"This room is reserved by me, it is my private space, please go out." Zhang Xiaolong didn't show any face, he knew that Zou Beibei wanted to take advantage of him, and this kind of woman didn't need to show good looks.

Zou Beibei didn't expect that Zhang Xiaolong would issue an order to evict her. This is Shanghai, her land, and she didn't give her any face. This is the first time that Zou Beibei has been ignored since she grew up.

"You..." Zou Beibei's face was ugly.

"Please go out, I still need to discuss business with Xiaoxiao." Zhang Xiaolong's face was cold.

Zou Beibei's personal guard purse bag said angrily: "Landlord Zhang, don't give you shame, this is Shanghai, not Spring City, you can't help being arrogant."

"That crazy dog ​​here dares to bite people everywhere when tied to a chain, is it your turn to talk here?" Zhang Xiaolong glanced at him.The gold necklace in the wallet is very thick, just as thick as the one on Li Qinbin's neck.


With blue veins popping out of his forehead, Wallet clenched his fists and rushed over in stride.

Zhang Xiaolong picked up the water glass on the table and raised it to the wallet's face.The wallet hurriedly stopped, he knew that Zhang Xiaolong was powerful, so he didn't dare to rush forward.Chen Tie smirked, grabbed the carpet and pulled it, causing the wallet to fall on his back.

Before the wallet got up, Geng Wei's dagger had already blocked his throat.

"No matter how big or small, the next step is the gate of Yan Luo Palace. Remember, no matter where we are, we are all gold members of the Pinlan Club. In terms of seniority, you are not qualified to stand here, understand?" Geng Wei's whole body exuded a cold aura, which felt like entering an abyss in the eyes of the wallet, he did not dare to move, his eyes were full of unwillingness.He simply didn't expect that he was defensive but was easily subdued by the other party.

You must know that none of the people who can be Zou Beibei's personal bodyguards are sloppy characters. They were sent by Zou Yue personally to protect Zou Beibei.

"Landlord Zhang, you dare to touch my people." Zou Beibei glared at him angrily.

"People don't offend me, I won't offend others, please respect yourself, Miss Zou."

Knowing that Zhang Xiaolong couldn't get into trouble with Zou Beibei here, he raised his hand and said, "Brother Wei, let him go, the door is there, don't let him go, remember to close the door when you go out."

"Hmph, I will remember today." Zou Beibei was deflated, and angrily led her away.

When I went downstairs, Baobao bowed his head and said: "I have embarrassed the lady, please punish me."

Zou Beibei had an angry face just now, but she actually laughed when she got downstairs.

"I don't blame you. Landlord Zhang doesn't take hard things. He's not even afraid of Liu Xiaodong and Chen Si. He's still afraid of us." She looked at the Jinmao Tower, which went straight into the sky, with a flash of enthusiasm in her eyes.

"Landlord Zhang is a catastrophe. He will cause chaos wherever he goes. The balance of the various forces in the Pinlan Society will soon become unbalanced. I want to see what landlord Zhang can do."

A trace of killing intent flashed in Zou Beibei's eyes, but it disappeared in a blink of an eye.The wallet that was always by his side was very kind, flattering: "Miss, leave it to me, I will kill him tonight."

"Don't act recklessly. Most of the upper echelons of the Pinlan Club have received favors from Immortal Zhang. Whoever kills Landlord Zhang will become the target of public criticism. If you want to attack the nervous landlord, you can't let others know."

"I'll do it." Wallet Bag hated Landlord Zhang to death.

"Liu Tuo, you can handle it." Zou Beibei was worried about his wallet, because this person's character was too rough and impulsive.

Liu Tuo nodded in agreement, turned around and went back to Jinmao Tower.

Zou Beibei downstairs wanted to plot against Zhang Xiaolong.

Zhang Xiaolong upstairs was also guarding against Zou Beibei.

"Tie Dan, you go to find the monkey. Before you leave Shanghai, you two must act together and pay attention to safety."

"Understood." Chen Tie took his clothes and went out to find Wang Xiaofei.

"Brother Viagra, follow Xiaoxiao and protect her." Before the matter is settled, Zhao Xiaoxiao can't have an accident.

Geng Wei frowned and said, "What about you? Their target is you."

"Women do what they want, wealth and danger seek safety, relatives and relatives seek peace, and danger lives." Zhang Xiaolong muttered to the window and looked at the sea of ​​clouds outside the window, "Don't worry, I won't die .”

At this time, came a bad news.

Wei Dandan's kidnapping has already caused a sensation in the circle.People focused on this matter, but Zimu Jade was left out in the cold.

The auction house called to notify the auction date, and Zhang Xiaolong began to feel embarrassed. The attention of the mother-child jadeite was low, and the auction price would be affected.

He called the auction house, hoping to postpone the auction.

The auction house said that the notice had been issued and the date could not be changed.Ye Ming checked the order of the auction, and the auction of Mu Cui was arranged in the front, obviously someone tampered with it.

The further back the auction is, the higher the price is, and it is difficult to sell a good price for the products ranked in the front.

Zhao Xiaoxiao and Geng Wei went to the auction house, and soon found out the matter.

When Geng Wei came back, he scolded: "That grandson of Wang Shile, he bribed the manager of the auction house and tampered with the order of the auction. I'm going to kill him tonight."

Zhang Xiaolong asked suspiciously: "Wang Shile? Isn't it Lu Guxin?"

"Thanks to Xiaoxiao's acquaintance with the general manager of the auction house, she asked the matter clearly. It is indeed Wang Shile, not Lu Guxin. The auction time of Mu Cui has also been changed to seven days later." Geng Wei replied affirmatively.

"According to Wang Shile's character, he shouldn't be so anxious. He hasn't done anything for ten years after getting Zicui, why is he suddenly anxious?"

Zhang Xiaolong walked around the room a few times, and suddenly realized: "He was caught by Jiang Lan. He was eager to get Mu Cui, and then let go together."

"This grandson, I'm going to kill him now." Geng Wei stood up and was about to leave.

Zhang Xiaolong grabbed him and said, "Brother Wei, wait a minute, Xiaoxiao do me a favor, find out who Wang Shile brought to Shanghai."

"No problem? The plane he took came to Shanghai. It's fine to know what time it will arrive."

"I knew it was 10 o'clock in the morning."

Zhao Xiaoxiao called a friend who was a stewardess, threatened the ground staff of an airport, threatened a policeman, and threatened a hotel manager.

The voices on the other side of the phone are more and more grandchildren.

Zhang Xiaolong asked Geng Wei in a low voice. "Did she also threaten the general manager of the auction house?"

"Indeed, when the manager saw her, he was also a grandson."

Geng Wei lowered his voice, afraid that Zhao Xiaoxiao would hear it. "Before I retired from the army, I met a foreign female spy who was very skilled. But compared to her, she was like an apprentice, far behind."

"This woman is not simple. Let's stay away from her when this business is over." Zhang Xiaolong also felt that this woman was dangerous.

"Must." Geng Wei said something in Northeast dialect.

Zhao Xiaoxiao closed the phone. "What are you talking about? The elders are still whispering, and they are not afraid of being laughed at."

Zhang Xiaolong said with a smile: "Business secrets."

"I hate it, you are not allowed to learn from others." Zhao Xiaoxiao also has moments of embarrassment.

Zhao Xiaolong and Geng Wei felt cold sweat on their backs. After seeing the woman's true nature, they realized that most of the woman's appearance is an illusion.

"Found it. Wang Shile brought a suitcase and hired three bodyguards. He also came with a wealthy Taiwanese businessman named Ma Tingzhen, who seemed to be in the jade business. They lived in a German-style hotel, the Rondo Hotel , Wang Shile lives in Room 3, Ma Tingzhen lives in Room 3021, and bodyguards live in Room 3022."

Zhao Xiaoxiao's efficiency is quite high, she said confidently: "As long as I'm in Shanghai, there's nothing I can't find out."


Zhang Xiaolong was puzzled, how could Zhao Xiaoxiao not be trampled to death by Zou Yue and Yang Yihui when he was so capable.

"Act tonight and snatch Zicui here."

"Want to help?" Zhao Xiaoxiao asked with a smile.

"No need, tonight's event is not suitable for women to participate."

"If you underestimate a woman, you will suffer." Zhao Xiaoxiao kindly reminded her.

"As long as I see you, I will never underestimate women. I'm bothering you, give me the layout of the hotel."

"no problem."

Zhang Xiaolong called and called Wang Xiaofei and Chen Tie back.

Wang Xiaofei obtained four fake ID cards, called and booked two rooms at the Ronda Hotel.

Room 3017 is on the east side of Wang Shile's room, near the stairwell. Room 3025 is on the west side of Wang Shile's room.

Chen Tie and Geng Wei lived in one room each.

Zhang Xiaolong and Wang Xiaofei were waiting outside. They had dinner at the restaurant on the first floor at six o'clock and were ready to do something.

The environment here is good, and the waiters are all blonde girls.Wang Xiaofei's eyeballs never left the waiter's butt, and he kept tapping his mouth.

"Monkey, don't lose your face abroad, okay?" Zhang Xiaolong really couldn't do anything about him.

"Landlord, I've seen countless girls, and the foreign girls I've met haven't reached ten figures. What a great opportunity this is." Wang Xiaofei continued to slap his lips.

Zhang Xiaolong called Geng Wei to ask. "Viagra, is there any movement from Wang Shile?"

"Wang Shile, an old fox, has never left the room since he checked in. He always asks the waiter to deliver his meals."

"It looks tough."

"It's good to be tough, I like it." Wang Xiaofei stared at a foreign girl's ass, and when he said this, he must have had something bad in his mind.

He can't change it in his life.

"How did you come here?"

A beautiful figure sat beside her, formally Jiang Lan.

"You... aren't you in Guangde Town? Why did you come to Shanghai?"

"I'm here to chase Zicui back, and take Wang Shile back by the way. I already have the evidence of his crime. Zicui will definitely come back to me."

"It's so troublesome to catch it back. We will help you deal with it." Wang Xiaofei smiled wickedly.


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