The sudden storm ruthlessly destroyed the power supply system of Lanjia Village. After a shocking lightning strike, most of the village's electricity was paralyzed.

Shark Nightclub has its own diesel generator set, and the power outage caused by lightning lasted for 5 minutes before returning to normal.

Zhao Xiaoxiao, who was using a laptop to surf the Internet, did not want to be forced to close the laptop and switch to a bulky desktop computer because of lightning strikes caused by wireless signals.

I was playing Dancing Street on the Internet, when the fat boy ran in in a panic, panting and said: "Big sister, it's not good, little Japan has run away."

"What?" Zhao Xiaoxiao stood up from the bed and asked, "Sheng Cang ran away? His whole family is in our hands. Where else can he go?"

"I really ran away. There was a sudden power outage just now. I went to Little Japan's room to check the equipment. The window was open, but the person was gone. There was a cable hanging out of the window. He should have run along the window." The fat boy looked very flustered, making Sheng Cang ran away, he was responsible.

"I gonna go see."

Zhao Xiaoxiao hurriedly went to Shengcang's studio to check, and the person really ran away. The window was open, and one end of a cable was tied to the radiator, and the other end was sticking out of the window. Judging from the accumulated water in the window sill, Shengcang had been running away for a while. .She looked out the window, it was raining heavily, and it was as dark as night, and she couldn't even see the distant scenery clearly, let alone looking for someone.

Zhao Xiaoxiao asked: "Fat boy, have you notified the landlord?"

Fatty said: "I called, Haiyan Villa said that the landlord brother went to save Kaifeng, and said that someone attacked Kaifeng's residence and injured Kaifeng. I called my mobile phone, but the signal was not good. If you don't get to the landlord, the Kai's phone won't work either."

"Damn it." Zhao Xiaoxiao looked up at the cloudy sky. This kind of weather is really perfect for escape. She said, "I can't wait any longer. I'll send someone out to look for it right away. We must capture Shengcang."

Zhao Xiaoxiao immediately organized Ma Zai to take weapons and go out to hunt down Shengcang, but the people they sent out ran back in less than 10 minutes, turned into drowned chickens, and reported to Zhao Xiaoxiao one by one in a panic: "Sister, head, The wind and waves outside are so strong that the waves are rushing onto the road."

Zhao Xiaoxiao couldn't help it, the storm was getting more and more violent, people might be blown away when they went outside, it was a bit too inhuman to let the horse boys go out to hunt down Shengcang.


At this time, Zhang Xiaolong was also forced to get out of the car. Together with Wang Xiaofei and Chen Tie, they hid in a 20-hour chain supermarket by the side of the road with Wang Xiaofei and Chen Tie. Blocked, can't move forward at all.

The female shopkeeper who was sleeping on the counter saw more than 20 people coming in, and thought it was a business, but before he could laugh, Wang Xiaofei walked to the counter carelessly, put a 97 style on the counter, and cursed : "Spicy mother, this terrible weather is really delaying things."

The face of the female shopkeeper turned pale all of a sudden, and she found that more than 20 people entered the door, each carrying a 97-type rifle.

"What are you looking at, I haven't seen a gun before." Wang Xiaofei cursed angrily, and the shopkeeper bowed his head in fright, trembling all over his body.

Chen Tie said: "Monkey, don't scare the common people."

Wang Xiaofei smiled arrogantly, stared lewdly at the female shopkeeper, and said, "Beauty, what's your name?"

"I..." The female shopkeeper took a few steps back, and found that there was no way to escape in the small counter. She knew that the counter should be bigger in the first place.

Zhang Xiaolong didn't care about this matter, Wang Xiaofei's disposition has changed a lot, if before, Wang Xiaofei had already pounced on to pick up the clothes of the female shopkeeper, now it's just a rape, and he wouldn't really pounce on it.

Zhang Xiaolong walked to the public phone in the supermarket and was about to make a call back to Shark to inquire about the situation. Suddenly, he found that this person seemed to be hiding under a cardboard box behind a shelf. He walked over with a gun and pushed the cardboard box away.

"Ah! Don't, don't kill me." Sheng Cang was hiding under the cardboard box.

Sheng Cang has been planning to escape for a long time. He secretly accumulated some change, took advantage of the storm and escaped from the Shark Nightclub. During the storm, he struggled to leave the coastal road. In a safe place, I hid in this 24-hour supermarket, but I didn't expect Zhang Xiaolong to come too.

Brother's points are too memorized!Sheng Cang has the intention of committing suicide now.

"What a coincidence!" Zhang Xiaolong smiled ferociously.

"Landlord, what's the matter?" Wang Xiaofei also came over, was stunned when he saw Sheng Cang, and said with a smile, "What a coincidence! What's the name of this Japanese man?"

"His name is Sheng Cang." Chen Tie answered Wang Xiaofei's question for Zhang Xiaolong.

The three of them raised their feet together and kicked Sheng Cang flatly. Sheng Cang lay curled up on the ground and kept screaming, "Ah, buidai, ah, buidai."

After kicking for about 10 minutes, Zhang Xiaolong let out a sigh of relief.

Wang Xiaofei and Chen Tie kicked a few more times, Zhang Xiaolong called Shark Nightclub and told Zhao Xiaoxiao and Fatty not to worry, they had already captured Shengcang.

Zhang Xiaolong put down the phone, stared at Sheng Cang coldly and said, "Your whole family is in my hands, do you want them to die?"

Sheng Cang was kicked so hard that he crawled on the ground and hummed, but he couldn't answer right away, so he was kicked by Wang Xiaofei again and scolded angrily, "What did the landlord ask you? You're dumb."

"Ah Budai, I beg you to let me go!" Sheng Cang knelt on the ground and begged, "I'll give you all the data, and anyone can make a fake card! Why do you want to arrest my whole family! Let me go!" ! Please."

Wang Xiaofei couldn't help it: "If I let you go, who will work for us! Someone, break his legs, and see if he can still run in the future."

"Ah, buidai, ah, buidai." Sheng Cang cried out in fright.

Immediately, two horse boys rushed up, dragged the screaming Zhong Shengcang to the stairs, put his legs on the stairs, and one horse boy swung the butt of his gun.


Sheng Cang screamed like a slaughtered pig, his legs were completely twisted and deformed, he rolled on the ground twice and passed out.

Wang Xiaofei scolded dissatisfied: "Prodigal son, don't break the gun."

The female owner of the supermarket was completely dumbfounded. She trembled tremblingly, and her teeth could not help but make a "click, click" sound.

A boy walked over and said: "Remember, you didn't see anything. If this news gets out, you and your family will die."

The shopkeeper nodded desperately.

"Don't scare the common people." Zhang Xiaolong stopped loudly.

At this time, Ma Zai, who was guarding the door, shouted: "Brother Landlord, a bus is coming outside, it seems to be the group that attacked Kai's hometown."

Zhang Xiaolong walked quickly to the window of the supermarket and looked out, only to see a bus full of bullet holes driving towards it in the storm, with a small tree planted on the side window of the bus. Trees, the roots of which are exposed on the car, and the soil at the roots has been washed away by the rain.

This bus was one of the two buses that attacked Kai's house.

Sheng Cang escaped and was chased by the sharks. When he arrived at the 24-hour supermarket, he immediately changed the change and called Japan for help, hoping that someone could come to rescue him.

The Japanese side immediately called Xiangshan who led the team to City A, but because of the storm, the signal was not good, and it took a long time to get through. Rain drove over.

The bus that Xiangshan was riding on was hit by a small flying tree on the way, and three of his subordinates died on the spot. If it was more than one meter flat, Xiangshan would have to see Amaterasu.

When another bus drove through a depression, its wheels sank into a sewer well opened on the side of the road. The people on the bus had to abandon the car and find a place to hide first.

"Get ready to fight." Zhang Xiaolong gave an order, and the horses each found a place to hide. No matter who was in the car, a bloody battle was inevitable.

Wang Xiaofei dragged the female shopkeeper out of the counter. The female shopkeeper gritted her teeth and trembled all over, thinking she was going to be raped. I shot you."

The female shopkeeper just squatted and nodded, she dared not resist now.

The bus was getting closer and closer, and it braked suddenly at the entrance of the supermarket. The wheels and the ground made a strange friction sound, as if fingernails were scratched on the blackboard, and the rear of the bus hit a BYD m6 belonging to Zhang Xiaolong and the others. After stopping, the light in the supermarket suddenly became much darker.

At this time, the Japanese on the bus were already confused by the storm. They wanted to find Shengcang quickly and find a quiet place to rest.

After the car stopped, most people got out of the car, intending to avoid it in the supermarket.

Xiang Shan put on his poncho, looked at the three subordinates who were killed by the little tree, he didn't get out of the car immediately, but bowed three times to the dead body carefully.

Hiding in the supermarket, Zhang Xiaolong behind the freezer pulled the trigger and watched the Japanese get off the car through the gap between the freezers. When the first three people entered the supermarket, Zhang Xiaolong was the first to pull the trigger.

Da da da.

Intensive gunshots rang out, and the glass door and glass window at the main entrance of the supermarket were smashed into pieces at the same time. The shattered toughened glass shattered into lumpy particles, which fell on the ground like running water. The sea breeze brought in.

Da da da.

The gunfire became more and more intense, and the Japanese began to fight back, and a few brave ones began to drag their companions out.

The Japanese screamed and couldn't understand what they were shouting. Of the three Japanese who were knocked down in the first batch, two were headshot, and the remaining one crawled out in a panic. It seemed that these grandchildren were wearing body armor.

The brothers on Zhang Xiaolong's side also wore bulletproof vests, and Zhang Xiaolong was very willing to spend money on armor.

Feeling the bullet flying past his head, Zhang Xiaolong not only didn't feel scared, but also felt a little

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