No matter where it is, the police always come later.Just like the snow in winter, it doesn’t come when it should come, and a lot of it comes when it shouldn’t come.

Before Zhang Xiaolong and Geng Wei could leave, they were stopped by the police.

A group of black-clothed uncles, holding guns, looked like villains to everyone. They were vicious and scared many children to tears.

The leading policeman was called Zou Tianyu, who was Zou Yue's nephew.Zou Tianyu was a little confused when he suddenly encountered such a big case.Knowing that Zhang Xiaolong and Geng Wei were eyewitnesses, they didn't have a good culture, but regarded them as suspects, staring and asking questions.

"Tell me, are you guys with the kidnappers? If you don't tell the truth, you will be rewarded."

Zhang Xiaolong is a stickler who doesn't take the hard way, and said lukewarmly: "Since you regard us as suspects, just wait for my lawyer to come and talk about it."

"Okay, you idiot, I can't deal with you anymore." Zou Tianyu pulled out his baton and beat him down.

Zhang Xiaolong moved sideways, and with all his strength in the Diamond Mountain Fist, he punched Zou Tianyu in the lower abdomen.Zou Tianyu was an idler with a very weak body. Zhang Xiaolong punched and rolled his eyes, and he curled up on the ground, foaming at the mouth.

Dozens of policemen around saw the sergeant being beaten, and all drew their guns. More than 20 pistols were pointed at Zhang Xiaolong and Geng Wei.

"Raise your hands, raise your hands, or you'll shoot." More than a dozen police officers shouted together.

Zhang Xiaolong smiled and looked at Geng Wei beside him: "Brother Wei is afraid."

"I'm afraid of hair." Geng Wei took a bite, not paying attention to the policemen at all.

"I heard from the monkey that patrol officers usually don't carry bullets on duty, they just have empty guns." Zhang Xiaolong walked towards the nearest policeman.

The policeman said tremblingly, "Don't come here, I'll shoot you if you come here."

"You shoot." Zhang Xiaolong thought it over, and took a gamble. If they had bullets, they would surrender. If they didn't have bullets, don't blame his brother.

Just like what Wang Xiaofei said, police officers basically don’t carry bullets. After 911/[-] in M ​​country, the policemen on the planes were only equipped with bullets. The police officers and security guards at the airport had guns in their hands. enough.

As Zhang Xiaofei approached, the policeman put away his gun and drew his baton.

Now my brother is relieved, and Geng Wei behind him also showed a sinister smile.

"Fuck it." Geng Wei roared and rushed to the nearest policeman.

The policemen who had no bullets put away their "toy guns", took out their batons and electric shock batons and rushed towards Zhang Xiaolong and Geng Wei.The only police chief with bullets, Zou Tianyu, was beaten unconscious long ago.

A few minutes later, all the policemen and security guards fell to the ground, and the surrounding passengers gave way one after another, treating them like plague gods.

"I'm laying down 13, how about you?" Zhang Xiaolong rubbed his shoulders, having been accidentally hit just now.

Geng Wei was hit on the forehead, blood flowed half of his face, and he looked even more ferocious, "Hey, you are the best, I only killed 9 of them. It's not easy to get together with these grandchildren, and I'm afraid that I'll kill them with a sweep , if you go up one by one, I will definitely not get hurt."

At this time, the sound of sirens approached from far away, and two black armored personnel carriers sped towards them.Zhang Xiaolong picked up his luggage and asked Geng Wei to slip away together. One more thing is worse than one thing less. Even though they are gold members, this is Shanghai after all.If you hit it, you hit it, and there are a lot of troublesome things when you catch someone.

The surrounding onlookers immediately made way for the two to pass through.

Zhang Xiaolong ran to a taxi, opened the door and got in.The female passenger in the back seat screamed: "Who are you? Hurry down, I came first."

Zhang Xiaolong stuffed the luggage into the female passenger's hand and said with a smile, "Squeeze, squeeze, we are in a hurry."

"I'm in a hurry too, you guys go down quickly." The female guest was still about to argue.

Geng Wei sat in the passenger seat, took out a small knife, and said with a straight face, "Drive."

Seeing the blood on Geng Wei's face, the driver obediently started the car. Geng Wei took out a small can of spray paint from his pocket and sprayed the camera in the taxi twice.

This action frightened the female passenger in the back seat.She hugged Zhang Xiaolong's luggage and said, "You...what do you want to do?"

"It's nothing to take a ride. We'll go down when we enter the urban area." Zhang Xiaolong harassed his head in embarrassment.There is no way to run away in a hurry.

"You...don't come here." The female guest kept hiding.

"Miss, you are carrying my luggage. My companion is injured. I will bandage him."

"You, you are not robbers."

"Please, if you rob, we will find someone richer."

"Here you are." The female passenger pushed the luggage to Zhang Xiaolong.

He took out cotton wool from the side bag of his luggage and handed it to Geng Wei in front of him. At this moment, two black armored personnel carriers passed the taxi with their sirens roaring as they rushed towards the airport.

Another group of belated policemen.

When it should come, it doesn't come, and when it shouldn't come, it does come a lot.

The driver and the female passenger became nervous again.

Zhang Xiaolong comforted: "Don't worry, the police are not looking for us. Just now someone kidnapped Yang Yihui's niece and shot many people to death."

"I heard gunshots." The driver replied.

Geng Wei stared and said: "Driving your car, I'm talking nonsense about deducting your car money."

The driver immediately shut up and said in his heart: I dare not ask for your car money.

"Boss Yang's niece was kidnapped? Now Shanghai is going to be in chaos again." The female guest seemed to know a little about the circle.

"Miss knows Boss Yang."

"Miss is not a nice word. My name is Liu Aini, so you can just call me Aini. My father is the secretary of the Hongkou District Committee, you better be honest." Liu Aini revealed her identity, intending to make Zhang Xiaolong be more honest.

"Landlord Zhang, everyone calls me Landlord."

"Landlord, what a strange name, I seem to have seen you there? I don't remember. What do you do."

"I'm a gangster." Zhang Xiaolong joked.

"Ha ha."

These words made Liu Aini giggle, "You are really interesting, there are people who call themselves the underworld, and you look like you, at best you are a fugitive."

"Do I look so bad?"

At this time, the taxi turned a corner, and a huge poster of Zhang Xiaolong suddenly appeared on the billboard. Three workers were hanging in the corner of the right car for final repairs. After only one day of filming, the advertisement appeared in Shanghai. ?

"Ah, cake seller!"

Liu Aini pointed at the billboard and shouted: "I see, you are an actor, what's your name?"

When she found out that Zhang Xiaolong was a public figure, her last wariness was gone.

"Landlord Zhang, you can find me if you want to rent a house." Zhang Xiaolong responded casually.

"Have you acted in any drama? I can support you!"

"I've never acted in anything."

"I don't believe it, is it because the ratings are not high, or are they all playing supporting roles? Don't be shy, don't worry, I won't laugh at you. I know a sister who has been an actress for ten years, and she said ten lines. She played corpses most of the time. Last weekend, the corpse she played appeared 24 times in 7 hours, and she became famous all at once, and got the nickname of Queen of the Corpse." Liu Aini relaxed her vigilance and immediately became gossip.

"Really? Such a person needs to be seen." Zhang Xiaolong couldn't help laughing, and even Geng Wei couldn't help laughing secretly.

"I'll introduce you when I have time. You can exchange experiences with each other. This is her business card and mine." Liu Aini handed two business cards to Zhang Xiaolong.

Zhang Xiaolong didn't have a business card printed, so he took out a notebook from his bag and wrote down his phone number to Liu Aini.

At this time, the taxi's communicator rang, and Geng Wei said to the driver: "Don't talk nonsense. Be careful, I will crush you to death."

"I know, I know." The driver became more courageous.

Most of the taxis in Shanghai have tapped their cameras, mainly to guard against robbery.The camera was sprayed, which quickly attracted the attention of the control center, and immediately dialed to inquire about the situation.If there is a problem, they call the police.The driver picked up the microphone and said that the camera was broken, and he would go back to fix it after pulling all the passengers.

The monitoring center over there kept asking. They mumbled for a long time and almost collided with an oncoming car.

Geng Wei snatched the microphone angrily. "You are talking nonsense, you are about to have a car accident, believe it or not, I will sue you."

The driver quickly said, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Zhang Xiaolong didn't go to the hotel and asked the driver to take them to the Bund. When he got off the bus, he threw 500 yuan to the driver and told him to take Liu Aini home.

"Landlord, you must call me." In just a few minutes in the car, Liu Aini already regarded Zhang Xiaolong as a friend.

"Is this the new sister-in-law?" Geng Wei, an elite special soldier, seldom complained.

"I'm not a monkey. When I see someone, I want to have sex. It's hard to say if we can meet next time. Let's take a stroll around the Bund first. If no one follows, we will go to the hotel you booked."

Zhang Xiaolong dragged his luggage, and Geng Wei walked through the underground passage to the Bund.

When passing through the passage, I saw a patrolman arresting an old lady who was setting up a stall.

The aunt kept saying, "I'm not setting up a stall, I'm just tired, please sit down and thank you."

The patrolman said angrily, "Come on, I've arrested you three times this month, so you can't behave yourself. Seeing us coming, everyone else ran away, but you're still moaning here."

The aunt said aggrievedly, "I have bad legs and feet."

"If you have bad legs, you won't find a more secluded place." The people's policeman is for the people, and this patrolman has done it.His partner looked helpless on the side.

Places that are too far behind cannot be sold.

These days, all kinds of ghosts happen!Compared with street stalls,

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