Qin An jumped onto the card table, kicked the poker and banknotes all over the ground, and made a cool pose.

"Brother Landlord, do you think I look like the God of Gamblers played by Chow Yun Fat? My dream since childhood was to be a God of Gamblers. We asked Director Feng to make a new God of Gamblers movie. I must be the leading actor."

Qin An was so excited that he kept posing on the table.

Wang Xiaofei stroked his goatee, put on the expression of a fortune teller on the roadside, and said with a lewd smile: "There must be a lot of rich women on the gambling boat. I heard that the richer women are, the more lewd. I must try it." Give it a try."

Geng Wei heaved a sigh of relief, shook his head, and suppressed the desire in his heart, he didn't want to be like Wang Xiaofei and Qin An, these two bastards were obviously two funny monkeys.

As an elite member from an elite army, Geng Wei was still able to suppress the desire in his heart.

Zhang Xiaolong really can't help them, these hungry wolves!

"Calm down, the shares haven't arrived yet, so why worry!"

Zhang Xiaolong hastily got everyone away, and let these guys go crazy without necessarily causing any trouble.

Zhang Xiaolong called Mao Junchi to find him, one of the former big brothers in City A, since he followed Zhang Xiaolong, he didn't fight and kill like before, and devoted himself to dealing with the legal affairs of Longtang every day, although his prestige was a bit low , there is no shortage of real power and benefits.

Zhang Xiaolong attaches great importance to talents, and of course he will not let Mao Junchi do dangerous work.

Mao Junchi soon came to Jiashui World and had already prepared all the legal procedures. Zhang Xiaolong asked him to wait for a while, and only brought Mao Junchi there when Lu Lun woke up.

It was already sixteen o'clock in the afternoon.

Lu Lun had a good night's sleep with Hede in his arms. He was rich and well maintained. He was still young at such an age. Although he was a little less aggressive, he had long-lasting endurance, which made Hede very enjoyable.

After Lu Lun got up and finished washing, the waiter came to invite him. Hearing that Zhang Xiaolong had been waiting for him for a long time, Lu Lun felt a little embarrassed.

"Xiaolong, I'm getting old, and I slept like hell this time. I'm sorry to keep you waiting."

Lu Lun came to the office and apologized first.

Zhang Xiaolong stood up to meet him, and introduced: "This is my boss Lu Lun Lu, and this is my lawyer Mao Jun Chi Mao."

Lu Lun was very polite, and took the initiative to shake hands with Mao Junchi: "Hello, Lawyer Mao."|

Mao Junchi was well-known in City A before. Lu Lun investigated and found out that this person was Longtang's legal adviser.

"Hello, Boss Lu." Mao Junchi had heard about Lu Lun, and in front of such a big boss, he behaved neither humble nor overbearing, and did not embarrass Long Tang.

Zhang Xiaolong asked Lu Lun to sit down, and asked Mao Junchi to sit between them.

"Old Lu, I have already agreed with the righteous gang. They promised not to attack the gambling boat again, but the condition is that the gambling boat cannot go south to Shanghai. That is to say, after your old gambling boat returns from Taipei, it cannot cross Shanghai is gone, and Taiwan can no longer be visited.”

Zhang Xiaolong was straight to the point, he had fulfilled what he promised.

Lu Lun's expression was very calm. His gambling ship originally operated routes between the Northeast, South Korea and Japan. This time he went south to Taipei because he had the ambition to attack Shanghai. He deserved to be stuck in Taiwan.

Zhang Xiaolong reminded again: "When your ship returns from Taipei, it's best not to approach Shanghai, otherwise I will not be responsible for the trouble!"

"Know, know."

Lu Lun nodded and smiled, and his heart was really moved. He and Chen Si did intend to attack Shanghai, but after thinking about it carefully, it was not worthwhile to take all four gambling boats into it.

"We sign the contract, and when the gambling ship returns safely to Dalian Port, our contract will automatically take effect, and 16% will go to me."

Zhang Xiaolong motioned for Mao Junchi to take out the legal documents. Lu Lun didn't sign it right away, but took a closer look at it. This is a businessman's habit. If you don't read the contract clearly, you will suffer a lot.

When Lu Lun was looking at the contract, Zhang Xiaolong and Mao Junchi didn't make a sound. After Lu Lun put down the contract, Zhang Xiaolong asked, "Mr. Lu, do you think this contract is reasonable."

Lu Lun nodded and said, "It's reasonable, you are not afraid that I will cancel your shares."

Zhang Xiaolong didn't answer, just picked up a pen to sign the contract, and then pushed the contract back to Lu Lun.

In this contract, Zhang Xiaolong specially wrote that he only takes dry shares, and Lu Lun can take back these shares at any time, which is regarded as giving Lu Lun enough face.

Zhang Xiaolong has also thought about it, don't be too greedy now, things have to be done little by little, as long as his own Longtang is not there, Lu Lun will not dare to take back the 16% of the shares.

Moreover, Zhang Xiaolong does not need to take a penny, nor does he need to participate in management, he can get dividends while sitting at home.

Lu Lun admires Zhang Xiaolong more and more now. This calmness is rare, and this scheming is also rare. It seems that this contract Lu Lun occupies a dominant position, and the shares given out can be taken back at any time, but he really dares to take it back. ?

In Lu Lun's view, Zhang Xiaolong's huge concession is a threat at all.

Lu Lun picked up a pen, signed the contract, handed a copy to Zhang Xiaolong, and kept a copy for himself.

Zhang Xiaolong originally wanted to celebrate with wine, but looking at the counterfeit wine in the wine cabinet, forget it, it would be embarrassing to bring out the wine.Zhang Xiaolong also wanted to stay Lu Lun in City A for a few days, but Lu Lun politely declined, and left City A by express that night.

Hearing that Zhang Xiaolong and Lu Lun had reached an agreement, Gong Huaixiang felt a little unhappy. He went to Zhang Xiaolong that night and asked, "Xiaolong, have you really cooperated with Lu Lun?"

"Yes, I took his 16% stake in the casino."

Zhang Xiaolong nodded, there is nothing to hide about this kind of thing.

"Xiaolong, Lu Lun and Chen Si are in the same group. They are working together. They have no good intentions. What if they attack Shanghai when they return from Taiwan?"

Gong Huaixiang was very anxious, he was afraid that Zhang Xiaolong would make peace with Chen Si, and the Yi Gang would be in trouble.

Zhang Xiaolong saw Gong Huaixiang's worry, and explained: "Mr. Gong, don't worry. I do business with Lu Lun, and I have to fight Chen Si. If you are still worried, you can call your family and ask." Miss, I have already made this matter clear to Dandan."

"But what if they sneak attack Shanghai." Gong Huaixiang was extremely worried.

"I will." Gong Huaixiang called back on the spot to inquire. After getting a definite answer, he was still very worried.He said: "Xiaolong, I'm still worried. I'm going to take my brother back to Shanghai for defense. I'll leave the north to you for the time being."

"No problem." Zhang Xiaolong still understood.

"I'm leaving."

Gong Huaixiang also brought people back to Shanghai that night. His reason was very good. He wanted to make things difficult for Zhang Xiaolong and let him fight against the Thunder Gang alone in Dengzhou.

Seeing Gong Huaixiang leave, Wang Xiaofei said: "This old man still thinks he is a stable person, why is he so impatient."

Zhang Xiaolong said confidently: "If he cares, he will be in chaos. Let them go back. He will be back soon."

Zhang Xiaolong still respects Lao Qiang, Gong Huaixiang. This person has been loyal to the Yi Gang for decades. Since Yang Yihui was injured, the burden of the entire Yi Gang has been placed on him. Frizz up.

It would be terrible if the old man was allowed to calm down.

"He is so restless, he will come back." Wang Xiaofei didn't quite believe it.

Zhang Xiaolong said with a smile: "Mr. Gong has not been calm recently, but the Yi Gang still has a golden baby, that little girl is not usually calm."

Sure enough, Gong Huaixiang just returned to Shanghai, and went northward again. He was embarrassed to go back to City A, so he asked someone to bring a message back and led them to Qingdao directly.

Because Wei Dandan said: "Old Uncle Gun, if you come back now, what if Zhang Xiaolong makes peace with Chen Si in the north? He will take advantage of Lu Lun."

It's all for profit to come out to hang out these years. If Zhang Xiaolong can accept the benefits from Lu Lun, wouldn't he make peace with Chen Si.

But this worry is basically unnecessary.

Kong Ning is also worried that Zhang Xiaolong will make peace with Chen Si. She has endured so many years just to avenge her parents and family, and Zhang Xiaolong is her last hope.

After Lu Lun and Zhang Xiaolong signed the contract, Kong Ning went to Zhang Xiaolong that night and asked cautiously, "Xiaolong, will you make peace with Chen Si?"

Zhang Xiaolong saw Kongning's worry, hugged him in his arms and kissed his hair and said, "Don't worry. Chen Sihui will be Liwei's best target during my rise. We can't get along, and we will never make peace."

"Xiaolong, what are you going to do?" Kong Ning leaned against Zhang Xiaolong's arms, not daring to look up at Zhang Xiaolong, she was afraid that all this was a lie.

Zhang Xiaolong knew Kong Ning's worry, he would not say anything, when Chen Si died, there was no need to explain everything.

Lu Lun's gambling boat arrived in Dalian smoothly, and the business started. Chen Si thought that Zhang Xiaolong was going to make peace with him, so he rushed to Dalian to meet Lu Lun. The two of them didn't know what they talked about. Angry, Lu Lun acted helplessly.

As to what they talked about no one knows.

Chen Si's side is very chaotic, his allies are very weak, the Japanese sent killers to kill Gu Guang and Xu Weiguo to take revenge, but they disappeared mysteriously within 24 hours after landing. Many more gasoline drums filled with cement.

After being hit again, the Yamaguchi-gumi completely misfired. They work well in Japan, but they really can't play well in China. The Chinese Baidao will not help the Japanese.

Chen Si called President Jiang, the founder of the alliance and the president of the triad society, to talk about the matter. This old guy was even more powerful, and he was directly admitted to the hospital to pretend to be sick, and never showed his face again.

When he hung up the phone, Chen Si was too angry to speak.

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