that time, I will find a jade merchant to expose Mu Cui, and I believe the police and those gangsters will send people to investigate immediately, but after all, mother Cui is still in our hands, and we may not be able to sell it for a while if we find someone privately. If we can’t tell the source, it will still be very embarrassing. In my opinion, it’s better to call Monkey and Tie Dan to release smoke bombs, and wait for the wind to come out. , let’s find someone to secretly put Mucui in the auction house, and the auction house will auction it off. Didn’t you say that Mucui Lu Guxin is bound to win?”

"Makes sense."

Zhang Xiaolong nodded, pondered for a moment, and said: "Leave the smoke bombs to Monkey, and I will contact him later, but you still have to take Mucui to Ruili, you can do what you want, just treat it as a leisure trip." gone."

It can be said that Zhang Xiaolong has spent a lot of effort in order to get rid of Mu Cui.After the two discussed again, at noon the next day, Geng Wei changed his luggage and flew to Ruili.Ruili is a border city, separated from Myanmar only by a checkpoint, and there are countless jade merchants there.

And just after Geng Wei left, the small manor where Zhang Xiaolong was located welcomed a guest, Wu Gang, the sales manager of BYD f04s store.Zhang Xiaolong was a little surprised at his arrival, but he received him warmly and friendly.

"Manager Wu, come to my humble house, what can I do?"

"Mr. Zhang, you have beautiful mountains and clear waters here. It's really a paradise. In order to find you, I asked many people to inquire about this address." one set of.

Zhang Xiaolong didn't take that kind of trick, just about to speak, the other party said again: "Mr. Zhang, I wonder if the bonus has arrived in your account."


Zhang Xiaolong was startled, and responded casually: "Here we are."

"Manager Wu came to look for me today because of this matter, then you really bothered, and I just wanted to look for you!" Zhang Xiaolong looked at him with a bitter face, and said: "That's right, from yesterday to today I I’ve been watching this TV all the time, it’s really giving me a headache. You said that I just said this casually, and I was exaggerated and reported by those reporters and TV stations. This is against the rules! I’m not a star, it’s purely out of It’s the player’s duty to speak out and praise your company, but you make such a big fuss, I don’t know if you have considered my feelings.”

"Mr. Zhang is serious. Advertise, let's spread the word!" Wu Gang smiled, "We didn't deliberately make a big fuss, and you also know that this rally is hosted by BYD Spring City 4S store on the surface, but it is actually held in Beijing. Big bosses from all walks of life in the Pinlan Club are behind the scenes. As for the popularity of this TV report, no one expected it. It can only be blamed on Mr. Zhang’s photogenic image. You must know that the current radio media pays most attention to it. It’s the ratings, once there is any hot news, we will hold on to it, we didn’t pay them to advertise, please believe me.”

"Then why did you come to see me today?" Zhang Xiaolong was a little helpless, no matter what Wu Gang said was true or not, he felt a little powerless.He has also seen the benefits of those gossip reporters chasing rumors.

"Looking back at this, what I want to tell Mr. Zhang is that you are indeed famous now." Wu Gang asked tentatively: "Mr. Zhang, do you usually go online?"

Zhang Xiaolong shook his head.

"That's right." Wu Gang immediately took out the laptop he was carrying, turned it on, and connected to the Internet wirelessly. He opened several URLs at random, found pictures and videos, and turned the computer in front of Zhang Xiaolong. , "Look, Mr. Zhang, the news about the f0 rally has spread all over the Internet, and you, the champion of the rally, have become an Internet celebrity. This is an unchangeable fact."

Zhang Xiaolong frowned, looking at the pictures and videos on the computer, his expression was cloudy and his mind was in a mess.Even though he has never been on the Internet officially, he also knows the deterrent nature of the Internet media. If Wu Gang hadn't come today, he would still be kept in the dark, how could he know these things.He didn't go out these two days, and he didn't have any contact with his women, so naturally no one told him these things.

"Damn it, let people live." It would be very exciting for other people to become an Internet celebrity all of a sudden, but Zhang Xiaolong couldn't be happy. It's not that convenient to do something.It will be very troublesome if someone accidentally captures the picture.After all, the conflicts between him and the big bosses of the dark forces may not be very glorious. If those reporters catch up and report it, Zhang Xiaolong thinks it will be very troublesome.

Of course, this was something he hadn't figured out for a while, and once he figured it out, becoming a public figure would definitely not be a good thing.

"Mr. Zhang, there's nothing wrong with being a public figure." Seeing his frowning, irritable and embarrassed look, Wu Gang couldn't help bewitching him, "I don't know much about Pinlanhui, but I've heard about it in the workplace for many years. However, as one of the main planners of this rally, I met several bigwigs in the Pinlanhui, and only then did I know that these bigwigs also have a public side, like the chairman of Dongshi Group Mr. Liu Xiaodong, Mr. Huang Meng of the Meng Family Consortium, and the Southern Army Group of Spring City, the whole country, no one knows the other. They are all figures admired by thousands of people. Every year they do charity activities and they will be broadcast on TV. You have shown your face several times. So, why bother Mr. Zhang, you have become a public figure in this way, and I don’t know how many car enthusiasts admire you. If my guess is right, I believe there will be many A few merchants came to Mr. Zhang to sign a contract with you."

"Sign a contract? Sign what contract?" Zhang Xiaolong had never been in contact with these things, and he couldn't turn his mind for a while after hearing what he said.

Wu Gang led him in step by step, proud of himself, and said with a smile: "Mr. Zhang, you have a very photogenic image.

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