Zhang Xiaolong's voice was not loud, but it seemed to possess infinite penetrating power, echoing clearly in everyone's ears.

"Houzi said that there are still [-]% of the speeding halls that have not joined the Longtang. I hope that by tomorrow morning, the entire speeding hall on the coastal road will become a whole. This money is my reward for everyone in advance."

The deathly silence, even the sound of the waves hitting the shore, was blocked from people's hearing. All the people were staring at the money in the box, but no one dared to take a step.

Zhang Xiaolong Gujing said calmly: "With the money, you are my brothers, but if you dare to betray me, I will make him pay a heavy price."

Zhang Xiaolong took out a 54 pistol and fired a shot into the sky.


The gunshots called back everyone's spirits, and the boys looked at the gun in Zhang Xiaolong's hand, and then at the money in the box, with more awe in their eyes.

The eyes of some horsemen gradually became fanatical. A big boss with money and guns is not the ideal candidate for them to follow.

At this time, a police car came and stopped on the opposite side of the road. The assistant policeman in the car took a look, then retracted into the police car, as if he hadn't seen anything.

This made the boys even more amazed. This boss is not only rich, but also powerful. Even the police dare not control him.

Zhang Xiaolong put away his gun and said, "What are you looking at, the money is yours."

A horse boy with dyed yellow hair came out first, took out a bundle of money from the box and put it in his pocket, then bowed to Zhang Xiaolong and returned.

Someone took the lead to collect the money, and the people behind came over one after another and took their share.

The horse boys who got the money relaxed a lot, and there were smiles on their faces, but these people were very honest, and no one whispered below.

Zhang Xiaolong nodded in satisfaction, his tone became much gentler.

"Stand up if you have been a soldier." Zhang Xiaolong's words are inexplicable. Most of these bikers are still very young, and some are children who have not yet graduated from school. Not many people.

Although it was inexplicable, there were still twelve people who came out.

Zhang Xiaolong said to Chen Tie: "Tie Dan, these twelve people will follow you in the future, train them well, and teach them all the unique skills of your special forces."

"Brother Landlord, don't worry if you leave it to me." Chen Tie looked at the twelve people carefully, staring at the twelve people with trepidation in his heart.

Zhang Xiaolong asked again: "Those who are studying in high school stand up."

This question made people look at each other even more, this time only three people came out, and one of them was Huang Mao who was the first to come out when he took the money just now.

There are two people left, one is a man with glasses, and the other is a boy with a sunny and handsome face.

Zhang Xiaolong asked kindly: "What are your names, not nicknames, how high are you?"

"Wang Xinlong, third year in high school." Huang Mao was the first to answer.

"Zhu Minglie, senior year." The man with glasses answered second.

"Qi Fanghang, I'm also in my third year of high school." Boyle was the third to answer.

Zhang Xiaolong said: "I don't care about your previous studies, anyone who can score more than 20% in the exam, I will arrange for him to go to college and give him a one-time reward of [-] yuan."

There was a burst of exclamation from the horse boy behind, but most people's eyes were not envious, but a little gloating. They came out to hang out because they didn't like to study, and now forcing them to go back to study is simply their fate.

Sure enough, the boyish boy Qi Fanghang was the first to show embarrassment, and said carefully: "Brother Landlord, I came out to hang around just to play truant, now you tell me to go to school again, you just kill me."

Everyone has their own aspirations, Qi Fanghang is unwilling to study, and Zhang Xiaolong can't force him to go.

Zhang Xiaolong said with a smile: "I didn't force you to score more than [-] in the test. If you don't want to study, I won't force you to study."

"Thank you, landlord." Qi Fanghang hurriedly ran back into the crowd, wiping away his cold sweat as if he had escaped the death penalty.

Zhang Xiaolong knows that some things cannot be forced. Since Qi Fanghang is unwilling to study, forcing is useless.

"Where are you two?" Zhang Xiaolong asked the remaining two people.

"For 20, I will fight." Wang Xinlong was the first to express his willingness to go to school. As soon as he finished speaking, boos came from behind him.

In the eyes of the gangsters, studying hard is not an honorable thing.

Zhu Minglie looked back and said, "I also worked hard. With this 20, my parents don't have to work hard."

Listening to the accent, he is not a native of City A yet.

Zhang Xiaolong asked: "Zhu Minglie, you are from there."

"I'm from Shandong. My parents came to work in city a, so I followed. I studied in high school for the children of migrant workers by the sea, and occasionally worked part-time in the motorcycle repair department. After a long time, I got to know everyone well, so I followed Come out to play around." Zhu Minglie's attitude is very sincere, much more honest than other horse boys, it is really not material to come out to play.

Zhu Minglie was able to become a small boss in the speeding party on the coastal highway in City A, all because of his good car repair skills. The gangsters here have basically asked him to repair cars. Zhu Minglie himself is also forthright, and he never takes money for minor problems. , The speeding party force popularity is quite good.

Zhang Xiaolong nodded with satisfaction, this person can be used.

Zhang Xiaolong said to the rest: "You divide yourself into three groups, Houzi, Zhenyu, and Xiaoqin each lead a group. I will see a unified seaside road tomorrow morning."

"Yes. Boss." The horse boys answered in unison, and each found a familiar brother to form three groups.

The horse boys dispersed, Zhang Xiaolong's original serious attitude eased, he hammered each of Wang Xiaofei's shoulders, showing bright smiles, and all the brothers laughed.

Wang Xinlong was the only boy who didn't leave. Wang Xiaofei beckoned him over, and introduced to Zhang Xiaolong again: "Wang Xinlong, nicknamed Huangmao, is a boy from my cousin's family. He is very savvy."

Wang Xinlong was the first to come out to get the money, which was specially arranged by Wang Xiaofei. Someone set an example, so that the pony boys would not mess up the distribution of money. Wang Xinlong only took a bundle of money, and the people behind did not dare to take more, and waited for everyone to get it After finishing the money, the money in the box happened to be empty.

The money in the box is good.

Zhang Xiaolong nodded, and said earnestly: "Xinlong, go back to school and study hard. In the future, the sphere of influence of Longtang will expand step by step, and you will be exposed to various businesses. It will require a large number of talents of different types. If you work here, you will be more beautiful than your uncle."

"I must study hard, improve every day, and strive to have my uncle photographed on the beach." Everyone laughed as soon as Wang Xinlong finished speaking.

Wang Xiaofei hit Wang Xinlong's head with a chestnut, and cursed: "Damn boy, don't think about it."

Wang Xinlong was beaten up, and still giggled in a haha ​​mood.

Wang Xiaofei kicked Wang Xinlong angrily, and said, "Landlord, there are two more people to introduce to you."

Wang Xiaofei waved to the police car on the opposite side of the road, and the assistant policeman got out of the car and walked over.Wang Xiaofei introduced: "At this time my buddy Zhang Quan. Just call him Daquan."

"Hello, landlord." Zhang Quan took off his hat and saluted.

Zhang Quan parked the car across the road, which was also arranged in advance. Zhang Xiaolong had just arrived in City A and had no time to make friends with the local police, so he used Zhang Quan as a front. Afterwards, Zhang Xiaolong went back to communicate with the local police.

The reason why Zhang Xiaolong made so many arrangements was to win people's hearts and let the newly accepted horses work for him wholeheartedly. Through fighting and expansion, he cultivated a group of brothers who were truly loyal to Longtang.

Zhang Xiaolong took out a bank card and handed it to Zhang Quan, saying, "Daquan, this is for you. You did a good job today, and you will do well in the future. I will not treat my brother badly."

Zhang Quan didn't want to pick it up, so Wang Xiaofei kicked him aside and said, "You can take it if the landlord gives it to you. Don't be a bitch. Are you afraid that we will report and accept bribes?"

"I'm afraid I won't come." Zhang Quan took the bank card and put it in his pocket.Pointing to the film crew that was shooting on the beach in the distance, he said: "Brother Landlord, I heard that you are here to make a movie, and the heroine is the big star Fan Ronger, can you arrange a role for the brothers, and I have also experienced the addiction of making movies .”

Zhang Xiaolong said: "I discussed with the director, maybe I can ask you for a passerby role."

Zhang Quanxi said: "Passers-by are also welcome, thank you landlord brother."

Zhao Xiaoxiao took the opportunity to hug Zhang Xiaolong's arm, blinked her big eyes, and said affectionately: "Brother Landlord, I also want a role."

"No way." Zhang Xiaolong flamboyantly ignored Zhao Xiaoxiao's request.

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