Xiangshan led his men into a trap, and was thrown upside down by Wang Xiaofei into a gasoline barrel, filled with cement and thrown into the sea.

Poisonous Snake was watching from the sidelines, facing Xiangshan's scolding, he didn't feel guilty at all, what he pursued was profit, and a useless partner was just a pile of garbage. So apt.

Ma Zai of Longtang captured Sheng Cang's daughter and son in a hidden place, and took them to Huajie to meet Sheng Cang who had a broken leg. Wang Xiaofei was responsible for talking about what happened.

Sheng Cang was completely desperate, Xiangshan died, and he lost even his last hope.

Wang Xiaofei was a villain again, and he said viciously to Sheng Cang: "I will ask the doctor to connect your leg, you'd better work honestly, if you dare to run away, I don't mind finding someone to take good care of you daughter."

Looking at the trembling son and daughter, Sheng Cang nodded repeatedly, completely gave up the idea of ​​running away, and worked hard for the safety of the son and daughter, and soon the quality of the fake credit card went up to a higher level.

Zhang Xiaolong personally praised Sheng Cang, arranged for his daughter to take care of him, and let him continue to work hard to destroy the economies of Japan and Taiwan.

Sheng Cang had experienced Zhang Xiaolong's temper, if he resisted a little, he would be beaten up, the brighter Zhang Xiaolong smiled, the more scared Sheng Cang was.

"You guys take a break tonight and ask the monkey to take you out to play or go for a walk. City A is a good place, so you can live here with peace of mind." Zhang Xiaolong comforted Shengcang, trying to be as friendly as possible .

In the old society, the landlords asked the long-term workers to work, and they also had to feed the long-term workers. Shengcang could make fake credit cards worth millions a day, so it was right to give a few pieces of candy.

After killing Xiangshan, Zhang Xiaolong told Wang Xiaofei to release all the captured Japanese.But only a few days later, Xiang Yifeng already called to complain, saying that although Wang Xiaofei released most of the people, he still kept a few beautiful Japanese girls.

Zhang Xiaolong had no choice but to call to ask about the situation.

"Eh? Landlord, I let everyone go!" Wang Xiaofei looked puzzled. After killing Xiangshan, he asked Ma Zai to let everyone go.

Zhang Xiaolong said: "Xiang Yifeng called and said, you still have a few Japanese girls in custody. They all came to China to work. No one noticed in a short time, but after a long time, they will still be discovered."

"Fuck, I'll check. After all, that bastard was disobedient and detained him." Wang Xiaofei cursed, and called Ma Zai to ask.

The result came soon. The detainee was a small cadre, who used to be a subordinate of Shuangyi and specialized in the pornographic industry. He took the opportunity to detain him in order to enjoy himself after training.

Wang Xiaofei called him in and scolded him severely. After being scolded, the small cadre obediently handed him over.

Seeing the Japanese girls being detained, Wang Xiaofei became even more angry. These girls are very juicy, and the small cadres dare to detain them for their own enjoyment. They simply don't care about the boss.

Wang Xiaofei took on the arduous task of taking care of the Japanese girls. Apart from the spiritual ones, he couldn't avoid physical comfort, so it took a few days before he released them.

The matter was finally handled smoothly, and the business with the Triad Society was settled, Zhang Xiaolong breathed a sigh of relief.Now it is at the gate, and the achievements of City A must be stabilized. If City A cannot be maintained, all previous efforts will be wasted.

The situation in the underworld is stable, and the situation in the white way should also transition smoothly.


The three-story County People's Congress is an old house with a history of more than 60 years. Different from the old appearance, the interior decoration is very solemn and elegant in the gorgeousness.

Zhang Xiaolong went to the county people's congress for the first time, and bought a second-hand car in order not to make it public.

But when I arrived at the County People's Congress, I realized that there was no need to worry about showing off. The cheapest car parked in the courtyard was more than 30 yuan.Zhang Xiaolong drove a second-hand car, which seemed particularly conspicuous.

"Drip!" Turning on the anti-theft device on the car, Zhang Xiaolong walked up the steps of the county people's congress.

At this time, a female secretary in a white suit came out to greet her, and suddenly a pure scent of perfume came over her face, enveloping Zhang Xiaolong immediately.

"Hello, Representative Zhang Xiaolong, I am Ai Yunzhou, the secretary arranged by the County People's Congress. Please be more refined in the future." Ai Yunzhou's sweet voice, full of gentleness, makes people feel very comfortable.

Zhang Xiaolong took a closer look. Ai Yunzhou has short hair, glasses, and a bookish demeanor. She should be an intern who just graduated from university.

Ai Yunzhou handed a document to Zhang Xiaolong, explained in detail what the National People's Congress needs to know about the meeting, and then whispered: "Representative Zhang can work at home if he is busy with work, and our secretary will attend the meeting for all representatives."

No wonder the county people's assembly appointed a secretary to fill all the absent positions.NPC meetings are often absent, and representatives have their own jobs, so it is a helpless move to arrange a representative secretary.

Entering the County People's Congress, Zhang Shu and Zhong Zhenyu arrived earlier than Zhang Xiaolong, and were smoking at the smoking spot next to the entrance of the venue.Seeing Zhang Xiaolong coming in, the two stubbed out the cigarettes in their hands and greeted him.

Next to Zhang Shu and Zhong Zhenyu, there is also a female secretary.The secretary next to Zhang Shu was dressed similarly to Ai Yunzhou, but the female secretary behind Zhong Zhenyu was dressed a bit coquettishly.

The secretary behind Zhong Zhenyu is wearing a pink business suit, with white and slender thighs exposed under the ultra-short group, a slender waist, a tall and charming chest, and long golden hair drifting away. Charming, that is a captivating one.

In the solemn National People's Congress, this chick was a bit detached and coquettish, attracting many greedy eyes.

Zhang Xiaolong was also silent for a while, pulled Zhong Zhenyu aside and asked in a low voice: "This is also assigned to you by the National People's Congress? Why is the treatment so different?"

Zhong Zhenyu showed a nasty smile and said: "I brought this by myself. The secretary assigned by the National People's Congress. Most people don't know how to use it. The secretary should bring it by himself. Don't worry. I just told Zhang Shu to let him do it next time." Prepare one yourself."

Zhang Xiaolong said with a smile: "You really understand the market."

Zhong Zhenyu said in embarrassment, "I heard about it from my dad. My dad heard that I just got a village head and said we were not arrogant. He has already entrusted someone and said he will get it for us. A county-level cadre should be."

The reason why Zhang Xiaolong started as the village chief was because he didn't want to make too much publicity. Hearing what Zhong Zhenyu said, he felt that he was a little too careful.After Zhong Zhenyu finished speaking, Zhang Xiaolong asked: "This temporary meeting of the county people's congress will not be arranged by your father."

"Brother Landlord, I'm sorry, I was afraid that you would disagree, so I didn't dare to say it before." Zhong Zhenyu said carefully, he was afraid that Zhang Xiaolong would blame him for making decisions without authorization.

Zhong Zhenyu is his own brother, so he did it out of kindness.Zhang Xiaolong punched him on the shoulder, and said angrily: "Next time you do something, just say it directly. Do I still blame you?"

"Thank you, landlord." Zhong Zhenyu was relieved that he was not blamed.

The county people's congress started, presided over by the county magistrate Nong Lie, a fat man in his 40s.

The county magistrate Nong first talked about some irrelevant matters, then changed the subject and talked about the re-election of the county leadership team. The former secretary of the county party committee had to go to the provincial party school to study a week ago. , According to the county magistrate, the work pressure is too great and needs to be shared by someone.

"I propose that Comrade Zhang Shu temporarily act as secretary of the county party committee. Comrade Zhang Shu has political experience in the army and is qualified for the job of secretary of the county party committee." The proposal of the county magistrate Nong was absolutely shocking.

Zhang Xiaolong looked at the venue worriedly. He was afraid that someone would stand up and object, but when he looked carefully, most of the seats were occupied by secretaries, and a few official representatives seemed to have not heard them, and they were absent-mindedly doing their own things. One of them The representative actually took the psp to the table to play.

The county magistrate made the decision directly, even skipping the voting process.

Next, the county magistrate announced that Zhong Zhenyu would be the secretary of the county youth league committee.

Zhong Zhenyu smiled at Zhang Xiaolong, and said in a low voice, "Brother Landlord, the county magistrate will announce the reelection of the National People's Congress in a while, and you just wait for someone to become the chairman of the National People's Congress."

Fuck, that's fine too!Zhang Xiaolong was completely speechless.

Zhong Zhenyu's next words made him even more speechless. "The current county magistrate, Nong Lie, has been in the county magistrate's position for ten years, and he has long given up the idea of ​​promotion. My father entrusted someone to get him into the provincial party school for gold plating, and he may be promoted to deputy when he comes out. At the city level, he will leave in three days, and you will wait to become the acting county magistrate."

Fuck!Zhang Xiaolong was even more speechless.

"My dad said that after you work for a year, the word agent can be removed. From now on, the whole county along the coast will be our world, regardless of the black and white." Zhong Zhenyu's tone was full of excitement.

The county people's congress held a meeting all morning. After a vote, Zhang Xiaolong was elected as the chairman of the county people's congress. In the afternoon, he sat on the rostrum with Zhang Shu and Zhong Zhenyu.

In a real sense, Longtang agreed to the whole line of the coastal highway, no matter it is black or white.

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