When Guangshan arrived at the scene at first, Zhang Xiaolong was still a little confused, but now he understands.

With Guangshan as the center, the local forces in Shanghai are on the left, and the foreign forces are on the right.Thinking about what happened in the past few days, it is normal for the two sides to face each other. If Guangshan does not come, something will happen.

At Guangshan's age, he is still working as a firefighter. It's really hard for the old man.

On the contrary, Tang Zhen and Qiu Zhengqing were very cunning, and ran to the private room on the second floor to hide.

Zhang Xiaolong also knew that the root of all the chaos was the little girl holding his arm.This IQ is 167, and he invented the poisonous pufferfish of New No. 4.

Zhang Xiaolong knew that Wei Dandan wanted to use him, and Zhang Xiaolong could also use Wei Dandan.Taking an arrogant look at Chen Si on the right, Zhang Xiaolong began to calculate the possibility of killing Chen Si in Shanghai again.

"Bad guy, what are you thinking about?" Wei Dandan asked with interest.

"Some good things. I feel that I haven't been exercising enough recently. I should exercise when I have time." Zhang Xiaolong touched the tip of his nose to hide the raised corners of his mouth.

Wei Dandan was extremely clever, and immediately saw what Zhang Xiaolong was thinking, and looked at Chen Si with his head.Ask in a low voice: "Do you want to help? If you are willing to be the elder of the Yi Gang, tens of thousands of disciples of the Yi Gang will be at your disposal."

If Zhang Xiaolong can get rid of Chen Si as the elder of the Yi Gang, the reputation of the Yi Gang will be greatly improved, and the previous losses can be completely ignored.

Zhang Xiaolong turned his head to look at Guangshan, and rejected Wei Dandan's kindness.Said: "My own business, I still do it myself."

"It's not good to be so polite." Wei Dandan pouted, with a harmless expression on his face.

Guangshan sat close, and heard the whispers of the two, the old man remained calm, still looking ahead lovingly.I really sigh in my heart, the young people nowadays are so courageous, they dare to discuss in public the matter of killing and stealing goods, and even discuss it in front of the officers and soldiers, this is the first time I have encountered it.

Guangshan coughed a few times, he was one of the big bosses of the army.

Zhang Xiaolong smiled embarrassingly, Wei Dandan sat grimacing at Guangshan, not afraid at all.

At this time, a piece of Han jade jade bi was brought up, and the auctioneer tried his best to promote it.

Zhang Xiaolong suddenly found a problem, why didn't Lu Guxin come?


At this time, Lu Guxin and Jiang Lan were sitting in a speeding van. Jiang Lan looked back from the driver's seat and asked eagerly, "Uncle Lu, are you okay?"

Lu Guxin was leaning on the back seat, with Zicui's leather bag next to him, covering his forehead with a towel, which was soaked with blood.

"I'm old, I'm old, my body is failing." Lu Guxin was still panting when he spoke, and then scolded: "Wang Shile is a bastard, he is dead, and there are so many troubles left, I will not let him go even if I die. "

A few days ago, Jiang Lan snatched Zicui back with Zhang Xiaolong's help, and then moved into a military guest house in Hongkou District, Shanghai. The administrator here is Jiang Lan's former comrade-in-arms, so it is absolutely safe to live here.

Jiang Lan plans to live until the auction of the mother jade is over, and after getting back the mother jade from Lu Guxin, she will donate the son and mother jade to the country together.

However, Wang Shile died, and Ma Tingzhen, a wealthy Taiwanese businessman who followed Wang Shile, was still alive. Ma Tingzhen was shot for no reason, and Zicui lost the incomparable depression in his heart.

Annoyed, Ma Tingzhen vowed to grab Zimucui, so he contacted Taiwan and paid for a group of triad thugs to go to Shanghai.

When the thugs came, Ma Ting was really surprised to find that they were all big shots, at least in his eyes.

Snakehead, the head of the branch of the Triad Society, personally brought more than 20 subordinates to Shanghai, followed by Shinji Fujiwara, a cadre of the Orchid Society, a branch of the Yamaguchi-gumi in Japan, and [-] subordinates.

Ma Ting was really confused, he couldn't hire such a big brother with the money he spent.

The snake head told Ma Tingzhen straightforwardly that the eldest brother of the triad society took a fancy to Zimucui, and he must snatch Zimucui, so that Ma Tingzhen would cooperate obediently.

Ma Ting really didn't dare to let a fart go, he spent money to invite two Kings of Yama, he has the heart to die.

Fujiwara was smiling all day, saying that he came to help, and it was all for the sincere friendship between the Orchid Club and the Triad Club.Basically no one would believe such words, would the Japanese be so kind?For Fujiwara's own purpose, Yamada, the cadre of the Orchid Club who came to Shanghai a few days ago, was killed. The Tokyo Hotel as a stronghold was raided, and more than [-] people inside were killed. The Orchid Club sent Fujiwara to find out the truth.

Ma Ting really didn't know who robbed Zicui, so he guessed randomly, he thought it was Jiang Lan who robbed Zicui, because Wang Shile fled from Deguang Town to Shanghai to hide from Jiang Lan.

"I'm sure that Zicui is in Jiang Lan's hands. Jiang Lan must have killed Wang Shile and took Zicui away." Ma Ting really didn't guess the process, but he did guess the ending.

Snakehead and Fujiwara sent people to search for Jiang Lan's whereabouts, and finally found Jiang Lan's residence.However, the military hostel is not easy to enter. This is not a Japanese Self-Defense Force barracks, nor is it a Taiwanese military barracks. It is difficult for outsiders to enter.

Jiang Lan lived in the military guest house, like living in a strong castle. The poisonous snake sent people in to find Jiang Lan, and after a little bit of arrogance, she was beaten out by the guards recruited by the army.

Even though Viper's subordinates have practiced, they can't beat professional soldiers.

Fujiwara's subordinates were even more useless. A guy who claimed to be a second-dan karate guy was beaten into the hospital with a set of military punches by a recruit who came to stay. He had to lie down for at least half a month.

It stands to reason that there is no danger at all for Jiang Lan to live in the military guest house, and she can live in peace until the end of the auction.But there was an accident. Lu Guxin also came to Shanghai to participate in the auction. When he heard that Jiang Lan was surrounded, he hired more than 200 migrant workers to drive away the snakeheads and Fujiwara's people.

Snakehead and Fujiwara were few people, so they didn't dare to confront Lu Guxin head-on, and resorted to shameless tricks.That is: call the police.

Hearing the sound of the siren, the migrant workers Lu Guxin hired ran away, even if Lu Guxin paid three times the price, no one was willing to stay.In this way, Lu Guxin was taken back by the police who didn't know the truth for interrogation, and the real villain was indeed hiding in the corner with a smirk.

In order to lure Jiang Lan out, the poisonous snake threatens to kill Lu Guxin, and asks Ma Tingzhen to come to the scene and shoot Mu Cui at all costs.

Before the auction started, Jiang Lan borrowed a van from her comrades, secretly left the military hostel and waited at the gate of the police station.Sure enough, as soon as Lu Guxin left the gate of the police station, someone drove out to kill him. Fortunately, Lu Guxin dodged quickly, only hitting his head on the police gate.Jiang Lan seized the right time, drove the car to the gate of the police station, loaded Lu Guxin on board and fled.

Snakehead and others who had been hiding nearby for a long time also drove behind Jiang Lan's car.

When he found Zicui in the package, Lu Guxin complained: "Xiaolan, you are so ignorant, how could you bring Zicui to Shanghai, and if you lost it, how can you explain to your father."

"Uncle Lu, I'm not far away." Jiang Lan told the story, including how Wang Shile robbed Zicui, endured ten years and killed Jiang Xingde.

"Wang Shile, why didn't I see through him before." Lu Guxin was itchy with hatred.

Jiang Lan recounted the process of taking Zicui back, wrapping up the truth about Wang Shile's death.

"Okay, okay, it's good to die, he won't die, I will kill him again." Lu Guxin kept applauding while clutching his bleeding forehead, and then he asked: "Wang Shile is dead, who chased us to snatch Zicui?" Who are they?"

"It was invited by Ma Tingzhen, a Taiwanese jade merchant who was with Wang Shile. They seem to be members of the triad society. I don't know the details. They called me in the morning and threatened me, asking me to hand over Zicui, or they would kill me." You, they asked Ma Tingzhen to take pictures of Mucui, once they succeed, Zimucui will probably be lost overseas, and I will never let them succeed." Jiang Lan said solemnly.

Lu Guxin patted his head and said remorsefully, "Damn it, it's all my fault. Thinking of the dead brother Jiang and the wrong things I did before, I'm confused. Sigh."

"Uncle Lu, don't blame yourself, we won't let them succeed." At this moment, Jiang Lan forgave Lu Guxin in her heart, and he was still a good friend of her father.

Jiang Xingde's spirit in heaven should also forgive Lu Guxin.

However, Lu Guxin, who blamed himself in his heart, was still very angry. Based on his age, he should be an angry middle-aged man.

"Xiao Lan, hurry up to the auction house and take back Mucui. Uncle Lu got out of the car and fought with them." Lu Guxin rolled up his sleeves, really ready to go out and fight for his life.

Jiang Lan stopped him and said, "Uncle Lu can't, it's important that we go to the auction as soon as possible."

"They are chasing after us. We may not be able to get in the auction house." Lu Guxin said worriedly.

"I can only ask him for help."


Just wondering why Lu Guxin didn't come, Zhang Xiaolong's phone rang.


The phone rings still weirdly, but it sounds like Zhao Xiaoxiao, which is really monstrous, and Zhang Xiaolong has no idea when she changed her ringtone.

It should be modified by computer. Zhang Xiaolong's new mobile phone has never left his body.

Zhang Xiaolong turned around, but couldn't find Zhao Xiaoxiao, and went back to settle the account.

It was Jiang Lan's number displayed on the phone, and Zhang Xiaolong was overjoyed.

"Xiao Lan, where are you?" Zhang Xiaolong answered the phone.

There was a sound of sudden braking from the opposite side, and Lu Guxin's voice could be vaguely heard.

"Xiao Lan, they are rushing over, on the left, don't let them overtake." Lu Guxin yelled, like a gangster who was about to go out to fight.

"Fuck you, I will fight for you."

Lu Guxin seemed to have thrown something out, and bumped into something, vaguely heard the sound of broken glass, and then Lu Guxin cursed again: "Go to hell. Taiwan boy, believe it or not, I took the strait and liberated Taiwan Island, you guys These bastards, go back and eat durians."

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