Waking up in the morning, Zhang Xiaolong took Zhao Xiaoxiao by car to Huajie to find Wang Xiaofei, and called Chen Tie, Geng Wei, Zhang Shu, Nan Yong, and Zhong Zhenyu to meet Wang Xiaofei on the way.

The matter to be discussed today is very important, and all core members of Longtang must be present.

The morning of Huajie was very quiet, and it was full of comedy. One by one, the men smelled of rouge sneaked out from the corner, looked around, and after confirming that no one had noticed, they left in a hurry. People were too flustered, and they didn't even dress neatly.

Jiashui World is now Wang Xiaofei's residence in Huajie. When Zhang Xiaolong came to find him, Wang Xiaofei was sleeping with Sister Feiyan and Hede in his arms. He must have been at 3*p last night.

Sister Feiyan Hede won a bonus of 100 million, and she is no longer a lady. Now she is the foreman mother of Jiashui World, and she and Wang Xiaofei are together because of a working relationship, at least Wang Xiaofei said it is a working relationship.

It was inconvenient for Zhang Xiaolong to go in and call him, so he asked a young lady who had just gotten up to go in and wake Wang Xiaofei up, and went to the manager's office to wait by himself.

"Brother Monkey, wake up." The young lady said delicately, pushing Wang Xiaofei a few times.

"Hey." Wang Xiaofei opened his eyes and smirked, pulled the young lady onto the bed, and said, "Sister, come so early, do you miss my brother?"

Feiyan rubbed her eyes and got up, thumped Wang Xiaofei, and cursed: "Damn, yesterday wasn't enough."

He De was too lazy to get up, and rolled to the side to make room for Wang Xiaofei and the new lady.

"Brother Monkey, don't do it." The young lady resisted with all her strength, and was a little bit eager to refuse.

"Have a shot in the morning, and you'll be refreshed all day long, hehe." Wang Xiaofei smirked, and began to tear the young lady's clothes.

"Monkey, the big boss came to see you, is he waiting in the manager's office?" The young lady's words, like a basin of cold water, extinguished Wang Xiaofei's lust all at once.

"Fuck, why didn't you say it earlier." Wang Xiaofei hurriedly jumped out of bed to look for his pants.

The young lady said aggrievedly: "You didn't give others a chance to tell."

After washing up carelessly and getting dressed, Wang Xiaofei ran into the office and asked, "Landlord, is something wrong? Is it Liu Xiaodong calling, or Chen Si calling?"

"Monkey, you can't think of something good." Zhang Xiaolong was tasting wine. Red wine tastes the same no matter how you drink it.

Seeing Wang Xiaofei, Zhao Xiaoxiao pursed her lips and said with a smile: "Monkey, the little monkey is going to come out to breathe."

It was only then that Wang Xiaofei realized that the trousers were not closed, and only Zhao Xiaoxiao, a monster, dared to remind the man that the trousers were not closed.

"You came so early, I thought something serious happened, and it scared me to death." Wang Xiaofei sat on the sofa, took out a cigarette and lit it, put his legs on the coffee table, and stretched out his hand to close the undone trousers, so as not to The second child came out to let the wind go.Only then asked: "Landlord, what's the matter! It's so early."

Zhang Xiaolong said: "I got news that representatives from the Taiwan Triad Society came back to look for our light drug business in the past few days. Shuang Yi died, and they need a new agent."

"Drugs? Didn't you say, we don't touch that stuff?" Wang Xiaofei smoked lazily, thinking that there was nothing to worry about.

Zhang Xiaolong pointed the wine glass in his hand to the light, shook it gently, watched the liquid hanging on the wall of the glass slowly left, and said in a tone as if he could see through the vicissitudes of the world: "Monkey, there are all kinds of people in this world. There are all of them, there are different circles and different orders, black is not necessarily black, white is not necessarily white, if we want to survive in this world, we must abide by these orders."

Wang Xiaofei opened his mouth wide, the cigarette butt fell from his mouth and landed on the back of his hand, which was so hot that he shook it away.

Wang Xiaofei asked in astonishment: "Landlord, what's wrong with you, did you get pinched by Kong Ning's thigh last night?"

It was so easy to feel a little bit of Zen, but Wang Xiaofei's words completely wiped it out. Zhang Xiaolong put down his wine glass, rubbed his head and temples angrily, and said, "Monkey, I want to strangle you to death now."

"Haha." Wang Xiaofei laughed, not embarrassed at all, but felt that what he said just now was powerful.

Zhang Xiaolong knocked on the table, coughed and said, "Comrade Wang Xiaofei, please correct your attitude."

Wang Xiaofei laughed even harder. He held his stomach and said, "Landlord, you don't mean to be an official. Your current posture is definitely at the ministerial level."

Zhang Xiaolong said seriously: "I really want to be an official, and I want to be a high official."

"Ah!" Wang Xiaofei opened his mouth in disbelief, he could tell that Zhang Xiaolong was serious.He said: "Landlord, we are a gangster now, how can we be an official?"

"Why can't you be an official in the underworld? It's fine if you clean it up."

"Landlord, are you serious?" Wang Xiaofei confirmed carefully.

Zhang Xiaolong nodded, and then said: "Not only I want to clean up, but you, Tiedan, Viagra, Madman, Xiaoxiao, Yongzi and Zhenyu also want to clean up. Get ready and hand Huajie to Kaifeng to take care of, and the three He is also responsible for the negotiations of the union, you and Tie Dan, the three of us are ready to prepare, the three towns along the coastal road should re-elect mayors, and we will go to the election together."

"But we're not local."

"The household registration is easy. Daquan is now the deputy director of the coastal police station. It should be no problem to have three household registrations. You will be the mayor of Houzi in the future." Zhang Xiaolong raised his glass and sipped his sip, celebrating Wang Xiaofei's election as mayor in advance.

"The mayor of Houzi is also good, at least he is much better than Bi Ma Wenguan." Wang Xiaofei said mockingly, then shook his head and said: "Landlord, I know you are doing it for my own good, but my character is really not suitable for being an official. Said, we have all been cleansed, who will suppress the sea mule, Kaifeng and Mao Junchi, these three things don't worry."

Zhao Xiaoxiao interjected from the side: "What the monkey said is right, they have all been cleansed, and Hai Mule, Kai Feng, and Mao Junchi must rebel.

Wang Xiaofei also said: "I'm talking, I can't control my own lower body. I will definitely be double-regulated within half a year if I want to be an official. I think it's better to let Madman and Zhenyu accompany you to become an official. Tie Dan is not suitable either. If you don't believe me, ask him yourself."

Zhang Xiaolong knew that the matter was of great importance, related to future development issues, so he had to wait for everyone to arrive.

Soon everyone arrived, and Zhang Xiaolong explained his thoughts again, and then added: "Longtang needs to start from many aspects to develop and grow. We not only need to control the gang, but also control the police, business, and local areas. The government, so that City A can be completely turned into our rear area, our base."

After Zhang Xiaolong finished speaking, he looked at Wang Xiaofei first, and Wang Xiaofei hurriedly said: "Landlord, you have talked a lot, but with my character, I am really not suitable for being an official, so I voluntarily stay in Huajie

Zhang Xiaolong knew Wang Xiaofei's character, he didn't want to be an official, and he couldn't force him.

When Chen Tie heard that he was going to be an official, he was determined not to do it, just like Wang Xiaofei. He said with a wry smile: "Landlord, although we have unified the gang forces in City A, there are still many problems to be solved, and there are still many unstable guys. , I voluntarily lead the team to stay behind and help the monkeys look after the house."

Zhang Xiaolong looked at Geng Wei and Zhang Shu again.

Geng Wei pointed to Zhang Shu and said, "The lunatic used to be a cadre. He is suitable, so I don't care. If Longtang forms a killer team, I am happy to be an instructor."

Before Zhang Shu could speak, everyone pointed at him and said, "Don't speak, you are the only one."

"Fuck, don't bring such a thing, I protest." Zhang Shu fought back angrily, but under the pressure of everyone, he had no choice but to nod in agreement.

Nan Yong was very honest, without waiting for Zhang Xiaolong to ask, he scratched his head and said, "Brother Landlord, I have never been a cadre, so I am not expected to be an official."

Zhao Xiaoxiao and Zhong Zhenyu were also dealt with, Zhao Xiaoxiao stared at Zhong Zhenyu sternly and did not speak, with a cold light in his eyes, like a lioness preparing to attack.

Zhong Zhenyu was seen breaking out in cold sweat, and in the end he had no choice but to accept his fate.

The candidates were selected. Zhang Xiaolong, Zhang Shu, and Zhong Zhenyu were the first to be laundered. Wang Xiaofei and Chen Tie stayed at Huajie. Geng Wei took over the freight company. Zhao Xiaoxiao continued to make her fake credit card.

Everyone studied the future development plan in detail, and then dispersed after assigning tasks.


At this time, in Shenyang, in a high-end residential area in Yuhong District, sorrow and joy echoed sadly, making people weep uncontrollably.

The mourning shed of Chen Cheng, the leader of Leiren Gang, was set up in the center of the community.

This is a big tent with Arabic style, and the decoration is also Arabic style. There are paperwork around the altar, including treasury, silver vault, home appliances, cars, a camel and a dozen Arab dancers, made of paperwork It's very vivid and vivid, but it doesn't quite match the mourning hall.

Everyone who came to offer incense to Chen Cheng was confused by the shape of the altar and a bunch of weird paperwork. If there were no dirges, wreaths, and younger brothers in filial piety shirts, people would think it was Arabian art exhibition.

Chen Cheng's wife, with her seven-year-old son, knelt in the coffin shed to take care of the guests. There was no trace of sadness on her face, and she seemed to be a little happy.

"Sister-in-law, my condolences." A person who came to offer incense comforted.

Chen Cheng's wife said: "Since my son was born, I didn't know where he lived every night. Now, I finally know where he sleeps every night."

"..." The face of the incense burner was blank. Is this telling a ghost story?

At this time, Chen Cheng's horse boy shouted: "The fourth master is here."

Chen Si's car was parked outside the coffin shed, and the originally noisy people quieted down, leaving only the sound of mourning and mourning. When Chen Si got out of the car, the people around him bowed at ninety degrees to say hello: "Hello, Siye!" .”

Standing by the car, Chen Si felt so awkward. A group of younger brothers bowed at ninety degrees, playing with the background music of mourning, as if they were giving him a funeral.

Chen Si rolled his eyes, and although he felt awkward, he still walked into Chen Cheng's coffin. <b

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